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Right Before His Execution A Serial Killer Explained Why He Shot Porn Mogul
Larry Flynt
Erin Fuchs 16 minutes ago 1
Joseph Paul Franklin
AP Photo/St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Joseph Paul Franklin in court in 1997
Serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin gave an interview to CNN the week of his
execution, during which he explained why he killed 22 people and shot and
paralyzed Hustler founder Larry Flynt.
Franklin, a 63-year-old white supremacist, told CNN that the purpose of his
killing spree — which included the murder of two young black teenage boys
— was to "get a race war started." His enemies were Jews, blacks, and
interracial couples.
That last enemy is why Franklin targeted Hustler publisher Larry Flynt.
Franklin was enraged by the 1975 issue of Hustler that featured a black man
with a white woman.
"It just made me sick. I think whites marry with whites, blacks with blacks,
Indians with Indians. Orientals with orientals," Franklin told CNN. "I
threw the magazine down and thought, I'm gonna kill that guy."
Franklin shot Flynt in 1978 in Lawrenceville, Ga., where the Hustler
publisher was facing trial for obscenity. (Flynt was the target of many
legal actions and inspired the 1996 Woody Harrelson movie "The People Versus
Larry Flynt.") Flynt survived the shooting but was paralyzed from the waist
Flynt has spoken out against his attacker's execution.
"I would love an hour in a room with him and a pair of wire-cutters and
pliers, so I could inflict the same damage on him that he inflicted on me,"
Flynt wrote in an opinion column for the Hollywood Reporter. "But, I do not
want to kill him, nor do I want to see him die."
Despite Flynt's protests, the state of Missouri killed Franklin by lethal
injection on Wednesday morning.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/joseph-paul-franklins-cnn-interview-2013-11#ixzz2lCOVjqfd
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Utah的节操呢?发一个Al sharpton 的笑话轻松一下。
Re: 视频:小男孩被美国机场安检脱光检查现代革命 MTV:New thriller (转载)
whale (zz)据说这个绝对不能落到女人手里,你懂的
话题: flynt话题: franklin话题: hustler话题: larry话题: his