

全部话题 - 话题: precedent
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发帖数: 38600
Who won the war? Russians take a different view on D-Day
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Sitting in the shade on a bench in the center of Moscow,
77-year-old Galina Makarenko pauses for several seconds before delivering
her blunt opinion on the Allied D-Day landings of June 6, 1944.
"It helped us a little. But only a little," says the sprightly physicist,
who was evacuated from Moscow to Kazakhstan to escape the conflict that
Westerners call Wor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12375

Who won the war? Russians take a different view on D-Day
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Sitting in the shade on a bench in the center of Moscow,
77-year-old Galina Makarenko pauses for several seconds before delivering
her blunt opinion on the Allied D-Day landings of June 6, 1944.
"It helped us a little. But only a little," says the sprightly physicist,
who was evacuated from Moscow to Kazakhstan to escape the conflict that
Westerner... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12955

Your selective memory is shocking.
Mao didn't set the crazy goals for great leap. Liu and Deng's people did.
Total population did not decrease during the 3 years. The rate of increase
It wasn't anything extraordinary Liu did that stabilized economy, but
instead simply stopping the ridiculous "satellites" that he encouraged.
The method of deposing Liu set an incredibly bad precedence, but he
basically got what he deserved.
Culture revolution was chaotic not purely because of Mao, b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - Did the Devil Netanyahu really say this?
“We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” —
Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood,
Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel Stein wrote in the
Los Angeles Times in December 2008. “I just care that we get to keep
running them.”
Mr Stein’s reckless candor in admitting that the Jews ran America was to
cost him... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
MEMORANDUM FOR: Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Ukraine and NATO
We the undersigned are longtime veterans of U.S. intelligence. We take the
unusual step of writing this open letter to you to ensure that you have an
opportunity to be briefed on our views prior to the NATO summit on September
You need to know, for example, that accusations of a major Russian "invasion
" of Ukraine appear not to be supported by reliable i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 34
Q & A: Collectively, we failed Our children on Beckel
Q: Why is 80-20 harking back to Beckel again? This is old news.
A: Beckel demonized us, without repercussion. It set an extremely DAN-
GEROUS precedent against us. It will be an albatross around our collective
neck FOREVER, until we've righted the wrong! The timid ones in our
community have become quiet. NOT 80-20. We'll persist.
Q: Beckel has apologized. He said he was aiming at the Chinese government.
Isn't that enough?
A: No, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1038
来自主题: Military版 - 红死病 by 杰克.伦敦 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 paladin 讨论区 】
发信人: atack (小军号), 信区: paladin
标 题: 红死病 by 杰克.伦敦
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 11 07:40:15 2014, 美东)
The way led along upon what had once been the embankment of a railroad. But
no train had run upon it for many years. The forest on either side swelled
up the slopes of the embankment and crested across it in a green wave of
trees and bushes. The trail was as narrow as a man's body, and was no more
than a wild-animal runway.
Occasionally, a piece of rusty iron, showing through ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 新发现的化石支持进化论
Newly discovered fossil could prove a problem for creationists
Researchers report that they've found the missing link between an ancient
aquatic predator and its ancestors on land. Ichthyosaurs, the dolphin-like
reptiles that lived in the sea during the time of the dinosaurs, evolved
from terrestrial creatures that made their way back into the water over time.
But the fossil record for the lineage has been spotty, without a clear li... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 42116
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama vowed on Friday to respond to
a devastating cyber attack on Sony Pictures that he blamed on North Korea,
and scolded the Hollywood studio for caving in to what he described as a
dictator trying to impose censorship in the United States.
Obama said he wished that Sony had spoken to him first before yanking the
movie, suggesting it could set a bad precedent. "I think they made a mistake
," he said.
He added: "We... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 中美金融大决战正在进行中......
Total mind control of the masses program:
1. Get control of central banks.
2. Take control of emerging market governments through massive loans where
it is apparent that the governments will not be able to repay and then will
be subject to control through capital ;markets or through the International
Monetary Fund. Use the IMF "privatization" and "austerity" programs to take
control of national assets and sell them to cronies at low prices.
