

全部话题 - 话题: moment
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发帖数: 6339
Stefanie Sun
The Straits Times
Publication Date : 23-03-2015
Singapore pop singer looks to her parents as living testimonials of LKY's
I am a product of the late 1970s. At the edge of Gen X, not quite Gen Y.
Those in my generation have parents who are part of the "grateful old" - a
term I coined not to offend, but in recognition of the fact that they had
witnessed the transition from what was to what is under the rule of the PAP.
But my peers and I grew up in a different era. We read Engl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 285
The Art of Zen and Stress Reduction
Date: Thursday, September 26
Time: 7:00PM-9:00PM (check-in starts at 6:30PM)
Place: 1871 Broadway, New York City
Speaker: Professor Jimmy Yu (student of Master Sheng Yen)
The modern life is characterized by an ever increasing pace, with constantly
shifting priorities and challenges. The myriad conveniences and
opportunities offered by the modern world come at a paradoxical cost of
increasing stress to our body, mind and spirit, frequently leaving us
feeling st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 475
来自主题: PHILADELPHIA版 - 元旦了,发包子了
Before the golden sun sets,
old calender is destroyed,
And mobile networks get jammed,
I wish in new year every moment is enjoyed
( Characters: 132)
For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.Happy New Year. (Characters:
God Bless U N Keep U Safe Not Only Today But Throughout Life That is coming
In Ur Way. May Year To Follow Be Among The Best U ve Ever Spend. (
Characters: 140)
Beauty..... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1639
来自主题: PHILADELPHIA版 - [合集] 元旦了,发包子了
betwfingers (费帮_城管大叔) 于 (Thu Dec 30 14:08:07 2010, 美东) 提到:
ARSU (do people need thick road) 于 (Thu Dec 30 14:41:08 2010, 美东) 提到:
recoco (Teddybaobao) 于 (Thu Dec 30 16:23:31 2010, 美东) 提到:

... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9094
Speaking of moral standard, some may believe that going after a more
profitable future or more beautiful wife (regardless of one's promise to one
's former employer and wife) is human nature, then I am sorry to hear that
there exists such a dim view of humankind.
Granted, these days in too many households, kids are being raised without a
strong moral compass. Therefore, unless things change for the better, that
dim view of human nature may ultimately become a self fulfilling prophecy.
Nonethele... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17878
peoplehill (恋旧) 于 (Mon Jul 1 11:19:53 2013, 美东) 提到:
网友爆料,称有一位姐妹置身于度日如年已有一年多,她的老公叫“吴洪流” ,一名
吴洪流: 生于 1962年11月5日
吴洪流现为北京凯悦宁科技有限公司董事长兼总经理。其背... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2741
Elie Wiesel's Acceptance Speech, on the occasion of the award of the Nobel
Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1986
It is with a profound sense of humility that I accept the honor you have
chosen to bestow upon me. I know: your choice transcends me. This both
frightens and pleases me.
It frightens me because I wonder: do I have the right to represent the
multitudes who have perished? Do I have the right to accept this great honor
on their behalf? ... I do not. That would be presumptuous. No one ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9501
来自主题: Basketball版 - Jeremy Lin's HS coach is surprised, too
In this great but divided land of ours, there's but one thing on which we
can all agree: Jeremy Lin is not underpublicized. There is no immediate
danger of Lin being relegated to the small print, or being ignored on the
nightly highlights. The man is a full-blown phenomenon, but you already knew
Still, if you want to know how crazy this whole thing has gotten, don't ask
Lin. Ask Peter Diepenbrock.
Jeremy Lin and his Palo Alto High School teammates won a state title for
coach Peter Diepenbr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9501
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Jeremy Lin Was Going to be Traded to the Raptors
The New York Knicks were about to trade Jeremy Lin. The Raptors would
recieve Lin, and Anthony Carter, 36 year old point guard averaging 2 points
per game would be sent to the Knicks. The Knicks decided Lin would get one
more shot to prove his worth against the Nets, and that ended up being his
breakout game. Exactly a week after the Raptors missed out on Lin and
Linsanity began, Lin hit the game winning shot to get the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 41236
来自主题: Cycling版 - [合集] There is something called faith
OnEdge (四十不惑) 于 (Fri Jul 20 23:20:35 2012, 美东) 提到:
I am certainly not a pro. But, if I were I would certainly have the same
worry. You are certainly free to scoff It off if you even care enough to
read the article in the first place. But, I choose to have faith in someone
like Frank Schleck and his teammate Chris Horner. Please don't ask me how I
know Frank is not lying. I don't. If I do and I can prove it, that's not
called faith.
http://velonews.com... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19210
【 以下文字转载自 Tri 讨论区 】
发信人: ironman2015 (IMMT 2013), 信区: Tri
标 题: 2013 Fall Epic 8 Hour 比赛报告
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 30 01:16:04 2013, 美东)
What a great day of racing at Hardwood Hill! Never rode my mountain bike so
long in a day before. But since it's the only day I get to ride my MTB for
the year, why not make it worth the trip. After all 8-hour is relatively
short compared to an 11-hour Ironman.
