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发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Houston Mayor Annise Parker Wins Reelection
Posted on Advocate.com November 09, 2011 07:18:06 AM ET
Story Updated : November 08, 2011 10:13:00 PM
Houston Mayor Annise Parker Wins Reelection
By Andrew Harmon
Houston mayor Annise D. Parker has won reelection despite a low approval
rating and antigay rhetoric leveled against her by a challenger.
With all precincts reporting, Parker won with 51% of the vote while her
nearest competitors struggled in the mid-teens during an evening of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Politics Trumped Policy, Truth for Obama's Reelect
Story documents how the White House slow-walked regulations despite denials.
The Obama White House put politics before governing in 2012, lied about it,
and still won't own up to it. That's the bottom line of a Washington Post
story that shows how far President Obama has devolved since promising five
years ago to change Washington.
Juliet Eilperin opens her story with a bang.
The White House systematically delayed enacting a series of rules on t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4354
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 12 reasons Obama wins in 2012
The economy’s rebounding, his approval ratings are ticking up, and the GOP
field is a mess. Mark McKinnon and Myra Adams on the president’s odds of a
return ticket to the White House.
President Obama’s poll ratings are climbing. And the online prediction
market Intrade has Obama at a 58.9 percent chance of winning a second term.
Though November 2012 is light years away in political time, as Team Obama
regroups in Chicago, they should be optimistic about their reelection
prospects. Here are 12 re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Washington Whispers调查,33%美国人认为2012年最恐怖的事情是奥巴马连任美国总统
Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection
January 9, 2012
When it comes to how Americans view President Obama going into the new year,
there appears to be very little spirit of Auld Lang Syne. Instead,
according to the new Washington Whispers poll, many voters aren't forgetting
what they dislike about Obama and want him out of office.
In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012
, America... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The UK results are in. The pollsters could not have been more wrong. The
expected result was a close vote and a hung parliament. Instead, Labour and
the Liberal Democrats got pounded. Here are the Final Tallies from the
In a surge of nationalism that will likely lead to a call for another
independence referendum, the Scotland National Party (SNP) won 56 seats of
59 seats.
Nigel Farage did not win his seat, but he will be around. So will UKIP. It
appears UKIP did not take votes from the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16594
WASHINGTON -- Republicans across the country were shellshocked as President
Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s presidential election,
finishing the race with 332 electoral votes and winning every battleground
state except for North Carolina. The blame game began almost immediately, as
Republicans looked to determine how a vulnerable incumbent like Obama had
found a pathway to reelection.
The evidence behind the president’s victory points toward a stron... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1509
来自主题: USANews版 - zz: FYI
I decided to support Barack Obama pretty early in the Democratic primary,
around spring of 2007. But unlike so many of his supporters, I never
experienced a kind of emotional response to his candidacy. I never felt his
election would change everything about American politics or government, that
it would lead us out of the darkness. Nothing Obama did or said ever made
me well up with tears.
Possibly for that same reason, I have never felt even a bit of the crushing
sense of disappointment that at... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Trump心胸可否再宽大点啊 能不能别加那个小尾巴 说支持就行了 画蛇添足的还要加一
句 希望他们也支持我
还有我没仔细研究卢比奥选情 只是去他的fb草草看了几眼 他连续发了好几个帖子 说
希拉里正在向这边投票 他的领先优势在缩小 急需要donate 卢比奥顶住压力没有撤回
对Trump的背书 因而丧失了好多支持者 TRUMP可否直接痛快的说 我支持卢比奥 然后号
Trump就这点不好 心胸太狭窄 不知道容人
Trump urges supporters to vote in GOP Congress
Naples, Florida (CNN)Donald Trump on Sunday linked the successful enactment
of his policy agenda to the election of Republican major... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
现在才知道,原来川普在就职日就已经登记参选 2020 年总统大选 “Trump even
filed papers to run for reelection on Inauguration Day.”。
Trump Kicks Off His 2020 Reelection Campaign on Saturday
The president is taking the permanent campaign to new levels with a
political rally in Florida—the latest sign that he’s already planning for
a second term.
