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Classified版 - [清仓出售]Kindle Keyboard/Touch 3G $85/$110
[出售]kindle keyboard 3g/kindle touch 3g[出售]Kindle Keyboard 3G + Wifi No Special Offer *2
出售 10个BB kindle 3gs special offer[清仓出售]Kindle Keyboard/Touch 3G/Fire HD $85/$110/$165
[出售]15*Amazon Kindle Keyboard Special Offer $110【出售】58个kindle/touch/3G-SO/nook touch/color
[求购]一台Kindle keyboard 3g+wifi with special offers[出售]Kindle Touch with Special Offers
[求购]一台Kindle keyboard 3g+wifi with special offers【出售】80+ kindle/touch/3G-SO @ 75/96/122
[出售]50+ Kindle 3 keyboard 3G with Special Offer[出售]42 Kindle 3 3G with Speical offer KSO, 30 Kindle Touch, 2 Kindle Fire @130/95/180
[出售] Kindle Keyboard 3G with Special Offers【求购】1x Kindle Touch without special offers $125
[出售]Kindle 3 Keyboard 3G+WIFI Special offer[出售] Kindle 3 (keyboard) wifi with special offer
话题: kindle话题: keyboard话题: touch话题: 3g话题: wifi
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 48
36台 Kindle Keyboard WiFi with Special Offers at $85 each
3台 Kindle Touch 3G + WiFi with Special Offers at $110 each
All Brand New Sealed Box
Zip is 92xxx
Bill Pay BOA or Chase CC
Please PM or email b******[email protected]
1 (共1页)
[出售] Kindle 3 (keyboard) wifi with special offer[求购]一台Kindle keyboard 3g+wifi with special offers
[出售] 3 * Kindle 3 (keyboard) wifi with special offer[出售]50+ Kindle 3 keyboard 3G with Special Offer
[label求购] Kindle 3 (keyboard) wifi with special offer @75 , 2x[出售] Kindle Keyboard 3G with Special Offers
出售 20个BB kindle 3g special offer[出售]Kindle 3 Keyboard 3G+WIFI Special offer
[出售]kindle keyboard 3g/kindle touch 3g[出售]Kindle Keyboard 3G + Wifi No Special Offer *2
出售 10个BB kindle 3gs special offer[清仓出售]Kindle Keyboard/Touch 3G/Fire HD $85/$110/$165
[出售]15*Amazon Kindle Keyboard Special Offer $110【出售】58个kindle/touch/3G-SO/nook touch/color
[求购]一台Kindle keyboard 3g+wifi with special offers[出售]Kindle Touch with Special Offers
话题: kindle话题: keyboard话题: touch话题: 3g话题: wifi