

全部话题 - 话题: racism
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发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 美国其它的原罪
America’s Other Original Sin
We have never reckoned with the bloody U.S. takeover of the Philippines, our

1898 US Political Cartoon: U.S. President William McKinley is shown holding
the Philippines, depicted as a savage child, as the world looks on. The
implied options for McKinley are to keep the Philippines, or give it back to
Spain, which the cartoon compares to throwing a child off a cliff. (
Uncred... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1998
(CNN)The billionaire owner of Equinox is planning a high-dollar Hamptons
fundraiser for President Donald Trump, leading to calls for a boycott of the
luxury gym and its associated businesses SoulCycle and Blink Fitness.
Real estate developer Stephen Ross -- who is chairman and majority owner of
the Related Companies, which oversees Equinox Fitness -- will host a
luncheon on Friday, according to the invitation, at which attendees will pay
up to $100,000 for a picture with the President and $250,0... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
House-hunting as an Asian immigrant in Vancouver means navigating racism
Searching for a condo in Vancouver as an Asian immigrant is a fraught and
emotional experience. Why? Because there is a class struggle centred around
housing affordability happening in the Lower Mainland — and it’s led to
outright racism, ageism, classism and xenophobia.
在黄皮人口超过一半的城市,到处被人骂 chink, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 43
Facebook Link (Sharing is welcomed and appreciated):
World's Acdemic Publishing Giant "No Longer Accepting" Comments and
Scientific Analysis on its Disturbing News Report
Aug. 3rd, 2012, 12:46pm EST|By chemrobin
Akron, OH(WSN)-"It is shame on Nature to publish such low quality article.
It only shows Nature is no longer one of top Journals." Andy Wu, one of the
numerous readers of a news report on the website of Nature, the world's
l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1204
看事情看本质,类似的言论只是关于Doping 吗?
这个问题上就直截了当, 一阵见血,:
It was not a surprise to see such words coming up again, whenever an athlete
from China, from Asia, or from some 3rd world countries excels in so-called
private territories of certain advanced countries, there is outcry about
However it pretends to be about doping, let's ask, is it?
Can we all just be frank about it, it is racism!
We had it in London, and now we ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 720
节选,“I wish my moderate Republican friends would simply be honest. They
all say they're voting for Romney because of his economic policies (tenuous
and ill-formed as they are), and that they disagree with him on gay rights.
Fine. Then look me in the eye, speak with a level clear voice, and say, "My
taxes and take-home pay mean more than your fundamental civil rights, the
sanctity of your marriage, your right to visit an ailing spouse in the
hospital, your dignity as a citizen of this country, you... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9926
本文的网路版本在这里: http://nosca5.blogspot.com/2014/02/sca5.html
反对SCA5, 不要浪费时间, 要这样做才有帮助, 请转发
从我做起, 从现在做起! 我们还来得及反对SCA5. 目前, 加州众议院的80席中, 有55席
民主党, 25席共和党. 对这个法案SCA5的支持是党派分票, 所以我们只需要保证 2个以
上民主党议员勇敢地站出来, 投票反对, 我们就可以让法案胎死腹中. 现在我们可以做
的是写信给代表我们选区的加州众议员, 去他们的网站给他们写.
Step 1: 下面网站里选Act Now有两个请愿投票, 有时间先去投票, 这样才能壮大声势.
这两个网站都需要注册, 但是Change.org和Whitehouse.gov是最常见的请愿网站, 将
来一定该还有用到的机会, 花点时间注册并不吃亏.
美亚团结促进会的United Against SCA5 - Please click here to sign letter to
contact your elected represe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10233
来自主题: USANews版 - 看Tea Party 的报道
reverse sensorship is still sensorship.
reverse racism is still racism.
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Alternate Universe of Democrats
By Marc Tracy
Physicists and others seeking to unlock the mysteries of the universe posit
many theories about what exists beyond our night sky. One of the more
intriguing theories is that our universe is just one of many universes, or
dimensions, in which our doppelganger encounters different experiences and
thus, different outcomes. Given the bizarre rhetoric being used by
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairman of the Democratic National
Committee, and President Obama lately, this t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
As the White House lobbies to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, why not
instead raise its moral ceiling? After decades of rewarding bad behavior, it
is in the government’s best interest—and perhaps even its duty—to
promote the morals and values that made our nation great.
