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Go版 - Game I commented on KGS in real time :)
Re: KGS 6d相当于什么水平?既然macelee老大从善如流
高手三番棋挑战赛第一场战成1:1完胜bug! haha
倒脱靴Some problems ---- To South, Macelee and Team leaders
Re: ft我参加比赛的对局谱
game record, athos-fms今天在IGS上完胜一局
话题: bl话题: wl话题: ob话题: ow话题: macelee
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 126
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1200]OT[25/720 Canadian]
PW[WhiteRawr]PB[taka4]WR[7d]BR[6d]DT[2012-03-10]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[WhiteRawr [7d\]: hi
;B[qd]BL[1195.681]C[WhiteRawr [7d\]: gl hf!
;W[dc]WL[1196.447]C[taka4 [6d\]: hi
;W[ro]WL[1160.098]C[evanj [3d\]: gl hf? sounds like he's choking
corey979 [4k\]: good luck have fun
;B[jq]BL[1124.863]C[xDragon [-\]: Wheres heimlich when you need him
jua: ok
;W[qk]WL[1126.385]C[evanj [3d\]: ironically, he choked to death
macelee [6d\]: the joseki choice for b is a bit strange
jua: evanj = evangelical?
xDragon [-\]: Selfish
;B[de]BL[1089.68]C[macelee [6d\]: right side is more important because of
the top-right corner
;W[ce]WL[1116.104]C[evanj [3d\]: it means whatever you want it to mean my
jua: ack
;W[cd]WL[1113.823]C[macelee [6d\]: another problem is that B cannot play D3
to share the lower-left corner
xDragon [-\]: Ej outside the van
;W[cf]WL[1107.972]C[evanj [3d\]: cannot because resulting shape would be too
;B[db]BL[1033.355]C[macelee [6d\]: yes, clearly too low
;W[cc]WL[1103.395]C[macelee [6d\]: D3 E4 etc
;B[jd]BL[1004.619]C[happydog [4k\]: My printer actually keeps warning about
that scenario, continuously saying "black very low".
grooviest [3k\]: LOL
;W[qh]WL[1059.489]C[grooviest [3k\]: printer, made in korea
;B[cq]BL[999.038]C[evanj [3d\]: sure, right
;W[ep]WL[1046.47]C[rrr [6k\]: hmm
macelee [6d\]: I guess again w would play E4
;B[er]BL[993.641]C[macelee [6d\]: b so low
rrr [6k\]: b so high
dawid963 [4d\]: wow, c3 seems worser then d3
BobWhoosta [1d\]: d10?
SafePlay [4d\]: worser indeed
;W[hc]WL[982.441]C[evanj [3d\]: d10 seems a bit passive
macelee [6d\]: so the initial joseki choice is a problem
BobWhoosta [1d\]: Yeah, I see that now.
;B[fd]BL[971.348]C[BobWhoosta [1d\]: This is slightly much better.
evanj [3d\]: congrats on 1d bob
;W[he]WL[975.646]C[BobWhoosta [1d\]: Thanks.
macelee [6d\]: D9 better than D10
;B[hg]BL[939.705]C[MXHero [5d\]: w keeps looking better and better
BobWhoosta [1d\]: Hey MX.
BobWhoosta [1d\]: Gratz on being here.
MXHero [5d\]: hey bob
MXHero [5d\]: haha ty! :)
yuzo [5k\]: h15 needs to get out, though
evanj [3d\]: b's joseki in LR really does seem like the exact opposite of
what he needed
BobWhoosta [1d\]: J14 seems good here.
dawid963 [4d\]: white in good playing mood
macelee [6d\]: K17 settles well
evanj [3d\]: is being here a tremendous accomplishment?
;W[ig]WL[901.951]C[BobWhoosta [1d\]: evanj, when one is 5d, it is difficult
to see how one spends any time at all away from tsumego.
MXHero [5d\]: i had to click at least 5 times to get here!
;W[di]WL[895.204]C[BobWhoosta [1d\]: Yes, and there is MX's lag.
;W[if]WL[877.797]C[evanj [3d\]: i should do more tsumego...
BobWhoosta [1d\]: One interesting fact about MX is his lag is actually the
cause for 90% of KGS's general lag.
dawid963 [4d\]: its great fun
MXHero [5d\]: oh there's almost no lag; just intermittent and catastrophic
crashing of internets
BobWhoosta [1d\]: Oh?
