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EB23版 - 485 pending 180天后换工作的问题
485 提交180天内换工作求教485未满180天被雷
急问:485递交180天之后换工作#485 pending 15 个月离职 需要做什么##
485pdng>180换雇主 EVL/EADrenew算sponsorship吗?收到RFE了
最后再问下180天内跳槽再问,那EAD+485 pending能主动换工作么?
【求助】 AOS to H-1B and Porting 485绿卡based EAD卡的工作权限是不是等同于绿卡本身?
485 一定要pending 180 天才能换类似的工作吗?EAD/AP辞职回国玩一个月,请教万一RFE对策
话题: them话题: job话题: same话题: believe话题: ref
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 352
1. 对新雇主是不是可以说不需要 visa support? 就是出EVL就可以了?对于新雇主来
说,有没有律师费用的问题?比如renew EAD的话,需要律师费用么?
2. 目前看来,一年内能拿到卡就已经不错了,估计RFE EVL的可能性很大,一定要file
3. 相同类型是怎么定义的呢?job responsibility 肯定不一样了,因为产品都不一样
4. 换工作肯定不想让现在的公司知道,但总是担心485的各种问题,有没有类似经历的
5. 有没有必要自己找移民律师咨询一下?
发帖数: 66
I am sharing my experience with you since i am looking for another job as
1. i told during the interview that "no sponsoring will be needed but i
might need a letter to verify the employment stating it is a full time
position and it is in the similar occupational classification as my current
job." basically not a penny from them regarding me porting the green card
application and i bear full risk of potential rejection if any. Just tell
them everything you think you might need from them, and you can let them
know options they can have, transferring H1B, possibly getting a lawyer to
handle the ref, etc. To me, i straight told them i don't need it and it wont
cause them any money because i know they are not goingng to pay for any. I
just need a letter from them. If J form become effective, you can tell them
later that there is a new law that a form need to be filed instead of a
2. i am waiting for the offer. If i get the job, i will inform my current
employer and lawyer, and i might not file AC 21. I am prepared to get a ref
on job evl later. I plan to handle the ref on my own.
3. since there is no exact guideline, i think it is similar enough if you
are applying the same knowledge learned from school and staying in the same
feild, such as IT feild or Finance field. it is not asking to be exactly the
same and i believe and i will quote on my response to ref that natural
career progression is normal and should be expected due to the length of the
applciation process. I am going to include a cover letter to demonstrate
the similary myself even i believe the same field should be apparent enough.
Ultimately it is up to the individual officer who reviews it, so all we can
is to persuade with facts.
4. to me, i believe staying in the same field and doing similar job is
enough to prove the similarity. I really can't believe they will reject me
because i believe it is similar enough, but i will handle it later if it
comes up. It is not a matter of live or die so i will just plan along. To
me it is more important to have a better career. However, it should be up
to your own comfort level and do what you think it is best. Don't rush, and
just keep looking around for opportunities. Looking for a good suitable job
takes time too.


【在 l*******e 的大作中提到】
: 请教关于485提交180天后换工作的问题,我是那种比较容易担心的人,所以有些问题想
: 问清楚了再行动。谢谢大家的解答!
: 1. 对新雇主是不是可以说不需要 visa support? 就是出EVL就可以了?对于新雇主来
: 说,有没有律师费用的问题?比如renew EAD的话,需要律师费用么?
: 2. 目前看来,一年内能拿到卡就已经不错了,估计RFE EVL的可能性很大,一定要file
: AC21么?需要新雇主找律师么?
: 3. 相同类型是怎么定义的呢?job responsibility 肯定不一样了,因为产品都不一样
: ,但职位需要的专业背景是类似的,可以么?
: 4. 换工作肯定不想让现在的公司知道,但总是担心485的各种问题,有没有类似经历的
: 人分享一下经验,如果有可能的话发站内信箱也行。

发帖数: 66
Also, i haven't done so but it is said renewing EAD/AP is free and we should
be able to do it on our own.
5. it is up to you if you think it is better to consult with another lawyer
. good luck to you and to all of us in the same boat.
发帖数: 475


【在 A**********y 的大作中提到】
: I am sharing my experience with you since i am looking for another job as
: well
: 1. i told during the interview that "no sponsoring will be needed but i
: might need a letter to verify the employment stating it is a full time
: position and it is in the similar occupational classification as my current
: job." basically not a penny from them regarding me porting the green card
: application and i bear full risk of potential rejection if any. Just tell
: them everything you think you might need from them, and you can let them
: know options they can have, transferring H1B, possibly getting a lawyer to
: handle the ref, etc. To me, i straight told them i don't need it and it wont

1 (共1页)
如果H1B超过6年,用H1B和EAD换工作有区别吗?【求助】 AOS to H-1B and Porting 485
交485满180天以后换工作,有风险么?485 一定要pending 180 天才能换类似的工作吗?
485 提交180天内换工作求教485未满180天被雷
急问:485递交180天之后换工作#485 pending 15 个月离职 需要做什么##
485pdng>180换雇主 EVL/EADrenew算sponsorship吗?收到RFE了
话题: them话题: job话题: same话题: believe话题: ref