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Joke版 - 美帝也掐电视直播了 (转载)
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[图]男子为捡回手机钻入坐便器 却被困一小时才被救出 cnBeta.COM teikaei 3小时24分钟前 如厕时不小心将手机掉入坑内的事情相信大家已经听过不少,并且不少人为了捡回手机而遇上手臂被卡的窘境,但相信下面要说的这种情况还真是要惊掉你下巴。来自挪威德拉门的20岁男子Cato Berntsen Larsen为了替朋友捡回手机而奋不顾身地“跳入”坐便器中。虽然Larsen的身材够苗条并且还是一位业余潜水员,但是,坐便器可不是你想出就能出。 http://static.cnbetacdn.据说王歧山爱看纸牌屋
民主党参议员问Jeff Sessions的问题 (转载)Re: 左逼已经被Trump 吓尿
话题: house话题: cspan话题: feed话题: democrats话题: rep
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发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
标 题: 美帝也掐电视直播了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 22 13:35:56 2016, 美东)
TV viewers hoping to catch all of the House Democrats' sit-in on the House
floor on Wednesday had to find other methods besides Capitol chronicler
That's because it's the House who controls CSPAN's video and audio feeds,
meaning when the leadership sent the House into recess, they cut off the
Democrats are staging a "sit-in" on the House floor in protest of GOP
leadership's refusal to allow a vote on a gun control measure following the
Orlando massacre. Around 11:25 a.m., as Rep. John Larsen (D-Conn.) yielded
his time to Democratic Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer, (D-Md.), the house was put
into recess and the feed was cut.
"What we show on CSPAN is the feed from the House. It is the House’s video,
their feed, their audio, their camera angles. It’s the house recording
studios that operates the cameras under the control of house majority
leadership," CSPAN spokesman Howard Mortman said in an interview. Mortman
said they were not given warning that the House would be recessed or the
feed cut off.
AshLee Strong, spokeswoman for Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.)
said on Twitter that "The House cannot operate without members following
the rules of the institution, so the House has recessed subject to the call
of the chair."
Democrats, CSPAN and other media outlets took to other methods, such as
Periscope to livestream the sit-in.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/06/video-feed-of-house-democrats-sit-in-cut-off-224667#ixzz4CKZagCmj
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学术版:哪里能买到咖啡cream?[图]男子为捡回手机钻入坐便器 却被困一小时才被救出 cnBeta.COM teikaei 3小时24分钟前 如厕时不小心将手机掉入坑内的事情相信大家已经听过不少,并且不少人为了捡回手机而遇上手臂被卡的窘境,但相信下面要说的这种情况还真是要惊掉你下巴。来自挪威德拉门的20岁男子Cato Berntsen Larsen为了替朋友捡回手机而奋不顾身地“跳入”坐便器中。虽然Larsen的身材够苗条并且还是一位业余潜水员,但是,坐便器可不是你想出就能出。 http://static.cnbetacdn.
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大统令又大赦了61个毒贩子 (转载)民主党参议员问Jeff Sessions的问题 (转载)
“魔兽”玩家忘关摄像头 直播与女友做爱昨晚据说cspan收视率非常高
Is Your Car a Republican or Democrat?太好玩了 (转载)台媒:Paul Ryan成为网民性幻想对象
鹰背装上GoPro价值观输出了,美帝参议员开展自我批评了 (转载)
印度军舰访问韩国 两水兵一上岸便骚扰当地女性外F不容易啊 (转载)
话题: house话题: cspan话题: feed话题: democrats话题: rep