

全部话题 - 话题: inflow
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发帖数: 830
Looking today at week-over-week shares outstanding changes among the
universe of ETFs covered at ETF Channel, one standout is the Proshares Ultra
Silver (AMEX: AGQ) where we have detected an approximate $64.0 million
dollar inflow — that’s a 6.9% increase week over week in outstanding units
(from 13,800,028 to 14,750,028).
Why the inflow made price drop so much?
发帖数: 112
Inflow 战队主页:http://www.inflowgaming.net/index.php
直播链接 有中文解说http://www.livestream.com/mnmsc2
发帖数: 12088
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Investors are beginning to put money into
SPDR Gold Trust again, a fresh signal that demand for gold is picking up.
Over the four weeks ended Feb 8, SPDR Gold Trust /quotes/comstock/13*!gld/
quotes/nls/gld (GLD 109.65, +0.18, +0.16%) had net inflows of $10.6 million,
according to data provided by TrimTabs Investment Research.
发帖数: 15334
得看是smart money还是dumb money inflow。
发帖数: 20645
来自主题: Stock版 - Money Inflow Update
1. financial
2. technology
3. consumer good
发帖数: 309
来自主题: Stock版 - Money Inflow Update
block trade inflow是大宗交易在绿色tick上加起来减掉红色tick加起来,跟etf不一
发帖数: 112
不好意思 我们也没预料到居然有50人的上限 而且还满了。。。比赛结束 我们赢了
MnM 7:4 Inflow
01 MnM.Frankie(Z) < Inf.Jerran(T) @SW
02 MnM.iCC(P) > Inf.Jerran(T) @SW
03 MnM.iCC(P) > Inf.Copperhead(P) @LT
04 MnM.iCC(P) < Inf.Looky(Z) @SS
05 MnM.Ember(T) > Inf.Looky(Z) @LT
06 MnM.Ember(T) < Inf.Spades(T) @MO
07 MnM.DPR(Z) > Inf.Spades(T) @MO
08 MnM.DPR(Z) > Inf.Lexink(Z) @BS
09 MnM.DPR(Z) > Inf.Goodfight(Z) @LT
10 MnM.DPR(Z) < Inf.JTPROG(T) @SW
11 MnM.Magician(P)> Inf.JTPROG(Z) @DQ
发帖数: 15421
【 以下文字转载自 bullish_bear 俱乐部 】
发信人: sayid (伴着月光漫步,一生有你), 信区: bullish_bear
标 题: Re: 这个资金流向很有意思。不过不知道是不是美国基金。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 31 00:30:44 2015, 美东)
(Adds quotes on inflows at bond and precious metal funds)
Jan 30 (Reuters) - Investors worldwide poured $3.8 billion into stock funds
in the week ended on Wednesday, marking the first inflows in four weeks,
according to data released on Friday by EPFR Global and Bank of America
Merrill Lynch.
Bond funds worldwide, meanwhile, attracted $10.1 bill... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 23
CounterPunch / By Michael Hudson
Why the U.S. Has Launched a New Financial World War -- and How the Rest of
the World Will Fight Back
Finance is the new form of warfare -- without the expense of a military
overhead and an occupation against unwilling hosts.
October 12, 2010 |
What is to stop U.S. banks and their customers from creating $1 tril... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 23
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: sadenessless (were-human transforming), 信区: USANews
标 题: Why the U.S. Has Launched a New Financial World War
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 19 02:29:46 2010, 美东)
CounterPunch / By Michael Hudson
Why the U.S. Has Launched a New Financial World War -- and How the Rest of
the World Will Fight Back
Finance is the new form of wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15421
1. 股票基金都在inflows 没有特指美欧,我估计都应该是inflow,这是最近4周一来第
一次inflows。之前都是outflow 难怪大盘这么猪。
2. 贵金属基金也在inflows。看来下周金子还的牛。
3. high yeilds 垃圾债inflows 最明显。欧洲央行qe 的最大任务。
4。欧洲equity funds inflows 看来欧洲股票下周继续涨
发帖数: 29846
Spike: Average of 149 Youths Cross Border Each Day in August
by Caroline May22 Sep 20150
The number of Latin American migrants crossing the southern border increased
this August compared to last August, boosting the total migrant inflow to
more than 240,000 since 2011.