;B[jh]BL[886.804]C[BobWhoosta [1d\]: Well, at least you fixed the lag.
MXHero [5d\]: hehe
;W[ld]WL[862.022]C[BobWhoosta [1d\]: I just lost because I tenukied a 100
point plus life and death problem.
BobWhoosta [1d\]: My old nemesis...
;B[ke]BL[867.203]C[MXHero [5d\]: dang
BobWhoosta [1d\]: But no lag.
evanj [3d\]: ooh, aga tournament starting up again, bye
dawid963 [4d\]: m16 doubtful?
MXHero [5d\]: cya evanj
BobWhoosta [1d\]: Well, it was good because I felt better the whole game
after recovering from a joseki error.
dawid963 [4d\]: bya
BobWhoosta [1d\]: cya
macelee [6d\]: M16 OK
macelee [6d\]: but I don't quite like J13 J14
dawid963 [4d\]: k17 first feeling
macelee [6d\]: making the left part heavy
BobWhoosta [1d\]: I thought just kosumi was okay.
;B[ee]BL[848.845]C[BobWhoosta [1d\]: Oh, so white treats H17 lightly is
MXHero [5d\]: attachment is slightly better than just a kosumi
MXHero [5d\]: since it leaves a cutting point
macelee [6d\]: F15 prepares K17
;W[hj]WL[700.745]C[macelee [6d\]: F11
;B[fi]BL[799.148]C[macelee [6d\]: b not bad
;B[ge]BL[790.909]C[forecast [2d\]: as good as you it seems
;W[fb]WL[665.615]C[macelee [6d\]: E18
;B[eb]BL[723.484]C[dawid963 [4d\]: still k17 not superb
macelee [6d\]: right
;W[kg]WL[623.382]C[macelee [6d\]: it appears w's plannot very successful
dawid963 [4d\]: l13 looks nice
MXHero [5d\]: i suppose that since w has k18, m16 can be pretty light
macelee [6d\]: M15
;B[le]BL[648.874]C[dawid963 [4d\]: white is okay :D
MXHero [5d\]: seems really good for w now
macelee [6d\]: W's shape has an apparent weakness
MXHero [5d\]: ohh
macelee [6d\]: let's say K14 is sente
macelee [6d\]: there is J15
MXHero [5d\]: yeah
MXHero [5d\]: good call
;W[ki]WL[564.767]C[macelee [6d\]: aji for ko
macelee [6d\]: so no need to save two stone
;B[ne]BL[594.731]C[dawid963 [4d\]: now its only aji i think, white can live
on side and not play ko
;W[ej]WL[553.25]C[Uhr: sorry i am a little new here
;W[ji]WL[550.609]C[Uhr: what does aji mean?
;B[el]BL[560.079]C[MXHero [5d\]: aji = potential; literally "taste"
JeansebL [5d?\]: possibilities to be exploited later
macelee [6d\]: it is bad taste
;W[ff]WL[539.68]C[Uhr: ok thanks
;B[gb]BL[554.025]C[MXHero [5d\]: oh is it literally "bad taste"?
Tadpole [13k\]: isn't it mostly used to describe dead stones having an
affect on the game?
Keriel [12k\]: threating stones that are "dead"
JeansebL [5d?\]: yes MX
MXHero [5d\]: alright thanks
Porfir: Aji=potential defect
ourkarass [15k\]: tadpole, different term for that i think, but i cant think
of what it is :)
macelee [6d\]: the correct way is to say aji of K12, any way now it is gone
Tadpole [13k\]: the wiki page says its not a defect, but one that will
affect the game
JeansebL [5d?\]: g16 seem good
Porfir: or potential opportunity in future
MXHero [5d\]: w fixed the cut
Uhr: why did black response to f14 with g18?
;W[gm]WL[446.556]C[macelee [6d\]: b is not aware of K14
macelee [6d\]: quite a pity
MXHero [5d\]: :)
macelee [6d\]: that sort of ko would be very interesting to watch
;B[fn]BL[530.476]C[Uhr: k14?
;W[cl]WL[381.382]C[MXHero [5d\]: k14 is no longer a scary thing because k14
k13 j15 h16 h14 *f13
macelee [6d\]: sure
MXHero [5d\]: (in response to uhr)
macelee [6d\]: G14 would be a very large yose for b
;W[bq]WL[371.583]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: w might want to play g16 instead
forecast [2d\]: w attacking from center best hm?
