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Economics版 - sharing articles 1 --how to publish in a top economics jour (转载)
关于写referee report悲喜交集的一天
Top journal third round review 了 138 天 还没有消息审稿人代表杂志向我道歉。。。 (转载)
Let's discuss refereeing in economics如何处理R&R
这样的事情常见吗?对很techinical的estimate model的文章,referee要求作者的code来run一遍么?
Journal referee请问一个revise resubmit的情况
AER[合集] What's the difference between PHD in Econ and PHD in Financ
话题: paper话题: editor话题: economics话题: about
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【 以下文字转载自 EconomicResearch 俱乐部 】
发信人: FatRat (Fat Rat), 信区: EconomicResearch
标 题: sharing articles 1 --how to publish in a top economics journal
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 3 14:34:37 2012, 美东)
I would like to share some articles that I collected overtime about how to
do research. They are inspiring to me. Hopefully you find them helpful too.
Unameme, feel free to forward to Economics:
How to Get Published in a (Top) Economics Journal
What is the American Economic Review looking for when it publishes paper?
From the recent Editor Robert Moffitt:
1. You always need to think carefully about the journal you submit to, and
you need to research the kinds of papers that have been published there;
whether the journal seems to be open to your type of work; who the editor is
and what his or her orientation is; and who the associate editors are,
because they are likely to be referees for your paper.
2. Now let me say a few things about the all-important question of what
editors look for (aside from, to repeat, strong content). I will list three
characteristics: (1) the importance of the question and of the main results;
(2) the clarity, organization, and length of the paper; and (3) its degree
of novelty in either method or data.
3. Editors always read the introduction to a paper first to see what the
paper is about and to make a judgment about the importance of the question
and how interesting the findings are….. One of the implications of this
fact is that you should work very hard on your introduction. The
introduction is absolutely key to a paper’s success. You have to grab the
attention of the editor and the referees. You have to be a good “salesman”
for your work. It has to be well-written, succinct, and to the point (as an
editor, I have always disliked long, windy introductions that explain in
exhausting detail the background literature, what the paper does, etc.—I
just want a simple summary). You should expect to write and rewrite your
introduction repeatedly. Many papers get sent back to the authors without
refereeing right at this stage—the question does not seem that important
for the journal they edit.
4. Novelty in method or data is particularly important at the top journals,
where novelty is given more weight than at lower-ranked ones. Nevertheless,
it gets positive weight at all journals. If a paper has this kind of
contribution, it needs to be emphasized in the introduction and should be
one of the selling points of the paper.
5. I should also say a word about citations. As an editor, I was always
annoyed if a paper was coming out of a fairly large literature yet the
citation list was minimal. That made me think that the author was playing
games and citing only people the author thought would be friendly to the
paper. You should never play games like that, because the editor will often
notice that some important papers aren’t cited and will immediately send
the paper to one of the authors of such papers to referee.
6. Most papers are rejected, even those authored by the top economists in
the profession..One rule I have is, (almost) never, never complain about a
decision. Most rejections are made not just on the basis of the factual
objections of the referees, but by their “feeling” about the paper as well
as the editor’s.
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[合集] What's the difference between PHD in Econ and PHD in FinancRR多长时间submit比较合适?
[公告] Economics 版的投票结果这样的事情常见吗?
Re: Anyone know how to write a referee report? Thanks (no contents)Journal referee
大家怎么当referee 的?AER
关于写referee report悲喜交集的一天
Top journal third round review 了 138 天 还没有消息审稿人代表杂志向我道歉。。。 (转载)
Let's discuss refereeing in economics如何处理R&R
话题: paper话题: editor话题: economics话题: about