The Obama administration wants Congress to raise the debt ceiling so our
government can borrow more than the almost $14.3 trillion currently allowed
by law. Conservatives want any debt increase tied to spending cuts, and a
rece... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Ugh. Here we go again
“…there is reason to believe that strict right-wing ideology might appeal
to those who have trouble grasping the complexity of the world”
January 27, 2012 | Posted by Michael Laprarie
Ugh. Here we go again – “Low IQ and Conservative Beliefs Linked To
Prejudice.” I kid you not:
Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative
ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and
resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, [
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Written by Mark Rogers
With the emergence of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, predictably,
the focus on the issue of who was at fault in a crime is now seriously
distorted. First of all, nobody knows. If it was clear, there wouldn’t be
the endless news show, comedian, “civil rights” activist talking heads, “
racism” enthusiasts, gun advocates and opponents brawl going on now. And of
course, much discussion has centered on the Stand Your Ground law in
To be clear, people are mu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - "Certainly it wasn’t Obama’s elitism
WaPo says Obama’s massive primary fail is “racism”
May 23, 2012 | Filed under 2008 Presidential Race,2012 Presidential Race,
Barack Obama,Media,Meme Watch,Race | Posted by Michael Laprarie
Tuesday night, Barack Obama was handed two more embarrassing near-defeats in
the Democratic primaries held in Arkansas and Kentucky. In the Arkansas
primary, challenger John Wolfe won nearly 42% of the vote, and in Kentucky
42% of Democrats selected “uncommitted” over President Obama. So far,
four states — ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Is President Obama A Pathological Liar?
Posted 06/20/2012 07:01 PM ET
The Obama Record: The most frightening aspect of this president may not be
his radical ideology but his rank dishonesty in selling that ideology. Now
he's been caught lying about family racism.
In "Dreams from My Father," his 1995 memoir, Obama used the story of his
paternal grandfather's imprisonment and torture at the hands of British
colonists in Kenya as an example of white cruelty. He claimed Hussein
Onyango Obama was unjustly detained for six months before bei... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Written by Mark Rogers · 1 Comment
With the emergence of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, predictably,
the focus on the issue of who was at fault in a crime is now seriously
distorted. First of all, nobody knows. If it was clear, there wouldn’t be
the endless news show, comedian, “civil rights” activist talking heads, “
racism” enthusiasts, gun advocates and opponents brawl going on now. And of
course, much discussion has centered on the Stand Your Ground law in
To be clear, pe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 137
Could you imagine a movie describing a group of white liberates USA from a
mob of black? The sad reality is that a racism towards black is strictly
forbidden while a racism towards Asian is fine if not encouraged.
BTW, in the 1984 version of Red Dawn, Chinese is an ally of US and helping
US to fight Soviet Union.
发帖数: 3726
LZ,wake up. Stop racism. You have published so many discriminatory posts
here and there. This is the reality of America, in the past, now, and in the
future. You simply can't change it. The racism won't help you for anything
here. Stereotyping is the stupidest thing.
发帖数: 3726
LZ,wake up. Stop racism. You have published so many discriminatory posts
here and there. This is the reality of America, in the past, now, and in the
future. You simply can't change it. The racism won't help you for anything
here. Stereotyping is the stupidest thing.
发帖数: 3299
You are mistaking me. My major point is that we need more chance in the work
places and should not whine the welfare of this country, for we are quite
successful in educating our kids and many of us, our parents, brothers and
sisters enjoy the benefit of the welfare as well. The opportunity to get a
good job, and the chance to get promoted, have the most relevance to our
life economically and very important to enhance our social status. We may
succeed on this when we speak our concerns in a coll... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13043
Charles Barkley: Jury Was Right to Acquit Zimmerman
Thu 18 Jul 13 | 03:22 PM ET
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any thoughts on the george zimmerman verdict. i agree with the verdict. i'm
sorry that young kid got killed. but they didn't have enough evidence to
charge them. something clearly went wrong that night. clearly something went
wrong. i feel bad for anyone losing a kid. bu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
By Bill O'Reilly
On Friday, the President delivered surprise remarks to the press about the
Trayvon Martin case and race in general. His main point: a plea for
OBAMA: There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't
had the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 835
Florida enacted its Alien Land Law in 1926 with an innocuous-sounding phrase
in the constitution guaranteeing “all natural persons, female and male
alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights among which are
the right to enjoy and defend life, and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be
rewarded for industry and to acquire, possess and protect property, except
that the ownership, inheritance, disposition and possession of real property
by aliens ineligible for citizenship may be re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1397
well.... the rampant crimes in black neighborhood are all due to poverty -
poverty is due to the racism history in US... this is a living example that
proves racism is so widely spread and so deeply rooted in US.