Donald Trump’s ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30882
简要翻译:美帝说TG近期将试射代号为Dong Ning-2(“东宁”?是“动能”吧?)的
反卫星武器,击碎位于高轨道(12,000 miles到22,236 miles高,GPS卫星在这个高度
China to Shoot at High Frontier
U.S. Intelligence: China to conduct test of more powerful anti-satellite
weapon capable of hitting GPS, spy satellites, but after U.S. election
BY: Bill Gertz
October ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2469
A recession in 2020 would hurt Trump, but it wouldn't necessarily sink his
A recession in 2020 would hurt Trump, but it wouldn’t necessarily sink his
Trump is fixated on the strength of the economy as he runs for reelection,
so growing concerns about a recession have him worried.
发帖数: 2474
来自主题: Military2版 - 动能二号反卫导弹即将试验
China to Shoot at High Frontier
U.S. Intelligence: China to conduct test of more powerful anti-satellite
weapon capable of hitting GPS, spy satellites, but after U.S. election
BY: Bill Gertz
October 16, 2012 5:00 am
China’s military is set to conduct a test of a new and more capable anti-
satellite missile that United States intelligence agencies say can knock out
strategic satellites in high-earth orbit, according to U.S. officials.
However... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
3 to Go: Another Senate Democrat Says He Favors Marriage Equality
Sen. Tim Johnson was one of the last remaining holdouts in the Senate among
Democrats on marriage equality but announced today that he's "evolved."
Johnson is retiring at the end of this term as South Dakota's senator, and
his son Brendan is considered a possible candidate to replace him in 2014.
"After lengthy consideration, my views have evolved sufficiently to support
marriage equality legislation," he said in a statement relea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Published on TheHill.com on December 7, 2010
Republicans gnashed their teeth in frustration as the national tide of GOP
resurgence washed up against the massive Democratic fortresses in Nevada,
Washington state, Colorado and California. When they neither toppled nor
faltered, most conservatives resigned themselves to a divided Congress with
the Republican House and the Democratic Senate forever at war.
Not so. The vote on the extension of the Bush tax cuts reveals that the
Republican Party has, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - How Liberalism Killed Osama
By Tom Trinko
As more details come out, it appears that the administration wasn't
following its mantra of terrorist-as-crook when it came to executing, no pun
intended, the Osama raid.
SEALs are not bloodthirsty killers and if they'd been told to capture Osama
no matter what, he'd be sitting in a holding cell somewhere fighting off
armies of liberal lawyers trying to represent him and not being recycled at
the bottom of the ocean.
That doesn't mean that Obama actually ordered the SEALs to kill O... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Obama Problem
By Monty Pelerin
The Obama Problem is simple to explain but impossible to solve. The problem
is Obama himself, and most people not named Barack or Michelle understand
President Obama's political career is in free-fall. He will not be
reelected. Many Democrats and media personalities now understand what
appeared impossible even mere months ago.
Mr. Obama burst onto the political scene as a relatively unknown wunderkind.
He could read a mean teleprompter and did so with fanfare at the 2... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
奥巴马的白宫主管William Daley辞职了,任职1年,来自华尔街;由预算主管Jacob
White House Chief of Staff William Daley resigns; budget chief Jacob Lew
fills post
By David Nakamura, Published: January 9
White House Chief of Staff William M. Daley resigned Monday, a year after
taking the job, shaking up the administration’s senior management just as
President Obama gears up for what is expected to be a tough reelection
Last January, Obama tapped Daley to replace Rahm Emanuel with high
expectations. Daley, a form... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2324
来自主题: USANews版 - A Presidency Squandered
As always, I like the comment even better, and America is in Danger now.
It's not "if Obama gets reelected, the American democracy won't survive
another term," like another commenter said. It's that an America that can
reelect Obama is a Constitutional Republic that has already died: ignorance,
apathy, envy, racialism and clientelism will have replaced Americans' chief
business which is to remain their own masters (Tocqueville).