According to Border Patrol’s apprehension data, a cross-border flow of 4,
632 “unaccompanied minors” and 5,158 people in “family units” was
recorded arrested last month. The Associated Press notes that is a 52
percent increase ove... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16603
Bond funds had estimated inflows of $5.73 billion, compared to estimated
inflows of $6.64 billion during the previous week. Taxable bond funds saw
estimated inflows of $4.98 billion, while municipal bond funds had estimated
inflows of $756 million.
发帖数: 2844
来自主题: Stock版 - 这个周末最大的消息
Equity inflows highest since 2007
Equity funds have this week seen the strongest inflows for more than five
years as global shares surged and a compromise deal on the US fiscal cliff
boosted investor confidence.
Net inflows into equity funds monitored by data provider EPFR hit $22.2
billion (6.62 billion) in the week to January 9th – the highest since
September 2007 and the second highest since comparable data began in 1996.
Emerging market and world funds, which had record inflows, drove mu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2829
来自主题: EB23版 - 反对3012的人
Opposing Comments
Today at 11:31am bradphi in Arizona's 3rd District
I oppose H.R. 3012: Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act because...While
it is not a perfect solution, the per-country limit ensures that no one
country monopolizes the employment based immigration system. If this cap is
removed, two countries (India and China) will monopolize the employment
based immigration system to the detriment of over 180 other countries. This
7... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 56
来自主题: EB23版 - VB? What VB?
I never tried to predict a VB but, as a freshman here, I did do some
homework to try to understand VB and its trend.
With that being said, the next VB is doomed meaningful, especially for those
PDs in the second half of 2008 (calendar year) and later, as this VB, after
6.5 months' leap forward, should give us some decision power to keep
looking forward or simply turn away from this website before coming back in
FY2013 (October 2012).
Those who previously predicted VB movements probably have to r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6727
对不了解此人的兄弟,一点背景介绍,此人任Financial Times 的
associate editor and chief economics commentator,
自吹"widely considered to be one of the world's most
influential writers on economics"(见wiki), 典型的犹太人,
骨子里极端反华, 表面上道貌岸然, 纵观其对中国评论的历史记录, 即使
是貌似公正的为中国经济发展进言, 其隐藏的立场也无不是损害中国的利益
以维护西方白人的利益. 现在连这层遮羞布也不要了, 赤裸裸的宣传美国用
印纸钞票的办法来迫使人民币升职. 此文发表于 FT 网站, 显示其道德水准
之底下, 以基本接近海平面的海拔高度. 一言以蔽之, 其中心思想即是, 我
就是要发烂渣, 就是要耍赖来搞你. 现在QE已经成为美国迫使人民币升值之
基本武器, 未来中国压力会很大.
Why America is going to win the global currency battle
By Martin Wolf
Publ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6963
Indian economy will grow faster than Chinese in 2012: World Bank
TNN, Jan 14, 2011, 02.06am IST
Comments (5)
Tags:World Economic Outlook|World Bank|Chinese Economy
NEW DELHI: For years, India has been the second-fastest growing major econom
y in the world. That could soon change, with the Indian economy set to expan
d at a faster pace than the Chinese economy in 2012, according to World Bank
This is expected to result from continued high demand in India even as measu
res to combat ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1430
The pdf file is found here: http://www.cis.org/articles/2011/north-skilled-workers.pdf
From Center for Immigration Studies
David North is a CIS fellow who has studied the interaction of immigration
and U.S. labor markets for more than 30 years.
There have been numerous recent proposals to increase the admission of
skilled workers from abroad. This paper examines some of the issues
surrounding the question of skille... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6723
【提 要】明代中后期的1550年代至1800年代,中国保持巨额贸易顺差达两个半世
这在世界贸易史上实属罕见。大卫.休谟[1] 著名的“价格—铸币流动机制”理论也无
一个“吸泵”,形象地说明了明清中国吸纳了当时全球巨量白银... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2767
来自主题: _Stockcafeteria版 - 经济与股市
Doug Kass持有类似的bullish观点,下面是他的文章链接。但是他的话里面有一段让我
“The Investment Company Institute reports that March outflows from stock
funds totaled $9.62 billion compared to an inflow of $1.38 billion in
February. That figure included $2.02 billion of funds committed to non-U.S.