In one word, you own me! It is all your fault.
发帖数: 266
一。 写信或打电话给你们孩子的学校(给班主任homeroom teacher, 学校咨询师
counselor, 校长super-intendent)。 告诉他们 你和你的孩子都感觉 十分不安:
deeply troubled, deeply upset, deeply offensed, and deeply concerned!
Jimmy 的言行给你的孩子埋下了阴影,让你的孩子失去了安全感和信任感,担心同学会
take words into action. 强烈要求学校对此事展开正确的教育、讨论和咨询 (
provide school-wide discussion and education against potential prejudice,
hatred and discrimination based on racial differences; provide school-wide
discussion and education against any form of vio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 691
我刚刚写了。 你们可以拷贝,写的不好,你们可以继续润色。
Dear Mr. President:
I am writing to bring your attention to the racism-driven threat to my
daughter who is enrolled at ******** College.
Recently, ABC Network run a TV show called Kids Table to promote
genocide against all the Chinese. In the show, the host Jimmy Kimmel asked
children panelists how can America solve the national debt problem. The boy
in the show replied "killing everyone in China," The host bantered that "
this is an interesting solution." ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 691
我刚刚写了。 你们可以拷贝,写的不好,你们可以继续润色。
Dear Mr. President:
I am writing to bring your attention to the racism-driven threat to my
daughter who is enrolled at ******** College.
Recently, ABC Network run a TV show called Kids Table to promote
genocide against all the Chinese. In the show, the host Jimmy Kimmel asked
children panelists how can America solve the national debt problem. The boy
in the show replied "killing everyone in China," The host bantered that "
this is an interesting solution." ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 691
我后悔当初应该在yahoo 新闻发布ABC/JK 的事件持续发帖24 小时,造成一个记录,迫
我刚刚到REDDIT 的world news 栏 重新贴上youtube video。大家应该持续评论,持续
点赞。 迫使美国人面对他们丑恶的灵魂。
表态。如果我们合力打仗 (campaign),一定会起作用的
Dear Mr. President:
I am writing to bring your attention to the racism-driven threat to my
daughter who is enrolled at ******** College.
Recently, ABC Network run a TV show ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9926
来自主题: USANews版 - SCA-5不死,我们华裔死
本文的网路版本在这里: http://nosca5.blogspot.com/2014/02/sca5.html
反对SCA5, 不要浪费时间, 要这样做才有帮助, 请转发
从我做起, 从现在做起! 我们还来得及反对SCA5. 目前, 加州众议院的80席中, 有55席
民主党, 25席共和党. 对这个法案SCA5的支持是党派分票, 所以我们只需要保证 2个以
上民主党议员勇敢地站出来, 投票反对, 我们就可以让法案胎死腹中. 现在我们可以做
的是写信给代表我们选区的加州众议员, 去他们的网站给他们写.
Step 1: 下面网站里选Act Now有两个请愿投票, 有时间先去投票, 这样才能壮大声势.
这两个网站都需要注册, 但是Change.org和Whitehouse.gov是最常见的请愿网站, 将
来一定该还有用到的机会, 花点时间注册并不吃亏.
Step 2: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
Step 3:
可能被影响的民主党州众议员列表, 这一... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9926
本文的网路版本在这里: http://nosca5.blogspot.com/2014/02/sca5.html
反对SCA5, 不要浪费时间, 要这样做才有帮助, 请转发
从我做起, 从现在做起! 我们还来得及反对SCA5. 目前, 加州众议院的80席中, 有55席
民主党, 25席共和党. 对这个法案SCA5的支持是党派分票, 所以我们只需要保证 2个以
上民主党议员勇敢地站出来, 投票反对, 我们就可以让法案胎死腹中. 现在我们可以做
的是写信给代表我们选区的加州众议员, 去他们的网站给他们写.