;B[en]BL[347.017]C[macelee [6d\]: B needs imagination to strengthen his
;W[ik]WL[295.158]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: this seems to be wrong
JeansebL [5d?\]: so small
macelee [6d\]: A3 too small
adwue [3k\]: wasnt g5 bigger than a3?
;B[dk]BL[319.157]C[Uhr: j9?
macelee [6d\]: shoudl at least G3
Uhr: i dont think j9 was small
;B[cj]BL[314.764]C[Uhr: sorry slow typer here
Porfir: interesting...
;B[bk]BL[309.571]C[macelee [6d\]: W B8
Porfir: and eve more :)
Porfir: *even
macelee [6d\]: no problem here
;W[im]WL[170.807]C[SafePlay [4d\]: i would have preferred b6 instead of
;B[lq]BL[260.322]C[macelee [6d\]: W moyo huge now
;W[jo]WL[126.421]C[dawid963 [4d\]: to easy for white
Porfir: b o12?
adwue [3k\]: o7
forecast [2d\]: only if invasion is not working
macelee [6d\]: B almost dame moves
;W[kp]WL[101.738]C[Uhr: o12?
macelee [6d\]: then O3, what to do?
;B[jm]BL[101.931]C[Uhr: o2
MXHero [5d\]: then w l3 breaks in
macelee [6d\]: then L3 and cut
macelee [6d\]: looks like G4 should K4
;W[ln]WL[44.12]C[macelee [6d\]: can be go beyond O12?
;W[pi]WL[12.781]C[Porfir: m12-l12-o11?
;B[lh]BL[663.387]OB[24]C[macelee [6d\]: w really want to try something at
R17 or P18 first
Tadpole [13k\]: that was aji right?
macelee [6d\]: sure
;W[gf]WL[701.122]OW[24]C[Porfir: kikashi
Tadpole [13k\]: aji for a 13k
Porfir: i presume
macelee [6d\]: if outside become too solid then those chances aer gone
;B[gd]BL[628.551]OB[23]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: k17
;B[fa]BL[619.531]OB[21]C[Porfir: important
Porfir: emm... necessary
macelee [6d\]: just L12
;B[oh]BL[608.697]OB[20]C[Uhr: black is dead up there right?
Porfir: can k17 be useful for w?
JeansebL [5d?\]: lol no
Porfir: ok ty
JeansebL [5d?\]: pofir yes
JeansebL [5d?\]: urh no
Porfir: LOL
;B[oi]BL[601.864]OB[18]C[macelee [6d\]: I am thinking of O17 Q16 P18 etc.
macelee [6d\]: then K17 would be quite useful
;B[iq]BL[598.192]OB[17]C[Porfir: some preliminary research neede ))
Porfir: *needed
;B[qc]BL[592.231]OB[16]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: there he goes
JeansebL [5d?\]: waow, big gain lol
JeansebL [5d?\]: k17
macelee [6d\]: yeah
macelee [6d\]: now K17 good enough
;B[nk]BL[581.346]OB[14]C[Porfir: KKND )))
macelee [6d\]: double
Porfir: krash kill n destroy )))
;W[jg]WL[339.243]OW[10]C[macelee [6d\]: now time to consider yoses
;B[mm]BL[531.632]OB[9]C[Porfir: can B save some territory at upper-right?
;W[nm]WL[322.748]OW[9]C[macelee [6d\]: R15, R2, F3 all huge
;B[jc]BL[501.248]OB[8]C[Porfir: i mean, enough to win
JeansebL [5d?\]: m16 well placed for the clamp
macelee [6d\]: yes
JeansebL [5d?\]: white should connect without thinking
macelee [6d\]: he might be counting
JeansebL [5d?\]: right
macelee [6d\]: I think R2 is largest
Uhr: is it important to count in the endgamephase?
JeansebL [5d?\]: bigger than j18 O_o
Porfir: lol yeah!
JeansebL [5d?\]: or you mean after
macelee [6d\]: after
JeansebL [5d?\]: ah ok
macelee [6d\]: J18 a must
;W[ib]WL[178.129]OW[8]C[Uhr: no
JeansebL [5d?\]: f3 is also nice
Uhr: i mean sometime you count the inevitable dont you?