Heck, even the polls being so clo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 193
Opinion: A Romney win would be a victory for shameless cynicism
By Juan Williams - 11/05/12 05:00 AM ET
If Mitt Romney defeats President Obama in his bid for reelection on Tuesday,
it will mark the success of one of the most deeply cynical political
campaigns in American history.
It is hard to beat an incumbent no matter the economic climate.
It is even harder to be a Republican in the aftermath of President Bush’s
still widel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3299
First of all, only a third of the congress members went for reelection this
year and republicans lost votes to democrats. So you do not know whether if
the full congress go to a reelection, republican still will hold a majority.
Secondly, the president campaigned on high taxes on the 2% as the major
theme for reelection and he won a landslide, taking almost every swing state
except north Carolina, with a margin of electoral vote 332 to 206.
Thirdly, California's prop 30 that raises tax on the we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
In the aftermath of the failure of gun control amendments in the Senate,
most attention has been focused on the defeat of the Manchin-Toomey
provision to expand background checks. While that provision wouldn't have
prevented Newtown or any other recent mass-shooting and made mostly cosmetic
changes to federal law, it went down to bi-partisan defeat. The bigger
story, however, is that Obama's signature proposal, a ban on assault weapons
and extended magazines, was overwhelmingly rejected by the S... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Dem Sen. Accused of Plagiarism Drops Out of Reelection Race
by Josh Feldman | 4:01 pm, August 7th, 2014 19
Senator John Walsh, the Democrat who found himself engulfed in a plagiarism
scandal weeks ago, announced today he would no longer be seeking reelection,
leaving the Democrats an opportunity to find another candidate to run.
RELATED: Montana Papers Call on Plagiarizing Senator to Drop Out of
Reelection Race
Montana reporter Chuck Johnson broke the news this afternoon, tweeting out
Walsh’s st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Harry Reid这老小子终于要滚蛋了
Washington (CNN)Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Friday he won't seek
reelection in 2016, a surprise move that's certain to open a fierce battle
for his seat as well as a fight to lead the Democratic party in the chamber.
The fifth-term Nevada Democrat had denied retirement rumors for months,
which grew louder after he suffered serious injuries in an exercising
accident on New Year's Day. He said in a video posted on Twitter and Youtube
that the bruises were "nothing," but added that "this... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
WASHINGTON – The Politik is predicting that on Tuesday, November 8, 2016,
Donald J. Trump will win a landslide election, to become the 45th President
of the United States.
2012 and 2016
In 2012, Barack Obama won reelection with 65.9 million votes. Mitt Romney
finished 5 million votes behind, at 60.9 million. That earned Obama 332
electoral votes to Romney’s 206.
Just four years earlier, Obama had become the first African American ever to
be elected president of the United... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 88
来自主题: USANews版 - 来看看虚伪的右派共和党议员
Anti-abortion Rep. Tim Murphy, who reportedly urged abortion, will not seek
Rep. Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania will not seek reelection at the end of his
term, the National Republican Congressional Committee confirmed on Wednesday.
Local Pittsburgh CBS affiliate KDKA first reported the embattled lawmaker
would retire after his term, after reports surfaced on Tuesday alleging that
the anti-abortion Republican urged a woman he was having an affair with to
have an abortion.
"After discussio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 116
2,An election is held using the method of pairwise comparisons. Suppose
that X is the winner of the election under the method of pairwise
comparisons, but due to an election irregularity, there is a reelection. In
the reelection, the only changes are changes that favor X and only X (
specifically, you can interpret this to mean that the only changes involve
voters who move X up in their ballot without altering the relative order of
any of the other candidates). Expl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: Military版 - 威州的革命进行怎么样了?
The next focus of demonstrators protesting collective bargaining reforms
should be Columbus, Ohio where thousands, if not tens-of-thousands, of
protestors are expected to gather Tuesday and shout their views about a
controversial bill that puts labor unions in the crosshairs of a determined
governor intent on salvaging his state's financial situation.