All the preparation was checking out last year's solo result and comparing
that to my times in the re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2284
小铁提醒我:大赛的报告要赶紧贴了 - 其实这个是我第六年参加比赛,完全的审美疲
先说一声:这次比赛,实现了六年以来的夙愿 - 赢了!
This was my sixth year participating in PPD Beach to Battleship relay.
Naturally when you have been doing a thing over and over, there is certainly
some tiresome growing and you are less interested to talk about it. But in
this year, there were a few drastic moments worthwhile to memorize.
Race day, 8AM, I walked into medical tent at T1. Everyone inside was a
little surprised since... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 473
来自主题: Fishing版 - Meeting a Squirrel (转载)
To those who love nature, happy Moon Festival!
【 以下文字转载自 Poetry 讨论区 】
发信人: banzimian (板子面), 信区: Poetry
标 题: Meeting a Squirrel
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 12 03:47:09 2011, 美东)
Meeting a Squirrel
At the old park I wandered and met you.
A casual weekend afternoon is this.
Why all the haste? my darling,I asked you,
In running through rose bushes, grass and trees.
So busy you were I saw, thereupon,
I mumbled gentle words about your dance.
It startled me, you quickly turned around.
Attached to the bark... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1733
来自主题: Fitness版 - [bssd] 奔段视频
Common errors performing classic lifts.
by Sergey Rudnev,IKSFA Master Coach
a) JERK 1. Error: feet are wider than shoulder width Consequences: reduction
of the distance and speed of acceleration of the bells, worsening of the
efficiency of the leg work. Causes: low mobility in the hip joints or lack
of knowledge of physics. Correction: in the former case I recommend rocking
in gymnastic bridge or static rack holds (1-5 minutes). In the latter I
recommend revising the section of physics entitled ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1733
来自主题: Fitness版 - [bssd] 奔段视频
Common errors performing classic lifts.
by Sergey Rudnev,IKSFA Master Coach
a) JERK 1. Error: feet are wider than shoulder width Consequences: reduction
of the distance and speed of acceleration of the bells, worsening of the
efficiency of the leg work. Causes: low mobility in the hip joints or lack
of knowledge of physics. Correction: in the former case I recommend rocking
in gymnastic bridge or static rack holds (1-5 minutes). In the latter I
recommend revising the section of physics entitled ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9694
9 to 1 before the series started against Philly. At that moment, Philly and
Yankees were huge favor to win the title.
There were 4 teams left at that moment (to win the WS, not just going to WS)
. So 9-1 was quite reasonable. Plus how many people would put money on
Giants at that moment as most of the money was on Philly and Yankees?
In preseason, it would have to be at least 30-1.
发帖数: 9375

嗯 你的直觉是对的
全版顿时跪了 没人敢骂小资 只有膜拜
For example ......
"I was at a loss for words, when a particularly cynical friend of mine, in
the context of after-lunch speculations on social economics, asked, "how
much is a reasonable salary for an English literature professor in a random
liberal art college?" I don't have a legitimate counter argument to the
underlying accusation that in an ideal society of ruthless economic
efficiency, we shouldn't be dragging the dead weight of redu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 44903
thread23 (noname) 于 (Tue Oct 8 23:17:32 2013, 美东) 提到:
球率最高的地方。平时弃妇不咋样,一到12月的Arrowhead-----god bless you!
