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ChinaNews版 - Beijing Guides the Yuan Higher
Milton's program Re: 大逃港:我死后 连骨灰都不要吹回大陆来! (转载)A Theory of Everything (Sort Of) from NY Times
Re: Students on trigger in Texas[zz]德州学生爽了 (转载)川普会纽时:不看纽时报导可多活20年
@@@@@我鳖吃相太难看:中国国家开发银行北京总部招聘夏季实习 (转载)三大因素纠缠 中美关系撇不清
任痔疮肉麻吹捧茅于轼:茅老是真正为穷人办事的经济学家 (转载)建行行长建议美国发行人民币债券 (转载)
我太阳 基辛格博士也去参加薄熙来的唱红会去了? (转载)中国人的脸都给国家统计局给丢尽了 (转载)
维稳给中国带来巨额代价China's mystery HIV-like disease may be all in the mind (转载)
谷歌的麻烦 中国想得到什么?袁腾飞的言论,是矫枉过正的表现
话题: beijing话题: us话题: guides话题: higher话题: yuan
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
(1) Lingling Wei, Beijing Guides the Yuan Higher; A Stronger yuan puts
downward pressure on inflation and buoys its case as a global currency. Wall
Street Journal, Sept 27, 2011.
My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the report.
(b) It is unclear for the moment about Beijing's motive. To fight inflation
or to appease US Congress?
美国参议院将就中国操控人民币汇率投票. VOA Chinese, Sept 27, 2011
(c) Background: Due to recent turmoils (in Euro zone, world stock markets
etc), investors around the world seek safe haven, driving up yen and US
dollar (despite many economic problems in Japan and US). Many other
currencies, including Taiwan dollars, lose value. Without intervention,
renminbi would depreciate also. Oddly, China moves to strengthen renminbi,
and that is news.
(2) Holman W Jenkins Jr, Chicago Economics on Trial. The Weekend Interview
with Robert Lucas. The Nobel-winning economist on the high cost of the
welfare state, why he voted for Barack Obama, and how Milton Friedman
changed his life. Wall Street Journal, Sept 24, 2011.
Quote from two consecutive paragraphs:
"Two things are on his mondand they're connected. One is the failure of the
European and Japanese economies, after their brisk growth in the early post-
war years, to catch up with the US in per capita gross domestic product. The
GDP gap, which once seemed destined to close, mysteriously stopped
narrowing after about 1970s.
"The other issue on his mind is our own stumbling recovery from the 2008
My comment:
(a) In economics, there was Vienna school. Austrian School
(influential in the late 19th and early 20th century)
(c) In modern times, economics is roughly divided into Keynesian and Chicago
school, of which Milton Friedman was a leader.
(d) There is no need to read the interview.
1 (共1页)
袁腾飞的言论,是矫枉过正的表现我太阳 基辛格博士也去参加薄熙来的唱红会去了? (转载)
[公告] ChinaNews 版的投票结果说说昨天跟老板聊天的事情吧
半夜鸡叫:人民币汇率松绑 (转载)维稳给中国带来巨额代价
龙延:挖出共产党的根(三)(转自独立评论) (转载)谷歌的麻烦 中国想得到什么?
Milton's program Re: 大逃港:我死后 连骨灰都不要吹回大陆来! (转载)A Theory of Everything (Sort Of) from NY Times
Re: Students on trigger in Texas[zz]德州学生爽了 (转载)川普会纽时:不看纽时报导可多活20年
@@@@@我鳖吃相太难看:中国国家开发银行北京总部招聘夏季实习 (转载)三大因素纠缠 中美关系撇不清
任痔疮肉麻吹捧茅于轼:茅老是真正为穷人办事的经济学家 (转载)建行行长建议美国发行人民币债券 (转载)
话题: beijing话题: us话题: guides话题: higher话题: yuan