equity markets, however, bringing the outflow from domestic equity funds to
$11.63 billion in March compared to an outflow of only $1.66 billion in
Fixed-income funds continue to thrive, as highlighted by an inflow of nea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3718
In recent years, issues about China’s pension system have repeatedly hit a
public nerve. Among the hot topics consistently reappearing on the front
pages of Chinese papers, the social pension perhaps has the most direct
influence on people’s lives. Yet convoluted procedures and a lack of
transparency make the institution hard to decipher. From time to time,
officials, scholars and citizens have debated whether there is a major
crisi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 978
Chinese economic reform and development: achievements, emerging challenges
and unfinished tasks
Jane Golley and Ligang Song
The economic transformation that has taken place in China since the late
1970s is now regarded as one of the most significant social changes in human
history. Within just three decades, China has succeeded in transforming
itself from a centrally-planned closed economy into one of the world’s most
dynamic and globally-integrated market economies. The dynamics unleashed by
De... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3577
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: dmjz (东门虎西门豹), 信区: Stock
标 题: The Year the Hedge-Fund Model Stalled on Main Street
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 30 21:38:33 2015, 美东)
The Year the Hedge-Fund Model Stalled on Main Street
By Sarah Krouse
Dec. 30, 2015 6:59 p.m. ET
Enthusiasm is fading for what had become one of the hottest products in
asset management
It is getting a lot harder to sell hedge-fund-style investing to the masses.
More “liquid alternative” mutual funds closed in 2015 than in any year on
record,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3577
来自主题: Military版 - SONY 2015年亏损63亿美元

(Wall Street Journal) – More “liquid alternative” mutual funds closed in
2015 than in any year on record, according to research firm Morningstar Inc.
, as inflows dwindled and performance weakened.
The results show that enthusiasm is fading for what had emerged in
recent years as one of the hottest products in asset management—funds that
combine hedge-fund strategies like shorting stock with the dai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
A federal District Court judge in Maryland is considering whether he should
order President Donald Trump to double the annual inflow of refugees up to
100,000 per year.
Any demand by the judge that the federal government airbus an extra 50,000
migrants — including many adherents of Islam’s sharia legal system — into
American neighborhoods would be an unusual intervention into government
roles normally left to the elected President and Congress.
If actually implemented, the judge’s plan also woul... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6125
来自主题: ChinaStock版 - 简单惊人的“M1定买卖”投资法
For long term player(months/years), this is real good references.
As I said before, there are only one force that drive the market
not FA, not TA, but, MONEY,
the money inflow > outflow:bull,
the money outflow > inflow: bear.
It's that simple
发帖数: 3577
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: dmjz (东门虎西门豹), 信区: Stock
标 题: The Year the Hedge-Fund Model Stalled on Main Street
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 30 21:38:33 2015, 美东)
The Year the Hedge-Fund Model Stalled on Main Street
By Sarah Krouse
Dec. 30, 2015 6:59 p.m. ET
Enthusiasm is fading for what had become one of the hottest products in
asset management
It is getting a lot harder to sell hedge-fund-style investing to the masses.
More “liquid alternative” mutual funds closed in 2015 than in any year on
record,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 121
来自主题: Stock版 - BIDU ER - UP UP UP
Baidu Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2010 Results 01/31 04:
30 PM
BEIJING, Jan. 31, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Baidu, Inc. (BIDU:$108.63,00$2.
09,001.96%) , the leading Chinese language Internet search provider, today
announced its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal
year ended December 31, 2010(1).
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20081103/BAIDULOGO)
Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2010 Highlights
Total revenues in the fourth quarter of 2010 were ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1972
By Larry Gellar
After a terrible third quarter, many investors are looking for ways to
profit in Q4. While PowerShares QQQ (QQQ) and SPDR S&P 500 (SPY) might get
decent returns, here are 5 stocks that will beat the market:
Applied Materials, Inc. (AMAT) has been falling, as the tech sector
continues to sell off. Weak demand is hurting these companies quite a bit,
although Applied Materials recently made a lucrative deal with Toshiba. The
company will provide Toshiba with specialized software, an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 135
来自主题: Stock版 - Baidu ER out
Baidu Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2012 Results
BEIJING, Feb. 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Baidu, Inc. (NASDAQ: BIDU), the
leading Chinese language Internet search provider, today announced its
unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended
December 31, 2012[1].
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20081103/BAIDULOGO )
Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2012 Highlights
Total revenues in the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 403
/***ETF Trends***/
One day does not make a trend, but Monday’s action in a pair of popular
leveraged gold miners exchange traded funds could signal that another big
move is coming for this heavily traded, volatile segment of the ETF market.