RB分两类,一类是雷大米这类north-south的壮汉型power RB,尼玛吨位大、蛮壮得象
头牛,常常把拦截的LB撞个人仰马翻;另一类是我... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12862

不住激动,在冠军戒指上自封"Team of the Decade!!" 班霸给出的画外音是“这个年
代才过了一半,猴急个啥呀!! 结果,在Decade剩下的一半里 ,洋基赢了四次,
其中两次是击败勇士赢得,显然更符合Team of the Decade的头衔。” 嗯,班霸当年
,把Braves称做是Team of the 1st half of that decade。:) 拿下95年的ws后,可
想而知Braves organization当时肯定是十分的乐观,因为Braves其实90年代初就已经
Phillies给upset了,然后赶... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 44903
Dominique (曾经木木难为水 除却金色不是云) 于 (Sat Dec 30 14:37:39 2017, 美东) 提到:

不住激动,在冠军戒指上自封"Team of the Decade!!" 班霸给出的画外音是“这个年
代才过了一半,猴急个啥呀!! 结果,在Decade剩下的一半里 ,洋基赢了四次,
其中两次是击败勇士赢得,显然更符合Team of the Decade的头衔。” 嗯,班霸当年
,把Braves称做是Team of the 1st half of that decade。:) 拿下95年的ws后,可
想而知Bra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10498
来自主题: MJ版 - Scorta(2)
[continue from Phoenix impression, but title was changed to Scorta that
seems to be better fit. Scorta in Italian means escort.]
The flight was in the air for about 5 hours before landing at sky harbor
airport. At about the local time 6:30 p.m., our phone got reconnected. Maria
and I kept talking and talking until our voice transmitting through air to
other side stronger than radio waves. We carried our familiar smile on our
faces, but soon stared at each other’s eyes, in the middle of hall way ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1440
Veronica: Welcome to our online Customer Service! How may I assist you today?
5D*******: When I login into my account, I received this message
5D*******: Your account has been suspended. Please contact customer service
for more information.
5D*******: Must speak to Becky or Tony on Live Help. Becky 01/04/15 16:10ET
Veronica: Hello
Veronica: Can you please confirm your account number and password?
5D*******: account number: 5D*******
5D*******: password: **********
Veronica: Just a mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 158
来自主题: NCAA版 - KU篮球-Allen Fieldhouse (3)
Fifty most memorable moments in Allen Fieldhouse
Fifty most memorable moments
J-W Staff Reports
Monday, February 28, 2005
Here's a look at 50 of the most memorable sporting moments in Allen
Fieldhouse's storied history, in no particular order, as chosen by the
Journal-World staff:
1. Wilt Chamberlain scores 52 points in his college debut, an 87-69 victory
over Northwestern on Dec. 3, 1956. Chamberlain converts 20 of 29 flo
发帖数: 4593
Alabama a puzzling Iron Bowl favorite
Published: Monday, November 22, 2010, 12:28 PM Updated: Monday,
November 22, 2010, 12:30 PM
Question 1: Is the Iron Bowl the best rivalry in the country? Why or
why not? What is your greatest Iron Bowl memory? Worst Iron Bowl
memory? If you're an outsider to the game/state, on what level of
crazy do you place Alabama and Auburn fans?
On the grounds of having beaten all of tho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3119
来自主题: NCAA版 - 看来ohio 还是有几个清醒的
The blueprint was so clear, wasn’t it?
Terrelle Pryor would come to Ohio, learn to follow Jim Tressel’s virtues on
and off the field, then leave a star
with the world at his fingertips.
Terrelle Pryor (right, with Corey Brown)
Michigan had the offense that was more appropriate (so it seemed then) and
the depth chart was more
friendly for the player that he was at the moment. Yet he chose Ohio for the
player he wanted to be. He
could hav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 988
Thought I’d stop in from Spartan Nation and drop some knowledge about the
BEAT-DOWN coming your way this year courtesy of the Green and White. That’s
right, Coach Dantonio and Company are going to wreck the Wolverines and
their new Mexican coach, just like my buddy Jason wrecks vaginas. (Up top,
brah!) And after the smoke clears, Coach Dantonio is going to step onto the
field, whip out his nine-inch dick, and fuck a live wolverine in the middle
of the field – because he can, playa’!
Seriously – ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1984
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Editorial by John Ziegler
How the Media May Have Framed Joe Paterno
Regardless of what the final facts eventually say about what Joe Paterno
knew and when he knew it about Jerry Sandusky’s criminal behavior (contrary
to what the media has told you, they aren’t in yet), the media coverage of
him has been as unfair as any I have ever seen. In some ways, the media
coverage of Joe Paterno has combined s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8892
来自主题: NCAA版 - 雪绒花在那一刻绽放
嘿嘿,偶的“小辫子”可不好抓啊。我为啥用引号?英语用“ lip-syncing ”,也显
The New York Times reported Thursday night that the lovely, contemplative
musical preface to President Obama's swearing in was, essentially, a fake:
Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, Anthony McGill and Gabriela Montero were not
actually playing "Air and Simple Gifts" live for the million-plus crowd
gathered on the mall (plus all the television sets a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12977
来自主题: Running版 - marathon race report
Scott Jurek said:
"There are always going to be really high moments and really low moments,
and its' in the toughest moment that I get the purest glimpse of who I am
and what makes me tick."