3. Use intelligence services to manipulate or destabil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4385
来自主题: Military版 - 来一段总书记的英语
Research on science and technology has a long record in human history. New
breakthroughs have been made continuously, with the development and progress
of society, on the way toward the heights of science. Over the past 100
years from thelate 19th century to the present, science and technology have
evolvedthrough the ages of electrification, atomic energy, aviation, and
space, and now enter the information age. They are the most important
impetus to the
development of human civiliza... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - G家劈柴的W2 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: G家劈柴的W2 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 1 10:04:01 2015, 美东)
看看G家劈柴的W2, 激励一下:
Quora some internal reaction from G insiders:
”- If you notice though, the people who are getting these contracts are no
longer engineers or technology leaders. They are product managers, talking
heads, who have visibility for the work that engineers do. In the past
google used... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - G家劈柴的W2 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: G家劈柴的W2 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 1 10:04:01 2015, 美东)
看看G家劈柴的W2, 激励一下:
Quora some internal reaction from G insiders:
”- If you notice though, the people who are getting these contracts are no
longer engineers or technology leaders. They are product managers, talking
heads, who have visibility for the work that engineers do. In the past
google used... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2883
The woman there was hysterical, yes, but I bet at the first minutes even
that woman did not realize Akai got shot. How many men who got shot in chest
would be able to run down 2 flights? Less than a chance for winning a 649.
And Liang the both were in a panic for gun discharge, were debating whether
to report the discharge so they were distracted. Even if they could hear
some yelling 3 flights down, how in hell they could relate that to
themselves? Yes he did a terrible job, but he did not do so... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: Chinese immigrant denied California law license gets one 1
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 17 21:45:51 2015, 美东)
The Chinese American community has yet to fully
recover from the injustice of the Chinese
Exclusion Act. This unjust law caused population
collapse of Chinese Americans, effectively sterilizing the few remaining,
driven them to illegal business-dealings and caused
general distrust of authority in the Chine... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 475
来自主题: Military版 - 史料:1950年朝鲜战争
1950年的李承晚不是什么好东西。金日成在南北Korea 民众中的声望越来越高。 李承
晚等不下去了。 金日成要求南北全民选举,李承晚不干,并大肆抓捕、杀害左派人士。
“As to who did in reality fire that shot, Bruce Cumings, head of the
history department at the University of Chicago, gave us the definitive
answer in his two-volume The Origins of the Korean War, and The Korean War:
A History: the Korean war started during the American occupation of the
South, and it was Rhee, with help from his American sponsors, who initiated
a series of attacks that well preceded the North Ko... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 媒体诬华对策:黑客事件 (转载)
大家快去宣传NYT FOLLOW UP:趁热打铁,落井下石。
NYT wrote a piece about 2800+ comments following the original "
Pink Slips at Disney. But First, Training Foreign Replacements."Article.
The public outrage is palpable. What they don't know is: even federal and
state IT contracts
have been staffed with mostly H1b laborers that is why we are in a
cybersecurity pickle. Similar giant hacks at Sony Pictures, Anthem,Premera,
Target,Homedepot,JPM Chase, were all preceded by Indian outsourcers
repl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
大家快去宣传NYT FOLLOW UP:趁热打铁,落井下石。
NYT wrote a piece about 2800+ comments following the original "
Pink Slips at Disney. But First, Training Foreign Replacements."Article.
The public outrage is palpable. What they don't know is: even federal and
state IT contracts have been staffed with mostly H1b laborers that is why we
are in a
cybersecurity pickle. Similar giant hacks at Sony Pictures, Anthem,Premera,
Target,Homedepot,JPM Chase, were all preceded by Indian outsourcers
repl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33185
CHELLANEY: China’s salami-slicing strategy
Beijing works incessantly to redraw political boundaries
By Brahma Chellaney - - Tuesday, August 6, 2013
China’s furtive, incremental encroachments into neighboring countries’
borderlands have emerged as a key destabilizing element in Asia. While China
’s navy and a part of its air force focus on asserting revanchist
territorial and maritime claims in the South China and East China seas, it... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5245
The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation. Its decisions set
precedents that all other courts then follow, and no lower court can ever
supersede a Supreme Court decision. In fact, not even Congress or the
president can change, reject or ignore a Supreme Court decision.
