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Joke版 - 希拉里签字售书,粉丝半夜来排队
真相大白:Ex-DNC chair Donna Brazile says Clinton campaign (转载)希拉里竞选pitch:Obama, but better (转载)
准备迎接下一届Clinton的到来 (转载)"Would you say anything to get elected?"
HILLARY的八字分析和她的总统运 (转载)我估计下届大统领还是主党的
奥巴马急了,要给希拉里来个秘密体检 (转载)戈尔不支持希拉里
Donna Brazile开骂cnn了 (转载)克老太说她支持在美墨边界建隔离墙 (转载)
拉里又要刷存在了 (转载)信吗?希拉里不会用电脑看邮件 (转载)
36岁吴佩慈未婚剖腹产女 取名“希拉里”zt伦敦市长发誓要帮助希拉里当选 (转载)
Hilarious cartoon, I pay you lunch if u don't like it :)震惊!谷歌涉嫌操纵搜索结果来支持希拉里,纸牌屋剧情现实版 (转载)
话题: clinton话题: her话题: she话题: hillary话题: mrs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6785
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military
标 题: 希拉里签字售书,粉丝半夜来排队
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 11 14:15:16 2014, 美东)
Fans Wait Hours to See Hillary Clinton at Book Signing
Andre Morales, a 36-year-old from Brooklyn, arrived before 3 a.m. Tuesday
and planned to ask Hillary Rodham Clinton how it felt to work for President
Obama after he had defeated her in the 2008 Democratic primary.
Donna Gabriel, a 65-year-old retiree, said she wanted to be the first one in
line on Monday afternoon. Jacquelyn Corsentino, 21, a college student, is
writing her senior thesis on why Mrs. Clinton would make a good president.
She took a train from New Jersey and, starting at 6 a.m., waited in line for
more than five hours on an overcast morning outside the flagship Barnes &
Noble in Union Square in Manhattan.
Finally, after a carefully scripted rollout that included high-profile
television interviews and planned leaks to the news media, Mrs. Clinton
arrived just after 11 a.m. for her first book signing on a nationwide tour
to promote her new memoir, “Hard Choices.” Wearing a hot-pink blazer and a
splashy silver necklace, she waved and thanked the crowd of more than 1,000
people, many of whom had slept outside the store. They bought their $35
hardcover copies in advance at 30 percent off and snaked through the ropes
set up on the fourth floor of the bookstore.
1 (共1页)
震惊!谷歌涉嫌操纵搜索结果来支持希拉里,纸牌屋剧情现实版 (转载)Donna Brazile开骂cnn了 (转载)
Hillary: People Under FBI Investigation Should Lose Constit (转载)拉里又要刷存在了 (转载)
无机点微笑话:每日一笑36岁吴佩慈未婚剖腹产女 取名“希拉里”zt
价值观输出:美帝版的领导冒号Hilarious cartoon, I pay you lunch if u don't like it :)
真相大白:Ex-DNC chair Donna Brazile says Clinton campaign (转载)希拉里竞选pitch:Obama, but better (转载)
准备迎接下一届Clinton的到来 (转载)"Would you say anything to get elected?"
HILLARY的八字分析和她的总统运 (转载)我估计下届大统领还是主党的
奥巴马急了,要给希拉里来个秘密体检 (转载)戈尔不支持希拉里
话题: clinton话题: her话题: she话题: hillary话题: mrs