Porfir: l18 is the largest?
macelee [6d\]: B can only M18 now
Porfir: ok ty
;W[ak]WL[172.078]OW[7]C[Porfir: why this move (B)?
;B[ml]BL[387.676]OB[6]C[Tadpole [13k\]: it is sente
macelee [6d\]: bad exchange? w has F8
;W[me]WL[155.615]OW[5]C[Porfir: is r2 bigger than m18?
;W[nd]WL[149.655]OW[3]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: I would be very surprised if w lost
JeansebL [5d?\]: and se seems to agree lol
;B[lb]BL[293.228]OB[1]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: n18
Tadpole [13k\]: what if black connects after n18?
;W[kc]WL[58.236]OW[1]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: l18
;W[lc]WL[717.692]OW[24]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: oh this way is more points
Porfir: so again^ was r2 bigger than m18?
;B[ob]BL[673.529]OB[23]C[macelee [6d\]: too hard to count
macelee [6d\]: R2 is very large
Porfir: i agree it was
JeansebL [5d?\]: l18
;W[re]WL[692.423]OW[23]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: ah right this is huge
macelee [6d\]: this larger than L18
;B[op]BL[643.781]OB[22]C[Porfir: w is full of surprises, isn't he? )))
macelee [6d\]: w played very nice
JeansebL [5d?\]: f3 ?
macelee [6d\]: no no
;W[rq]WL[660.032]OW[22]C[cranium [1k\]: p5
Porfir: sure he did. no doubt
;B[on]BL[640.235]OB[21]C[macelee [6d\]: b has P6
JeansebL [5d?\]: safe move
Uhr: holy smoke
JeansebL [5d?\]: right
JeansebL [5d?\]: w missed it also
cranium [1k\]: maybe p6
cranium [1k\]: is bigger than s2
macelee [6d\]: 7d makes big mistakes too
cranium [1k\]: p5*
macelee [6d\]: now can only p5
JeansebL [5d?\]: w had to p5
macelee [6d\]: losing two stones
Porfir: but i DO wish B wins. he seemed more accurate and deserving the
JeansebL [5d?\]: lol no
;W[om]WL[559.097]OW[21]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: B is not more accurate :p
;B[nn]BL[630.767]OB[20]C[macelee [6d\]: bad for w
;W[pl]WL[549.395]OW[20]C[macelee [6d\]: there is K8 aji
;W[pn]WL[547.173]OW[19]C[macelee [6d\]: get cut is very bad
;W[kl]WL[533.678]OW[18]C[macelee [6d\]: w lost his cool
JeansebL [5d?\]: I see no real cut
;B[jk]BL[603.314]OB[17]C[macelee [6d\]: but losing too many points?
;B[il]BL[600.553]OB[16]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: has to l8
macelee [6d\]: w has to L8
;W[od]WL[473.236]OW[16]C[macelee [6d\]: b get F3
macelee [6d\]: let's count
;B[qe]BL[564.56]OB[14]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: l18 is enough
JeansebL [5d?\]: w wants to cut, no need
macelee [6d\]: right
macelee [6d\]: w still leading
Porfir: is B b18 big?
macelee [6d\]: the lead was huge before the mistake
Uhr: why not n19 for b?
;W[kb]WL[407.034]OW[14]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: yes !
JeansebL [5d?\]: white counts well :)
macelee [6d\]: does w still have F8?
Uhr: sorry guys
JeansebL [5d?\]: I was afraid he would go in ome greedy variation with r14
;B[rc]BL[507.919]OB[13]C[Uhr: how does counting influence the playstyle in
the lategame?
JeansebL [5d?\]: r14 sente ?
;W[qf]WL[389.385]OW[13]C[Uhr: you try to get everypoint dont you?
macelee [6d\]: no
Uhr: why still count then
DukePuddi [22k\]: for fun?
macelee [6d\]: you count and decide if you want to play more risky
Tadpole [13k\]: exactly :)
JeansebL [5d?\]: like w just did :)
;B[pe]BL[463.384]OB[12]C[Tadpole [13k\]: like any game, if you are behind
you have to take more risks, and if you are ahead, you can lose 2-3 points
to stabilize
Uhr: are there still many risky moves in the end game?
JeansebL [5d?\]: lol f3
;W[kq]WL[375.231]OW[12]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: black failed big time
;B[kr]BL[455.891]OB[11]C[macelee [6d\]: right
Porfir: big time?
