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Immigration版 - 审稿机会 for Water S&T (转载)
转review about industrial microbiology and biotech会议摘要算不算publication
当年ACS/ECS/MAS之类的会员卡都不在了,怎么证明曾经的会员身份?如何成为biomedical engineering方向的editorial board member:
如果期刊的impact factor只有2-3, 怎么吹呢?(Gone)材料方面审稿(Titanium alloy, Electrochemical corrosion )
Review opportunity(GONE) 审稿机会 (electrochemical polymerization)
审稿机会:分析化学方向(GONE) 审稿机会 (Electrochemical biosensor)
[Gone] 谢谢大家!两篇审稿机会,同时求祝福早绿Gone 审稿机会 (SPM: Electrochemical Strain Microscopy)
(gone)审稿机会----纳米孔氧化锡的制备和电化学性质(GONE) 审稿机会 (electrochemical dissolution)
求助:Advanced Science Letters一个包子审稿机会
话题: bacteria话题: resistant话题: anaerobic话题: digestion
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 814
【 以下文字转载自 Environmental 讨论区 】
发信人: coliphage (coliphage), 信区: Environmental
标 题: 审稿机会 for Water S&T
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 22 09:58:56 2013, 美东)
manuscript tile及abstract如下:
有兴趣请发你的brief description of qualification及简历至我的邮箱:pfremail@
Survival of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Livestock Manure during
Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion and Electrochemical Disinfection
This is the abstract:
In this study, survival of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in dairy and beef
manures during batch mesophilic anaerobic digestion and electrochemical
disinfection process was investigated for the reduction of environmental
pollution. Tested manure samples from three different farms contained
bacteria resistant to several types of antibiotic. The results showed
similar decreasing trends of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among manure
samples from different farms in batch anaerobic digestion, except for
streptomycin-resistant bacteria (SM-r). The survival trends on resistant
bacteria during the anaerobic digestion could be dependent on the type of
antibiotics. After the anaerobic digestion, the electrochemical disinfection
was carried out using a dimensionally stable anode (DSA). Numbers of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria, except for SM-r, in the anaerobically
digested slurry decreased with increasing electrochemical reaction time.
However, the number of streptomycin-resistant
bacteria did not decrease significantly. The survival trends on resistant
bacteria during the electrochemical process also could be dependent on the
type of antibiotics. The results indicate that the mesophilic anaerobic
digestion and electrochemical process can reduce relative risks of
antibiotic-resistance bacteria in livestock manure.
1 (共1页)
(GONE) 审稿机会 (graphene quantum dots)[Gone] 谢谢大家!两篇审稿机会,同时求祝福早绿
gone 审稿机会(graphene oxide)(gone)审稿机会----纳米孔氧化锡的制备和电化学性质
[GONE] reviewer needed (soil bioremediation, bacteria)求助:Advanced Science Letters一个包子
转review about industrial microbiology and biotech会议摘要算不算publication
当年ACS/ECS/MAS之类的会员卡都不在了,怎么证明曾经的会员身份?如何成为biomedical engineering方向的editorial board member:
如果期刊的impact factor只有2-3, 怎么吹呢?(Gone)材料方面审稿(Titanium alloy, Electrochemical corrosion )
Review opportunity(GONE) 审稿机会 (electrochemical polymerization)
话题: bacteria话题: resistant话题: anaerobic话题: digestion