Step 1: 下面网站里选Act Now有两个请愿投票, 有时间先去投票, 这样才能壮大声势.
Step 2: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
Step 3:
可能被影响的民主党州众议员列表, 这一份名单有被精心筛选过, 确定是机率比较高,
不会让大家浪费子弹, 集中火力攻击, 先写好篇文章, 这篇下面有很多范例, 不想写直
接找一篇贴上发给对方也没... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
See what they’ll be teaching in the Chicago public schools
2:09 AM 04/21/2014
Chuck Ross
Reporter, Daily Caller News Foundation
Chicago public schools are set to introduce a new Afro-centric curriculum,
according to a closely-guarded copy obtained by The Daily Caller News
The curriculum covers kindergarten through tenth grade and is designed to
align with Common Core. It includes a web link to TheAfrican.com, a website
whose publisher decries “fake-Jews” and calls the United States a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 米雪尔要学生监视他们的父母
Michelle Obama To High-School Grads: Monitor Your Parents For Thoughtcrime
11:24 AM 05/19/2014
There can be no aspect of your daily life that’s removed from politics. Now
you will be monitored by your own children for expressing unapproved
opinions. You’d better watch what you say at the dinner table, Mom and Dad.
Pete Kasperowicz, The Blaze:
First lady Michelle Obama is encouraging students to monitor their older
relatives, friends and co-workers for any racially insensitive comments
they m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
A southeast Michigan public school teacher has been removed from the
classroom while district officials look into whether a lesson plan on
African-American history and racial segregation laws was inappropriate.
"It had nothing to do with racism. History is history," Aaron told the
newspaper. "We need to educate our kids to see how far we've come in America
. How is that racism?
"It's so sad this has happened to him. He's one of the best t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4091
来自主题: USANews版 - Dr. Ben Carson是真正的黑人良心
看一篇十年前的老文章,bill cosby说得一点没错啊。
Cosby Defends Criticism of Black Community
Actor Urges Better Parenting At Education Forum in D.C.
By Manny Fernandez
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 9, 2004; Page B03
Bill Cosby defended his controversial critique of African American life,
telling a roomful of educators and parents in the District yesterday that
while systemic racism has presented barriers to progress, good parenting is
the key to a child's future.
Cosby, whose recent scathing obse... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12756
Duke rebuke: Professor defiant after school condemns racially charged
A Duke University professor was defiant after the school last week condemned
his "noxious" and "offensive" words in a letter published in The New York
Times in which he compared African-Americans unfavorably to Asian-Americans.
The school's rebuke came after a student backlash against Political Science
Professor Jerry Hough, 80, whose May 9 letter sought to address racism and
the Baltimore riots. Hough said African-Ame... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4150
This was his full remarks:
This editorial is what is wrong. The Democrats are an alliance of
Westchester and Harlem, of Montgomery County and intercity Baltimore.
Westchester and Montgomery get a Citigroup asset stimulus policy that
triples the market. The blacks get a decline in wages after inflation.
But the blacks get symbolic recognition in an utterly incompetent mayor who
handled this so badly from beginning to end that her resignation would be
demanded if she were white.The blacks get awfu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
CNN: Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black
As much as critics try to characterize Dolezal’s behavior as a fraudulent
choice, sociologists and psychologists know that decisions about racial and
ethnic identity are typically not merely expressive, strategic, or
apolitical, but are driven by social conditions.
Growing up in a family with black siblings exposed Dolezal to the reality of
discrimination and made her more sensitive to its effects. It probably
helped her understand the contrast between... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
发信人: fakestory (fakestory), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 南卡州长改变立场,支持撤邦联旗
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 23 16:00:06 2015, 美东)
发信人: fakestory (fakestory), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 南卡州长改变立场,支持撤邦联旗
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 24 00:58:37 2015, 美东)
That flag means racism. It's funny to see an Asian wearing that hat.
发信人: fakestory (fakestory), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 南卡州长改变立场,支持撤邦联旗
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 24 19:53:12 2015, 美东)
我认为他讲的ra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Check Out What “Racist” Symbol Obama had on 2012 Campaign Pin…
Michael Cantrell
June 25, 2015 10:35 am
Ever since the horrific shooting in Charleston, South Carolina last week,
liberals have been on the war path against the Confederate flag, shaming
anyone who would display or fly this symbol of “racism.”