;W[fq]WL[354.178]OW[11]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: a4 before f3 ?
macelee [6d\]: somehow did not get F3
Porfir: what you mean?
;W[kn]WL[341.112]OW[10]C[macelee [6d\]: our assumption was: W gets L18 b
gets F3
Keriel [12k\]: Q17 looks like big yose
macelee [6d\]: somehow b got none
;W[gq]WL[338.956]OW[9]C[Tadpole [13k\]: oh no, white is going to win here
JeansebL [5d?\]: easy win
;B[hr]BL[379.552]OB[6]C[Porfir: bye-bye territory ))
cranium [1k\]: c18
Tadpole [13k\]: f8?
;B[ek]BL[375.475]OB[5]C[macelee [6d\]: now C18 largest
;W[rr]WL[279.308]OW[5]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: oh
JeansebL [5d?\]: yose mistake by whit
DukePuddi [22k\]: whats yose? :)
;W[ch]WL[276.473]OW[4]C[Tadpole [13k\]: endgame
;B[cb]BL[348.464]OB[3]C[DukePuddi [22k\]: oh
cranium [1k\]: because of q7 ?
;W[bb]WL[272.542]OW[3]C[macelee [6d\]: S2 only 6 points
;W[qs]WL[269.69]OW[2]C[macelee [6d\]: C18 larger
JeansebL [5d?\]: s2 smaller than b18
Porfir: why not b B18?
JeansebL [5d?\]: no eye
;B[or]BL[322.22]OB[1]C[macelee [6d\]: right :)
Porfir: ok ty i see
JeansebL [5d?\]: b18 c18 c19 d19
;W[mg]WL[242.932]OW[1]C[Porfir: yep
;W[ab]WL[720]OW[25]C[Porfir: thanks
;B[bp]BL[712.803]OB[24]C[macelee [6d\]: b's yose quite accurate too
;W[li]WL[688.869]OW[24]C[macelee [6d\]: a rather high-quality game
Porfir: but b h19?
;B[mi]BL[707.861]OB[23]C[Uhr: m11 bigger than b4?
;W[pb]WL[662.968]OW[23]C[macelee [6d\]: no
;W[oa]WL[661.522]OW[22]C[Tadpole [13k\]: there3 is the q18 yosa
macelee [6d\]: because b has B6 now
;B[qb]BL[695.841]OB[21]C[Tadpole [13k\]: yose*
macelee [6d\]: some additional value
;W[cn]WL[649.93]OW[21]C[Uhr: ah ok
macelee [6d\]: now G1 largest
;B[gs]BL[641.573]OB[17]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: s14 good yose tesuji
cranium [1k\]: what does it change
Tadpole [13k\]: can you explain it to me
Tadpole [13k\]: very puzzlign
;W[jj]WL[615.419]OW[17]C[DukePuddi [22k\]: ko threat
cranium [1k\]: ate you sure ?
;B[hm]BL[633.912]OB[16]C[macelee [6d\]: yes
cranium [1k\]: its not a time suji :P
macelee [6d\]: it is about threats
;W[hq]WL[600.973]OW[15]C[cranium [1k\]: okk
;B[hp]BL[613.428]OB[13]C[Tadpole [13k\]: how much is white ahead?
macelee [6d\]: let me count
JeansebL [5d?\]: w +12,5
Tadpole [13k\]: that much?
;W[lk]WL[550.524]OW[12]C[Uhr: black has no big territories
;B[mj]BL[604.026]OB[11]C[Porfir: that small ))
macelee [6d\]: 12.5
macelee [6d\]: w+12.5
;W[ss]WL[502.336]OW[8]C[Keriel [12k\]: q14 is still usefull for both
;W[rs]WL[492.967]OW[7]C[macelee [6d\]: q14 1 point
macelee [6d\]: smaller than say J19
forecast [2d\]: q13 anyway
;B[go]BL[544.976]OB[4]C[Keriel [12k\]: i see
Uhr: can b12 be used as tesuji or something like that
;W[pg]WL[464.754]OW[4]C[macelee [6d\]: no way
;W[pf]WL[446.205]OW[2]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: b12= 0 point sente :p
;B[ij]BL[714.783]OB[23]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: we might see it soon :)
;B[dp]BL[700.94]OB[18]C[Tadpole [13k\]: the fight for 1 point commences lol
;W[ik]WL[704.367]OW[16]C[Uhr: dont understnad that tesuji stuff ?_?
