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Living版 - Re: 家里有蛇怎么办?
后院发现蛇,暂时没照片 (转载)(德州南部)急问:马桶堵了怎么办?
家旁边发现大黑蛇!求解!看过电视介绍 那瓶专门通下水道东西叫什么名字 请教大家!
update 院子里有蛇 (picture)snake in the backyard, help (转载)
Re: Snake in backyard该换下水管了?
怎样保证后院没蛇?sump pump排水管堵住了,只有重挖一根了?
后院割草,遇到条小蛇(有图,慎入) (转载)snake in backyard
话题: snake话题: snakes话题: saw话题: don话题: red
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 33
Most snakes in the U.S are non-venomous, and good for humans. I live in the
South and saw many snakes at night, or on trails. Saw a couple of snakes
around my house when it was constructed (because their habitat was destroied).
Don't worry too much, you are not the snake's food. That snake was probably
got into your apartment because it was 'lost'.
The worse snake in America is coral snake. It is a snake with yellow rings,
and connected by big red/black/red color ring. Even you are bitte
发帖数: 3952
We actually have rattle snake around the area, although the
one I got wasn't.
My next door neighbour got bitten by a rattle snake while working
in the backyard. She just went to the local hospital to get a shot.
She said as long as you get a shot within 20-30 minutes, everything
should be fine. And your local firestation should have the shot too
and you don't have to go to a hospital.

【在 I**********s 的大作中提到】
: Most snakes in the U.S are non-venomous, and good for humans. I live in the
: South and saw many snakes at night, or on trails. Saw a couple of snakes
: around my house when it was constructed (because their habitat was destroied).
: Don't worry too much, you are not the snake's food. That snake was probably
: got into your apartment because it was 'lost'.
: The worse snake in America is coral snake. It is a snake with yellow rings,
: and connected by big red/black/red color ring. Even you are bitte

1 (共1页)
snake in backyard原来贴ADT的牌子却没装警报会有这样的问题
浴缸堵了怎么办?Re: Snake in backyard
Any good way to prevent snake coming in后院割草,遇到条小蛇(有图,慎入) (转载)
后院发现蛇,暂时没照片 (转载)(德州南部)急问:马桶堵了怎么办?
家旁边发现大黑蛇!求解!看过电视介绍 那瓶专门通下水道东西叫什么名字 请教大家!
update 院子里有蛇 (picture)snake in the backyard, help (转载)
话题: snake话题: snakes话题: saw话题: don话题: red