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JobHunting版 - interview Qs collection
问到算法题和一道c++题求本书 Cracking Coding Interviews,
报offer,谢mitbbs,发100包子merge two binary search tree
eBay SDET 电面面经算法题:min heap inplace变 BST
帕兰提尔 电面面经google phone interview
Amazon 面经A家店面第一次 攒人品
昨天面试的一道题,find k missing numbersReverse Words in a String 有只扫一遍的inplace的做法吗?
请教2个 huge file的面试题再来题目
话题: given话题: find话题: design话题: qs话题: matrix
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 91
Can't input Chinese, My situation was riding donkey and looking for
Interviewed several companies small or big, followings are some of the
questions as a return for what I benefit from here
(1) topological sort
(2) given an array of stock prices, find the best trading strategy.
(3) given a stream of points, find the top 10 points closest to the
(4) given a BST, divide it by a given value
(5) print all the diagonals of a matrix
(6) check if 2 strings are anagram
(7) max subarray
(8) an int array with size n-1, values are between 1 to n without dup,
find the missing one
(9) check if a stream of bytes are all valid utf8
(10) design distributed queue
(11) design paid online video security feature
(12) design data structure for online music recognition (like MusicId)
(13) find the first common node of two single linked lists
(14) design a card game
(15) design the linkedin link recommendation feature
(16) given a sentence without space, split the words
(17) given a single linked list A->B->C->D->E->F, convert to A->F->B->E-
>C->D inplace and O(1)
(18) find how may unique lines in a large log file
(19) print BT by level
(20) producer/consumer problem
(21) implement a stack with pop, push and min operations
(22) given a phone number, find out all possible words from a dictionary
(23) calculate the number of ways to climb n stairs, each time can take
1, 2, or 3 steps
(24) given a graph, find all the nodes that is k steps away from a given
(25) K-way merge sort from k streams of input
(26) minimum comparison to find the max 2 elements from a unsorted array
(27) Find the longest substring x in S such that xx is also in S
(28) implement blocking queue
(29) given a set of chars with unknown order, given a sorted list of
strings, recover the order
(30) DB schema design for an online poker game
(31) Search m x n matrix inside a larger M x N matrix (m<=M, n <= N)
(32) Find the longest repeated sub string
发帖数: 6127

【在 b**********r 的大作中提到】
: Can't input Chinese, My situation was riding donkey and looking for
: horse.
: Interviewed several companies small or big, followings are some of the
: questions as a return for what I benefit from here
: (1) topological sort
: (2) given an array of stock prices, find the best trading strategy.
: (3) given a stream of points, find the top 10 points closest to the
: origin
: (4) given a BST, divide it by a given value
: (5) print all the diagonals of a matrix

发帖数: 6127

【在 b**********r 的大作中提到】
: Can't input Chinese, My situation was riding donkey and looking for
: horse.
: Interviewed several companies small or big, followings are some of the
: questions as a return for what I benefit from here
: (1) topological sort
: (2) given an array of stock prices, find the best trading strategy.
: (3) given a stream of points, find the top 10 points closest to the
: origin
: (4) given a BST, divide it by a given value
: (5) print all the diagonals of a matrix

发帖数: 6599
(17) given a single linked list A->B->C->D->E->F, convert to A->F->B->E-
>C->D inplace and O(1)
发帖数: 6127

【在 y*******g 的大作中提到】
: (17) given a single linked list A->B->C->D->E->F, convert to A->F->B->E-
: >C->D inplace and O(1)
: 这个怎么做到O(1)?

1 (共1页)
another google interview question:Amazon 面经
请教一个phone interview 问题昨天面试的一道题,find k missing numbers
Phone Interview面经请教2个 huge file的面试题
问到算法题和一道c++题求本书 Cracking Coding Interviews,
报offer,谢mitbbs,发100包子merge two binary search tree
eBay SDET 电面面经算法题:min heap inplace变 BST
帕兰提尔 电面面经google phone interview
话题: given话题: find话题: design话题: qs话题: matrix