The protests should look and sound much like the ones from Madison,
Wisconsin that have gripped the nation in the recent days and marries an
uncom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 617
来自主题: Military版 - 美国疯狂攻击, 土共竟惘然了
Some analysts said China’s response to the United States’ new Asia posture
is for the moment likely to be restrained. China is facing a leadership
change in 2012, they noted, and Beijing is unlikely to make any moves that
might upset the carefully choreographed transition.
The tougher language from the United States was expected by several analysts
, as Obama enters into reelection campaign mode and does not want to be
criticized by his Republican rivals for being “soft” on China.
Several analys... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 662
在美国, 你的政治观点会影响你的工作!!!
以前,私下作; ​​现在, 已公开作.
Utah Employer, Terry Lee Forensics, Fires Workers Supporting Obama
By Claire Gordon
Posted Jan 18th 2013 @ 11:00AM
Filed under: Employment Law, Bosses, Employment News & Trends
After the president's reelection, a Las Vegas company laid off 22 employees,
claiming it couldn't bear the burden of Obama's health care law. A Cedar
City, Utah, employer also laid off two wo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10469
Katy Grimes: With the recent Democratic reelection win by the Obama
administration, get ready for more than tax increases.
The government now wants your private 401(k) retirement plan. “As
Washington debates what to do about the fiscal cliff that it foolishly
created, many potential sources of new revenue will be thrown on the table.
One of them is likely to be 401(k) plans,” Investor’s Business Daily
reported Thursday.
“Retirement... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - Trump 有戏
Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and
over then expecting a different result. So the morons and sheeples have
been electing reelecting over and over and over again entrenched career
politician turds only interested in preserving their power and feathering
their own personal nests rather than addressing the concerns and looking out
for U.S. Citizen tax paying citizens. On the career politician turds watch
the debt is $19 trillion, America's standing is dimini... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 无标题
Polls open in Venezuela as Maduro seeks reelection
Mariano Castillo-Profile-Image
Marilia Brocchetto, Senior News Editor, International Desk
By Mariano Castillo and Marilia Brocchetto, CNN
Updated 1215 GMT (2015 HKT) May 20, 2018
A man walks past graffiti in support of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro,
A man walks past graffiti in support of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro,
(CNN)Polls opened in Venezuela on Sunday for the nation's presidential
President Nicolas Maduro is seeking... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Americans expect President Trump to get roughed up in a House impeachment
but soldier on to win reelection, according to the latest poll on the White
House crisis.
In the Zogby Analytics survey provided exclusively to Secrets:
Likely voters, 53% to 40%, support the House impeachment inquiry.
By a margin of 47%-41%, they support impeachment.
And by a wide gap of 46% to 33%, voters “believe President Trump will
win re-election in 2020.”
Pollster Jonathan Zogby said, “May... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Utah Lawmaker Not Running for Reelection
By Michelle Garcia
Gay Utah lawmaker Christine Johnson announced that she will not seek
reelection this year.
Johnson, a two-term state representative, said that she saw hypocrisy among
her colleagues in the state house chambers, according to The Salt Lake
"For the past four years, I have stood with my colleagues each
发帖数: 657
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Obama: Our First Gay President
I am not as positive about Obama's move as many people in the LGBT community
, simply because this seems to be nothing more than a political gimmick that
he used to please his supporters, as he is seeking reelection in two years.
It's impossible to repeal DOMA, with the current republican majority in the
House. The president himself never promised to repeal DOMA and he opposed
gay marriage, although he did promise and actually achieve to repeal DADT.
DOMA defines the line of the so called tradit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Obama 为2012大选寻求gay支持
Obama Courts Gay Support in 2012
By Advocate.com Editors
President Barack Obama's reelection campaign will look vastly different from
his landmark 2008 campaign toward the presidency, and one big change will
be the uptick in engagement with LGBT voters.
As other more affluent groups have fallen in support for the president, the
campaign staff are looking to bring on more gay people in key fundraising
roles. According to P... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Rhode Island House Speaker Promises Marriage Vote
Rhode Island House Speaker Gordon Fox said that he intends to hold a vote on
marriage equality legislation next year if he is reelected to his
leadership post.
Fox, who is gay, made the remarks Friday in an interview taping with WPRI 12
’s Newsmakers.