On Monday, traders pulled $33.2 million from the Direxion Daily Gold Miners
Bull 3X Shares (NUGT) while adding almost $13 million to the Direxion Daily
Gold Miners Bear 3X Shares (DUST) , according to Direxion data. NUGT and
DUST are the triple-leveraged answ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16594
来自主题: Stock版 - AAPL 这个股票长期FA
ACKMAN 的话,可以解释去年苹果股价的各种不如意。。。。
我早给你们概括了:“ It is dragged down by its own weigh, period.”
细节很复杂,包括什么growth to value呀,index fund buy when price up,index
fund sell when price down. The trend continue until value investors come up.
一句话就是: 老大不好当。
Index Funds
Index funds and other passive managers have gained increasing market share
in recent years. Investing capital in funds and ETFs that track major market
indexes has recently been what one might call a “one way b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16594
来自主题: Stock版 - AAPL 这个股票长期FA
ACKMAN 的话,可以解释去年苹果股价的各种不如意。。。。
我早给你们概括了:“ It is dragged down by its own weigh, period.”
细节很复杂,包括什么growth to value呀,index fund buy when price up,index
fund sell when price down. The trend continue until value investors come up.
一句话就是: 老大不好当。
Index Funds
Index funds and other passive managers have gained increasing market share
in recent years. Investing capital in funds and ETFs that track major market
indexes has recently been what one might call a “one way b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
Hedge funds see worst year since financial crisis
Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Tuesday, 20 Oct 2015 | 10:25 AM ETCNBC.com
Hedge fund performance over the past three months hearkened back to the bad
old days of the financial crisis.
Poor performance weighed heavily on the industry, causing the biggest net
loss in capital since the fourth quarter of 2008, according to data released
Tuesday by HFR. The $95 billion decline pushed total industry assets
further from the vaunted $3 trillion mark.
As m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3577
The Year the Hedge-Fund Model Stalled on Main Street
By Sarah Krouse
Dec. 30, 2015 6:59 p.m. ET
Enthusiasm is fading for what had become one of the hottest products in
asset management
It is getting a lot harder to sell hedge-fund-style investing to the masses.
More “liquid alternative” mutual funds closed in 2015 than in any year on
record, according to research firm Morningstar Inc., as inflows dwindled and
performance weakened.
The results show that enthusiasm is fading for what had emerged i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 331
完全不用啊。3季度末持有33% XIV,只要这几个月慢慢把这些库存卖给那些ETF的
ETF有inflow的话,CS可以去market上short UX来对冲头寸,也可以把自己的XIV头寸卖
发帖数: 6339
Hyde Park, Chicago
Founding and early years
In 1853, Paul Cornell, a real estate speculator and cousin of Cornell
University founder Ezra Cornell, purchased 300 acres (1.2 km2) of land[8]
between 51st and 55th streets along the shore of Lake Michigan,[9] with the
idea of attracting other Chicago businessmen and their families to the area.
In 1861, Hyde Park was incorporated as an independent township (called Hyde
Park Township)
In 1891 (two years after Hyde Park was annex... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 359
来自主题: Economics版 - 中国是金融危机的罪魁祸首?
You are right. Their message is that there's nothing to worry about "global
imbalances", per se. However, their work has established the causality
between the U.S capital inflow and China financial market.
Many ppl, including Caballero himself, seem to believe that there is a
relationship between capital inflow and financial crisis.
The links to get "中国是金融危机的罪魁祸首 " have two steps.

发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: ME版 - 请流体力学的专家指教
If the tank is well mixed and inflow and outflow are steady then no problem.
Reason there will be surface elevation slope change is flow rates on two
sides are different! Avoid sudden start of flow, meaning open the hose
slowly . If can't do that, then the simplest solution is to put a mixer
inside the tank such as a under water fan. The fan can be simply two blades
rotating passively in the tank if the inflow and outflow are positioned
asymmetrically, e.g. near diagonal corners at the botto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2241
【 以下文字转载自 PraticalTrading 俱乐部 】
发信人: googer (cutie), 信区: PraticalTrading
标 题: 10 Bank Stocks Trading Below Book Value
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 18 16:41:23 2010, 美东)
这篇文章对几个小银行做了一个比较好的介绍,包括 fbp, crbc, pcbc, bbx, prwt,
snv, bpop, cse, mi & c. 每个包括目前状态,资本充足与否,可能风险,资产品质以及可
能前景。 可做参考。
10 Bank Stocks Trading Below Book Value
First Bancorp (FBP) of San Juan, Puerto Rico was trading for just 0.2 times
tangible book value on Thursday, when shares closed at $1.06, down 54% year-
TARP Status: ... 阅读全帖
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 下页 末页 (共7页)