American law operates under the doctrine of stare decisis, which means that
prior decisions should be maintained -- even if the current court would
otherwise rule differe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5245
The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation. Its decisions set
precedents that all other courts then follow, and no lower court can ever
supersede a Supreme Court decision. In fact, not even Congress or the
president can change, reject or ignore a Supreme Court decision.
American law operates under the doctrine of stare decisis, which means that
prior decisions should be maintained -- even if the current court would
otherwise rule differently -- and that lower courts must... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 中国要为希腊买单
China provides a liquidity transfer of UST to the BoG allowing it to print (
either Euros or Drachmas) using the USTs as reserve funds. In exchange China
gets added access to Greek ports and southern European markets and Russia
gets the gas line they want.
In addition this would give Spain and Portugal a precedent allowing them to
provide access to China in exchange for soon to be worthless US paper.
发帖数: 149
Five Chinese Navy ships are sailing in international waters in the Bering
Sea off Alaska, the Pentagon said on Wednesday, in an apparent first for
China's military that came as U.S. President Barack Obama toured the U.S.
Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said it was the first time the United
States had seen Chinese navy ships in the Bering Sea.
"We respect the freedom of all nations to operate military vessels in
international waters in accordance with international law," Davis said.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 105
existence precedes essence (l'existence précède l'essence).
发帖数: 1990
来自主题: Military版 - 米国人的神逻辑
相关法律定义,可能散落在数个Act里,还有一系列precedent cases,可能需要念几百
发帖数: 10330
'Destroy them!': Ben Carson sets aside his gentle approach after Paris
jihadi attacks and calls for global resolve to 'eliminate them before they
eliminate us'
The usually timid presidential candidate stepped out of his shell on Friday
to urge an aggressive posture against Islamist terrorists
His call to arms came hours after coordinated terror attacks paralyzed Paris
Carson spoke at a summit of Florida Republicans and took questions from the
press afterward
Donald Trump preceded him on stage bu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3577
来自主题: Military版 - 我们医院今天公布一个脑残政策

“ The business of the lawyer, simply stated, is to win
if possible without violating the law.”
[His is not the search for truth as such.]
------- Judge Marvin Frankel
(The phrase "if possible" is meant to modify what
precedes it, but the danger of slippage is well known.)
发帖数: 61690
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Monday appeared to recalibrate remarks she
made last week that suggested the Justice Department could investigate
speech deemed hostile towards Muslims.
"Of course, we prosecute deeds and not words," she said at a press
conference Monday to announce an unrelated civil rights investigation into
the Chicago Police Department.
Some conservatives criticized Lynch for her comments to a Muslim civil
rights group, where she lamented "the ability of people to issue hateful... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 42116
来自主题: Military版 - 我们公司要赶走老中PHD了。
Broad understanding of multiple disciplines and industry practices.
Considerable judgment to work independently toward general results.
Meet new or unusual requirements.
Decisions controlled by precedent and within limits of established policies.
Develops business, financial and strategic skills.
Decision point to pursue managerial track.
发帖数: 323
only 江浙 citizens met with certain financial critieria have the right to
precedence of immigrants:
1. beautiful 白牛
2. decent Chinese*
other ppl of colour immigration is a NO-NO
*terms and conditions may apply
applicants from 安徽,河南,etc would be rejected for no reason, all rights
reserved by 江浙 government department of immigration, application fee is
non-refundable, though
发帖数: 48111
来自主题: Military版 - 美国富人真是享有特权啊
another one, 好好反思下所谓的“美国top 律师OJ案才charge $500”之类的
anyway, 菌斑这里放眼望去, 就没几个从事正经职业的货。
High-Stakes Litigators Can Cost $1,500 An Hour
By Andrew Strickler
Law360, New York (May 28, 2014, 8:03 PM ET) -- General counsel have to reach
deep into their wallets to fight bet-the-company litigation as top
litigators now command a whopping $1,500 an hour, according to a survey
released Wednesday.