I was always reflecting his word, and I found it again in your race, truly
inspiring and truly amazing!
Big congratulations!
I cannot run as often for quite some time due to personal reasons, but I
will come back, and at least once in my life, be a true runner and test
myself in the race
发帖数: 13580
4 o’clock, I woke up 5 minutes before the alarm went off. After a light
breakfast of 1.5 bagels and a can of congee, my wife drove me to downtown
where the shuttle stop is. There was very little traffic around 5 even if
this is a big race. I arrived at the start line around 5:30.
The weather was perfect, low 50's with a layer of thin clouds. I was hoping
that the clouds would stay for the whole morning. It was a little chilly
even with long sleeves on. So I wrapped myself in the trash bag I'd br... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9040
Dead Heat: Photo Finish. Who wins when two athletes finish at the same time?
It doesn't get more dramatic than the 2012 Olympic Women's Triathlon finish
in London with a gold medal at stake.
After a furious sprint to the end, Nicola Spirig of Switzerland and Lisa
Norden of Sweden both finished in the same official time: 1:59:48. The final
result was determined by race officials after reviewing the photo finish:
Spirig won gold, Norden took Silver.
But did officials make the right call? We gather... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5098
来自主题: Running版 - [合集] My running and my interviews
caomuzhiren (xinran) 于 (Sun May 29 17:56:39 2011, 美东) 提到:
As I am still on the journey of job hunting, please bear me sharing some
experiences with you, which were related with our running-:)
The first interview was in a research university at the beginning of April.
During an earlier interview, someone asked me what do I do during a weekend.
I said "I like running", and somehow I mentioned the 50miler I run in Feb.
Later in the individual meeting wit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2077
来自主题: Running版 - 重归波士顿
Once upon a time, Tim and I were trashing talking. Tim said something like
Jerry got lucky to break 3 hours and that's why Jerry never did it again.
Ever since then, Jerry wanted to title his next sub 3 report as: Oops, I did
it again!
Training has been lame, if you ever read my blog. But I do want to touch
three highlights:
Dallas marathon cancellation: I was able to pick myself up from the
disappointment within an hour of kn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2115
来自主题: Running版 - My Report of 2014 Boston Marathon
《My Report of 2014 Boston Marathon》(4-24-2014)
Dear Running Friends,
I got back from Boston on Tuesday, April 22, then, flew to China to visit my
loved ones on Wednesday, April 23. Here I am, writing this report to you
from my parents’ house. Once again, thank you all for the support.
Part 1: Boston Marathon Training
For about 10 weeks, I trained wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 263
来自主题: Ski版 - 探讨适合Tahoe的雪板
各位高手由衷钦佩。看到Line Prophet 100 vs Mantra的那个贴,恨不得钻地洞里。如
一样,很新鲜。雪场人不多,不用排队。REI或者Sports Basement有卖$50/二张成人票
用当天的票钱用来买下年度的季票,外带免费buddy ticket和BBQ。Kirkwood雪场开到
白天太阳很足,夜晚下点小雪。见到有不少人穿短袖短... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 920
Josep Guardiola described himself as a "privileged" coach after his FC
Barcelona side produced another masterclass to defeat Manchester United
FC in the UEFA Champions League final for the second time in three
Guardiola also paid tribute to man of the match Lionel Messi and Carles
Puyol, who allowed éric Abidal to collect the trophy, and confirmed he
would stay in charge at the Camp Nou next season. Sir Alex Ferguson,
meanwhile, could only admire his conquerors, the United manager
admitti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7918
One Win, 106 Losses, No Traffic Lights
Gianni Cipriano for The New York Times
Fabio Bollini , 28, a defender for the San Marino national soccer team, also
works at Traslocasa, the moving company he owns with his brother. More
Photos »
Published: October 10, 2011
SAN MARINO — This is Europe’s smallest recognized soccer nation,
population 30,000, and victories in the tiny, mountaintop republic are as
rare as the coins and stamps that make it... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19210
【 以下文字转载自 Triathlon 俱乐部 】
发信人: ironman2015 (ironman circa 2015), 信区: Triathlon
标 题: Bigfuzzydoug’s Ten Points to Swimming
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 13 09:23:59 2011, 美东)
Bigfuzzydoug’s Ten Points to Swimming:
The key to swimming is reducing drag, not endurance or powering through the
water. This is not just my opinion; it is the law of physics. I’ll
explain it in a simple way: When you bike, you have to push air in front of
you ou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18174
来自主题: Swimming版 - 索尼退役
Swimmer Rebecca Soni's Olympic heroics have a (painful) back story
March 19, 2013|By Lisa Dillman
U.S. swimmer Rebecca Soni celebrates with a splash after winning the women's
200-meter breaststroke, setting a world record at 2:19:59 at the 2012
London Olympics.