"I'm calling the vote," he said. "It's one of those issues that I need to
come back, we need to address, and I intend if I'm elected speaker to
address it early."
Last year, Fox decided not to hold ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
45% for Obama, 49% Against – If Election Were Held Right Now
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Americans are a little less enthusiastic about the presidential candidacy of
Barack Obama this time around.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 45% of adults
say they would be at least somewhat likely to vote for Obama if he was up
for reelection right now. Forty-nine percent (49%) say they would be
unlikely to vote for the president’s reelection.
Thirty-four percent (34%) would be ve
发帖数: 29846
Two black Republican victories tonight mark the first time African-Americans
will represent the GOP in Congress in seven years.
Retired Lt. Colonel Allen West's win in Florida's 22nd District and South
Carolina State Rep. Tim Scott's victory in that state's 1st Congressional
District is also the first time two black GOP members will serve in Congress
since 1996.
Scott defeated Democrat Ben ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Published on TheHill.com on March 1, 2011
Obama's failure to support America's allies in the Middle East and his
dithering endorsement of chaos in the region will send oil and gasoline
prices skyrocketing, triggering a massive bout of stagflation. This vicious
cycle of rising prices, decreased consumption, and ever higher prices (as
vendors seek to recover higher fixed costs) will cripple the American
economy for years to come.
This is Obama's true legacy.
Consider what he has don... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 我最深爱的人,伤我却是最深
A 2012 Paradox
David McNew/Getty Images
A tough job: Obama’s base is full of people seeking employment.
The voters Obama will need the most were the voters most hurt in the
April 28, 2011 | 3:23 p.m.
Updated: April 29, 2011 | 2:54 p.m.
Now that President Obama has (presumably) dispatched the questions about his
birthplace, the White House may have more time to focus on ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Dr. Victor Davis Hanson拆穿奥巴马的各种此一时彼一时:2006年投票反对提高借贷
Reckless Fiscal Policies”
Why did Obama only enumerate George W. Bush’s big spending as responsible
for the out-of-control $14 trillion-plus debt, while not mentioning his own
contribution of $5 trillion? Why is there a debt limit standoff now, rather
than, say, in 2009 or 2010? Why did this latest $1.6 trillion Obama budget
prompt the current crisis? Why did not Obama earlier start debt limit talks
the moment that his own... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Biden Blames High Unemployment on ‘This God-Awful Recession We’ve
By Terence P. Jeffrey
March 29, 2012
(CNSNews.com) - At a campaign event in Iowa on Wednesday, Vice President Joe
Biden blamed the continuing high level of unemployment in the United States
on what he called “this God-awful recession we’ve inherited.”
According to the non-partisan National Bureau of Economic Research, the last
recession began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009—just five months
into President Barack... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1268
来自主题: USANews版 - Early Vote Gallup Poll
失业,回墨西哥了。所以这也是为什么GOP嚷嚷self deportation的原因。没工作就没
发帖数: 3803
来自主题: USANews版 - 奥巴马当选,股市开盘暴跌。

Wall Street down after Obama reelection, Draghi remarks
Reuters – 37 minutes ago
View Photo
Traders handle last minute trade orders on the floor of the New York Stock
Exchange just before the closing bell, November 6, 2012. REUTERS/Chip East
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks fell on Wednesday in the wake of Barack Obama's
reelection as president as comments by European Central Bank President Mario
Draghi underscored the weakness in Europe's economy.
The Dow Jones industrial average (^... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26355
Because he needs reelection. Now he has the strong hands, those GOP
congressmen or congresswomen need reelection.
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: USANews版 - 鳌八开此裁人了
After Obama reelection, Murray Energy CEO reads prayer, announces layoffs
For the chairman and chief executive of Murray Energy, an Ohio-based coal
company, the reelection of President Obama was no cause for celebration. It
was a time for prayer — and layoffs.
Robert E. Murray read a prayer to a group of company staff members on the
day after the election, lamenting the direction of the country and asking:
“Lord, please forgive me a... 阅读全帖
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