Many large retailers like Walmart, Amazon, Sears, eBay, and others decided
to stop selling merchandise featuring the flag in order to appease the PC
crowd and appear as if they’re on the cuttin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
How These Protesters in Oklahoma Greeted Obama will Make Liberals LIVID
Michael Cantrell
July 16, 2015 1:41 pm
President Obama got quite the welcome in Oklahoma, as he was greeted by a
group of protesters proudly waving Confederate flags, a move sure to make
liberals get a raging case of diarrhea of the mouth all over the blogosphere.
What’s really going to chap the president’s rear raw about the whole thing
is the group also has several black members.
Then again, progressives will go on to slam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Sweden Scrambles to Produce Black Band Aids After a Blogger Complains About
White Privilege
by Oliver Lane12 Aug 20150
A complaint by a feminist, anti-racist ‘blogger’ has prompted a Swedish
pharmacy chain to search out a manufacturer of ‘dark’ band-aids.
A discussion on government-funded Radio Sweden precipitated the controversy,
as a spokeswoman for the national Apoteket chain of pharmacies went head-to
-head with Every Day Racism blog author and Left-party campaigner Paula
Triggerin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Harvard Prof Excuses ISIS Sex Slavery and Terrorism Because USA Had Slavery
150 Years Ago
Warner Todd Huston August 24, 2015
I thought liberals were always congratulating themselves on how they are so
mentally superior that they see “nuances” everywhere? Now a halfwit
liberal is making the lie to that by equating U.S. slavery to ISIS rape
culture thereby proving he is an utter simpleton.
A pinheaded Harvard professor is now out there insisting that we shouldn’t
get too upset over the fact that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Taylor Swift’s New Music Video is Racist According to Liberals
Taylor Swift released this new music video. Naturally, she’s a racist now
according to liberals. Apparently white people being in Africa is racist, or
From Chicks on the Right:
Critics have been panning the video not for any technical reasons or lack of
merit on the video itself. But because it’s a bunch of white people
filming in Africa. And that evokes the 1950s and white colonialism and
racism and BAD BAD BAD things. Be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2932
口号应该简洁有力,超过3个words都不行,stop racism相当于给AA贴上racism的标签
发帖数: 1869
这样的口号才是失败的原因 !
Stop racism 都被人喊烂了,你这么喊谁知道你在为什么呐喊,谁知道你的诉求是什么
? 黑人因为成绩差被拒绝入学,也可以喊 stop racism, 你跟着喊,人家还以为你支
发帖数: 9531
To: The University of Missouri 
October 20, 2015 
During the University of Missouri’s 104th 
homecoming parade, Saturday, October 10, 2015, 
eleven Black student leaders on campus 
interjected themselves into the parade, presenting&
system president, Tim Wolfe, and the Columbia&
#160;com... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9453
按照肤色配额招人, 这叫 公平
不按照肤色找人, 叫 racism.
this country is so fucked up.

发帖数: 9531
来自主题: USANews版 - 星星之火可以燎原: FeelTheBurn
regarding univ. of missouri event:
Bernie Sanders said in a tweet that "it's time to address structural racism
on college campuses."
I'm listening to the #BlackOnCampus conversation. It's time to address
structural racism on college campuses.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) November 12, 2015
发帖数: 29846
What the Steinle and Brown Shootings Reveal About Democratic National
By Michael Bargo, Jr.
This year the nation was stunned by the deaths of two young people, Kate
Steinle and Michael Brown. Each one became the focus of national media
coverage. Each one involved a minority. In the Steinle case the alleged
murderer is Hispanic while in the Brown case the person who shot Michael
Brown was a white police officer.
But while both cases involved different minorities the portrayal of the two
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29853
来自主题: USANews版 - poor white girl (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: fishingarden (Abigail Fisher隔壁老王), 信区: Parenting
标 题: poor white girl
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 14 21:41:57 2015, 美东)
totally brain washed, but she is a US president material
Sue de Nim
a day ago
Yes. One thing white folks like me don't realize until it's pointed out to
us is that we enjoy certain advantages that are a legacy of past racism.
Even if racism were completely extinct in today's world (which it's not), we
would continue to benefit from the fact th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1814
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