U.S. swimmer Rebecca Soni celebrates with a splash after winning the women's
… (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles…)
When Rebecca Soni took down one of the hallowed barriers in swimming —
becoming the fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 978
Has swimming got you over a barrel?
One of the most misunderstood elements in swimming is the "high elbow." For
most of my life that phrase has been spoken with the intent of the elbow
remaining high during the swimmer's recovery, that is, when the swimmer's
arm is out of the water. The listener also, more often than not, thinks of
recovery when he hears "high elbow."
In fact, most really good swimmers I know don't give much of a hoot what you
do with your arm when it's not in ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1835
来自主题: Tennis版 - 比赛录像
以下是1999年法网,Agassi career slam第五盘下雨休息时和教练 Gilbert 的对白:
(Agassi) He is too good, Brad. He's just too good. I can't beat him. This
fucker is six-five, serving bombs, never missing. He's hurting me with his
serve, he's hurting me with his backhand, I can't get back in the point on
this serve. I don't have this.
Gilbert 盯着Agassi, 无语。
(Agassi) Are you kidding me? You are going to pick this moment, of all
moments, to decide not to talk? Of all times, this is the moment... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1696
来自主题: Tennis版 - 彭帅,好样的!
Admire her fighting at the last two match points, almost incapable of moving
But she needs some better coaching. In the first set at the critical moments
, she kept looking around between points, instead of focusing on the point.
She played denfensively at the tight moment, hoping UE from opponent, but
with double-handed forehand, she simply must attack like Sarapova.
In the deciding moment of set 1, she went onto the net with a good move. The
Japan girl returned, Peng reached out and could bl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16592
It hurts like hell now at this moment. The heartbreak and the disappointment.
Regardless, I will not let this keep me down. That is not how I was raised
and that is not the kind of person that I am. I thrive on challenges and on
difficult moments that on the other side make me better and make me stronger.
It's infuriating for the tournament to end on this note and to have to face
this knot in my stomach. But it's not the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12862
来自主题: Tennis版 - 不得不感慨豆子不是常人
From Tennis World Magazine
All the injuries Rafael Nadal has had during his career
Gatto Luigi - 22-10-2016 - View: 10016
Tennis - His career saw him suffer injuries almost every year, 2015 expected
where he had what described a "mental injury", the fact of being unable to
control emotions in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - some FTP news/answers from 2+2 ftp Doug
Hi all,
I've been collecting your unanswered questions and asking around for the
answers. The questions that I've "ignored" aren't answered below either
because I don't have any kind of answer yet, I can't give any kind answer
yet, or they're more general questions that I'll answer in the next "normal"
Answers thread. Apologies for the long delay in posting again here.
Unfortunately the process of posting is drawn way out when my an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19737
来自主题: TVGame版 - 罗马全战II引起众怒了
Sorry From CA - Current State of the Game and What Happens Next (06 Sep 2013
Hi All - I’m just posting this on behalf of Mike Simpson, Creative Director
on Total War here at Creative Assembly - Bart CA
Hi everyone and thanks for your attention.
We just wanted to reassure you that we do know it’s an extremely annoying
and frustrating time for some of you at the moment and we are working around
the clock t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12988
来自主题: yoga版 - Let there Peace on Earth
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our father
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
And live each moment
With peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.
发帖数: 147
Capricorn Horoscope for November 2010
By Susan Miller
In October, you had a number of tough career decisions to make, and although
Mars brought moments of
levity, the overall message of last month was to buckle down and work. Now,
sweet relief is at hand.
November will be breezy and much more fun, and planets will work to get you
out more and make new
friends. Everything begins with the new moon, November 6.
You may find that suddenly you really do have time to catch up with pals for
lunches, di... 阅读全帖
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