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CivilSociety版 - What would President Truman say about this Congress?
An Open Letter to US Figure Skating by Asian Americans (转载)共和党要搞30小时filibuster
Kathryn Xian For Congress (Hawaii)58%美国选民认为宁可忍受联邦政府部分关闭也要达成削减开支协议
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Another solution for SCA5!GOP favorability 7年来最高
Competitive Races For Senate 2014(ZZ)Tomorrow's Republican Meeting and Leaked Leadership Memo for Talking Points on CIR
话题: congress话题: president话题: senate话题: vote
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2741
Hello, all --
A group of extreme Republicans in Congress have opposed the President's
legislative agenda at every turn. That's no secret.
But the 113th Congress' obstruction is reaching new levels.
Right now, our lawmakers are in a position to take action on multiple
national measures that would help our economy and millions of Americans.
That's not an exaggeration: They could vote tomorrow. And they should.
We've put together a short list: Things the 113th Congress could vote on
right now. Spread the word and pass this on.
Consider this for a second. If our current Congress simply scheduled a vote
on pressing national issues, we could:
Fix our broken immigration system. This past June, the Senate passed a bill
to ensure everyone plays by the same rules and we grow our economy. Multiple
reports confirm that there are enough votes in the House to get it done.
And still: No vote.
End workplace discrimination for millions of LGBT Americans once and for all
. This isn't difficult: Nobody should be discriminated against because of
who they are or who they love. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act would
make it illegal to fire someone based on their sexual orientation or gender
identity, and it passed the Senate earlier this year. Once again, no vote in
the House.
Confirm a leader of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. The housing market
is coming back, but we can do more to help responsible homeowners.
Congressman Mel Watt, the President's nominee, was endorsed by Senators on
both sides of the aisle. And yet, at a critical time for the housing
industry, when we’re working to implement the rules that will prevent
another "too big to fail," Senate Republicans used the filibuster to block
his nomination.
Confirm three well-qualified judges to fill long-standing vacancies on the
federal D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Cornelia Pillard, Robert Wilkins and
Patricia Millett were all selected by the President as nominees for this
critical court. Once again, one by one, Senate Republicans blocked each
And that's just to name a few.
In the 1940s, President Harry Truman notoriously dubbed the 80th Congress
the "Do-Nothing Congress." And yet, even they managed to enact 906 laws,
including the Marshall Plan, and the piece of legislation that created the
Department of Defense and the National Security Council. It’s time for the
current Congress to match up a little more favorably.
Remember: They can still allow these incredibly important measures to come
to a vote.
It’s time for this obstruction to come to an end, and for Republicans in
Congress to start doing their jobs:
David Simas
Deputy Senior Advisor
The White House
1 (共1页)
(ZZ)Tomorrow's Republican Meeting and Leaked Leadership Memo for Talking Points on CIR才发现SCA5在参议院通过是毫无悬念! (转载)
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Re: 你们high的同时 其实是有隐患的 (转载)Competitive Races For Senate 2014
An Open Letter to US Figure Skating by Asian Americans (转载)共和党要搞30小时filibuster
Kathryn Xian For Congress (Hawaii)58%美国选民认为宁可忍受联邦政府部分关闭也要达成削减开支协议
纽约客关于犹太政治游说的经验 (转载)Congress Dec 13 passed the payroll tax cut extension
话题: congress话题: president话题: senate话题: vote