JeansebL [5d?\]: tesuji = brilliant move
Uhr: i thought i could be uses as a ko threat
Keriel [12k\]: a6юю
Tadpole [13k\]: I think somebody said it when he made a 0 point sente
Tadpole [13k\]: that set up a ko threat
Tadpole [13k\]: remarking that it was very smart
;B[sh]BL[633.272]OB[15]C[Porfir: soooo f***ing close
JeansebL [5d?\]: close ?
;W[sg]WL[685.518]OW[15]C[cranium [1k\]: not close
;W[ik]WL[677.388]OW[13]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: not close at all lol
Porfir: 10 points?
Porfir: close
macelee [6d\]: W+10.5
cranium [1k\]: 10 pts isnt
cranium [1k\]: close
Tadpole [13k\]: why doesn't white just give up the ko fight and finish the
macelee [6d\]: our last count was inaccurate
;B[qi]BL[597.658]OB[12]C[DukePuddi [22k\]: b still has a6
;W[nq]WL[666.306]OW[11]C[Uhr: what the hell
;W[ik]WL[665.615]OW[10]C[Porfir: 10 points is 1 stone, isn't it?
Uhr: its all about honor isnt it
cranium [1k\]: but there is already no komi
Tadpole [13k\]: doesn't a6 win a whole bunch of stoens?
Tadpole [13k\]: nevermind
Tadpole [13k\]: i saw a snapback but its a double capture
cranium [1k\]: even in a even game 10pts its a lot
Porfir: oh ok i see. with no komi it's getting bigger
forecast [2d\]: from 3.5 it's close to me
Porfir: i thought they use komi
ddUsopp [3k\]: r5 ?
Keriel [12k\]: A7 is HUGE
Keriel [12k\]: look
Tadpole [13k\]: its 6dv7d komi is .5
;B[ij]BL[505.763]OB[8]C[Uhr: a7?
;W[ik]WL[656.587]OW[7]C[Uhr: b6
macelee [6d\]: B will win the ko
Porfir: a7 is nothing
ddUsopp [3k\]: a7 is nothing)
macelee [6d\]: so only W+9.5 mayeb
;B[ij]BL[489.729]OB[5]C[Tadpole [13k\]: a7 is as much as b6
;B[ij]BL[483.223]OB[2]C[Uhr: no b6 is a response to a7
;B[ls]BL[480.6]OB[1]C[Porfir: soooo....? is thaat still close enough for 7d-
6d players?
;B[ij]BL[718.595]OB[24]C[cranium [1k\]: no
;W[ks]WL[706.996]OW[24]C[Tadpole [13k\]: no
;W[ik]WL[704.985]OW[23]C[Tadpole [13k\]: you set up a snapback
;W[ik]WL[700.95]OW[20]C[cranium [1k\]: white could just let black take the
ko and win by a 9
Uhr: ah i give up
Uhr: i just watch
macelee [6d\]: R4
Tadpole [13k\]: white is having too much fun fighting for 1 point
JeansebL [5d?\]: s9 a threat ?
Porfir: s12 is
;B[ij]BL[636.602]OB[18]C[ddUsopp [3k\]: w haven't ko's)
;B[ed]BL[635.149]OB[17]C[Rock888 [3k\]: s9
;B[ij]BL[624.492]OB[15]C[JeansebL [5d?\]: seems like s9 is no threat, but
hard to say
][cs][ds][fs][is][ks][ms][os]C[Uhr: nice game
WhiteRawr [7d\]: thank you
Tadpole [13k\]: good game
JeansebL [5d?\]: Impressive :)
Uhr: my head is smoking only from watching
macelee [6d\]: thanks guys
macelee [6d\]: a great pleasure to watch
Porfir: thanks all. mace thank you
forecast [2d\]: why ya so stron rawr? ^^
macelee [6d\]: I was about to challenge WhiteRawr but taka4 took the table
and got killed
macelee [6d\]: :)
forecast [2d\]: so many good games on right now
1 (共1页)
macelee, you may want this.Re: ft
LD的围棋之路;)game record, athos-fms
Re: KGS 6d相当于什么水平?既然macelee老大从善如流
高手三番棋挑战赛第一场战成1:1完胜bug! haha
倒脱靴Some problems ---- To South, Macelee and Team leaders
话题: bl话题: wl话题: ob话题: ow话题: macelee