The Billing Rate Reference 2014 report, jointly created by Law360 and BTI
Consulting Group Inc., shows senio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 22064
来自主题: Military版 - 朝鲜战争战俘遣返问题
谚文 한국 전쟁 포로 교환
汉字 韓國戰爭捕虜交換問題
文观部式 Hanguk Jeonjaeng Poro Gyohwan Munje
马-赖式 Han'guk Chŏnjaeng P’oro Kyohwan Munje
双方为战俘遣返的原则进行了一系列激烈的外交和军事斗争。1953年3月... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2883
现在看来,华人最可能遇到的反对意见是:白人杀黑人可以get away,所以中国人杀黑
人也可以get away吗?你们当我们黑人的命不是命吗?
What we are seeking is not “get away”, but to follow the precedent set by
the justice system and by the Black community in a similar case, in which a
White officer when patrolling a housing project got startled and shot a
Black man dead, and was found by a mostly Black grand jury not criminally
responsible for the accident. We don’t want Liang to be treated differently
by the system and the Black community j... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16092
来自主题: Military版 - Breaking news: 梁Peter免于牢狱
正屁们别自作多情了,是因为这个先例,英美法系一般都follow precedent:
Thompson noted in the letter to the judge that in 2008, former NYPD cop
Brian Conroy was sentenced to five years probation and 500 hours of
community service after he was convicted of criminally negligent homicide in
the fatal shooting of Ousmane Zongo in Manhattan.
发帖数: 16092
precedent case:
Thompson noted in the letter to the judge that in 2008, former NYPD cop
Brian Conroy was sentenced to five years probation and 500 hours of
community service after he was convicted of criminally negligent homicide in
the fatal shooting of Ousmane Zongo in Manhattan.
发帖数: 9770
送交者: 中国小诸侯 2016年03月26日00:37:19 于 [天下论坛]
,习近平长达161页的论文一是从未发表过, 二是传闻已久请别人代笔一事并非空穴来
拿文凭。由此, 当习近平实际成为中国的最高领导人后, 有人就说习近平成为国家主
工农兵学员学历不算数。 如果习近平在当选中共领导人时不提他的博士学历, 他现在
就主动了, 因为他的上台和... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3030
That might be the reason the DA wanted to repeal. The DA actually
recommended a lighter sentence than what the judge handed down.
6 month vs. 5 years probation
500 hrs vs 800 hrs probation
It's a fight among the prosecutor (who wanted to use this case to set up an
example to be used against white cops in the future), the judge (who is
trying to get over this as soon as he possibly can without any change of
precedent), and the police department (who discarded Liang as fast as they
can even though... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6889
来自主题: Military版 - 这家左弊掐的真好看
Dear Mother & Father,
I've studied at your school for 25 years.
You raised me to believe that regardless of income, race, or gender,
education is a fundamental right and one of the most valuable & liberating
experiences in life.
You taught me how to love and that all people: gay, straight, queer, trans--
deserve to express their love equally, openly and safely.
You brought me to an anti-war rally when I was 10 years old to hear Howard
Zinn and Tim Robbins speak on the US military industrial comp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 兔子现在发了,血口吞黑金
When the price of oil was above $100, many of the less developed oil
exporting OPEC members decided to capitalize on the high price and cash out
by taking loans using the precious liquid as collateral very much the same
way corporate CEOs use their inflated stock (thanks to buybacks they
authorize) to issue loans against said stock. And why not: even if the price
of oil were to drop, they could just pump more until the principal is
repaid. However, few oil exporters anticipated such an acute oil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Sweet.. now this sets the precedent that I can set up my own home server and
handle all of my official, classified govt email and forms through my own
server... right?? Oh, wait.. there's rules for "them" and rules for us. If
this was ANYONE else, they would have been indicted and charged. This is #$%
$ ludicrous. Not only did she mishandle classified information, but she
deleted evidence and obstructed the investigation along the way. How is all
of that OK? By not pursuing charges, the FBI is s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2883
说得好。这就是美国为什么在战争之前要先打舆论战的原因。英语俗语说 Talks
precede walks - 言在行先。先要把打仗的道理讲得令人信服,才能够师出有名。
发帖数: 5245
Alcohol-Related Driving Offenses Vary Among States
Every state in the United States has laws prohibiting driving while under
the influence of alcohol. States tend to refer to the offense/s as driving
while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI). While most
state statutes are similar, there are some variations among the different
state laws.
Aggravating Factors on DUI May Result in Serious Immigration Consequences
A simple DUI without any aggravating circumstances typically would ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7349
来自主题: Military版 - 否认大屠杀的后果
a court case in which Irving sues Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin Books,
two years later, contending that her book, “Denying the Holocaust,”
accused him of being a Hitler admirer and Nazi apologist, thus ruining his
livelihood and reputation as a historian.
Beginning on Jan. 11, 2000, the trial lasted 32 days in court and resulted
in a resounding judgment in favor of the defendants. The ruling set a
historic precedent because it established for the first time in court that
the Holocaust actu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15372
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 希拉里已经把大选胜利庆功会的地点都订好了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 1 10:07:09 2016, 美东)
Hillary already planning her giant victory celebration
This could blow up in her face!
Hillary Clinton may have lit the fuse for her victory celebration a little
too soon — by planning an Election Night explosion of fireworks over the
Hudson River, The Post has learned.
Law enforcement officials and the FDNY have been told to prepare for a barge
-launched pyrotech... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
China’s air pollution has cut life expectancy by an average of 5.5 years in
the north of the country and caused higher rates of lung cancer, heart
attacks and strokes, according to a groundbreaking study.
The worsening toxic smog in northern China became an issue of national
concern after air pollution spiked to record levels in Beijing in January,
prompting worried citizens to ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
China’s air pollution has cut life expectancy by an average of 5.5 years in
the north of the country and caused higher rates of lung cancer, heart
attacks and strokes, according to a groundbreaking study.
The worsening toxic smog in northern China became an issue of national
concern after air pollution spiked to record levels in Beijing in January,
prompting worried citizens to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5434
发信人: coollpe (coollpe), 信区: USANews
标 题: 可能会重新大选了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 12 23:46:28 2016, 美东)
coollpe (coollpe) 发于 Sun Nov 6 20:41:45 2016, 美东, 信区: USANews
标 题: 床铺和gop已经全部game over了
coollpe (coollpe) 发于 Sun Nov 6 23:51:00 2016, 美东, 信区: USANews
标 题: 本次大选标志着gop已经game over
coollpe (coollpe) 发于 Tue Nov 8 10:36:35 2016, 美东, 信区: USANews
标 题: game over for trump
coollpe (coollpe... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
World's oldest male panda Pan Pan dies aged 31
30 December 2016 From the section China
Media caption
Pan Pan was diagnosed with cancer in June - nine months after his 30th
Pan Pan, the world's oldest male panda has died in China aged 31, six months
after being diagnosed with cancer.
His more than 130 descendants account for a quarter of the world's captive-
bred panda population.
Born in the wild in Sichuan in China, he was taken into ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
China: Limited victory for man in transgender dismissal case
1 hour ago
From the section China
Mr C, pictured centre with his lawyers, said he was "quite happy" with the
A transgender man has won his case for unfair dismissal at a court in China.
Mr C, who was born a woman but identifies and dresses as a man, was working
at a health centre in Guiyang last year when he was fired.
The court said he had been illegally dismissed, but said t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: Military版 - 天朝警告trump:再闹就要脱手套了
China will "take off the gloves" and take strong action if U.S. President-
elect Donald Trump continues to provoke Beijing over Taiwan once he assumes
office, two leading state-run newspapers said on Monday.
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal published on Friday, Trump said
the "One China" policy was up for negotiation. China's foreign ministry, in
response, said "One China" was the foundation of China-U.S. ties and was
Trump broke with decades of precedent last month b... 阅读全帖
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