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Living版 - AC 科普 comments and questions
空调问题Price for installing AC unit?
可否自己更换Carrier Evaporator Coil?空调的问题,户外的压缩机不工作了,Capacitor looks fine
求教:A/C evaporator coil leakAC problem
空调不制冷了,风扇还转空调 evaporator coil漏氟利昂.可自己修吗?
求助,我家空调不启动是什么原因?求助:空调白天不制冷 晚上可以制冷 但是风小 出风口温度高(70度左右)
话题: leak话题: ac话题: your话题: compressor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4125
Please feel free to post questions and comments regarding the AC 科普
article in this thread (do not post follow up there, thank you)
Your evaporator coil is frozen, usually caused by a lack of refrigerant, due
to a refrigerant leak or leaking.
Turn off AC, leave the fan running to melt the ice.
Call someone to find the leak, fix and charge refrigerant to spec.
Some leak can not be fixed, you need to get a new unit.
发帖数: 335
I have an A/C problem.
1) 户外 Fan works, but no 热风。户内 fanworks, but no cold 风
2) Compressor seems not working. It seems it works at the start but will not
work later on. when i just start the A/C,the thin line is slightly warm
and thick line is slightly cold . but after few min, no cold or warm feel
from both lines.
3) indoor 出风口 temp is around 79 while room temp is 82F.
4) check Capacitor by eyes, no obvious overburn or damage, 上段和四周没有鼓
5) the whole set was installed in 2006.
发帖数: 4125
There is something wrong with your compressor, since it is installed in 2006
, most company offer at least 5 year warranty, you can call them to see if
it is covered, have your model number and serial number ready when call.
If it is outside warranty period, I can help you trouble shoot here.


【在 b*********k 的大作中提到】
: gezhi89,
: I have an A/C problem.
: 1) 户外 Fan works, but no 热风。户内 fanworks, but no cold 风
: 2) Compressor seems not working. It seems it works at the start but will not
: work later on. when i just start the A/C,the thin line is slightly warm
: and thick line is slightly cold . but after few min, no cold or warm feel
: from both lines.
: 3) indoor 出风口 temp is around 79 while room temp is 82F.
: 4) check Capacitor by eyes, no obvious overburn or damage, 上段和四周没有鼓
: 起或烧的迹象。

发帖数: 335
thanks. already called. they charge $85 show up to the door and $100 per
will let you know


【在 g*****9 的大作中提到】
: There is something wrong with your compressor, since it is installed in 2006
: , most company offer at least 5 year warranty, you can call them to see if
: it is covered, have your model number and serial number ready when call.
: If it is outside warranty period, I can help you trouble shoot here.
: not

发帖数: 4125
Once they hook up the guage to your unit, they will find out your freon is
almost gone, you have a leak some where would be my guess.
Good luck to you.

【在 b*********k 的大作中提到】
: thanks. already called. they charge $85 show up to the door and $100 per
: hour.
: will let you know
: 2006

发帖数: 113
发帖数: 335
so you do not think it is compressor but leakage?

【在 g*****9 的大作中提到】
: Once they hook up the guage to your unit, they will find out your freon is
: almost gone, you have a leak some where would be my guess.
: Good luck to you.

发帖数: 4125
Do you mean 电源面板 = thermostat?
On most simple thermostat, there is a fan on and auto setting, make sure
that is set to auto.
There should also be a ac , off and heat setting.
You have the temperature setting.
I do not fully understand your question, if your AC can stop automatically
to the set temperature, even if the fan continue to run, it is only moving
air around, it will not continue to cool.
1. You said 空调倒是能够停下来 but 风扇老是不能自动停下来
2. You said again 空调一直转又特别冷
Which is the case? 1 or 2?
Take a

【在 m*******n 的大作中提到】
: 你好啊。我们家的空调的风扇老是不能自动停下来怎么回事?空调倒是能够停下来。这
: 样的话很不方便,每次只能用电源面板开关空调。如果要是不关,空调一直转又特别冷
: 。谢谢。

发帖数: 749
Unless your system is completely leaked out, the compressor should run at
least for short term until the low pressure protector kicks in.
In your case, you need to do following,
1. set the thermostat to cooling auto mode and the lowest temp.
2. then go outside touch the two copper tubings which connected to your
indoor unit. Once the outdoor fan start to run, the bigger tube should be
cold, and smaller one should be warm/hot. If you don't feel them from the
beginning, then your compressor, or mo

【在 g*****9 的大作中提到】
: Once they hook up the guage to your unit, they will find out your freon is
: almost gone, you have a leak some where would be my guess.
: Good luck to you.

发帖数: 335
It does start at the beginning and I do feel
one tubing is warm and the other is (slightly) cold. but it won't last long.
what do you think the cause?

【在 c****e 的大作中提到】
: Unless your system is completely leaked out, the compressor should run at
: least for short term until the low pressure protector kicks in.
: In your case, you need to do following,
: 1. set the thermostat to cooling auto mode and the lowest temp.
: 2. then go outside touch the two copper tubings which connected to your
: indoor unit. Once the outdoor fan start to run, the bigger tube should be
: cold, and smaller one should be warm/hot. If you don't feel them from the
: beginning, then your compressor, or mo

发帖数: 4125
It is hard to believe a 4 year old compressor could leak (possible, but not
very likely).
I would guess your outdoor condenser coil could have a small leak if someone
bump into it by accident (kids on a bike, maybe). Your indoor evaporator coil could leak due to formicary corrosion. Of couse, it could leak any where along the lines, most likely a bad soldering job.
Leak in coil itself is very difficult to repair, so you might get new coil,
leak in line can be easily fixed.
The guy that is coming

【在 b*********k 的大作中提到】
: so you do not think it is compressor but leakage?
发帖数: 749
then you have leak somewhere.


【在 b*********k 的大作中提到】
: thanks.
: It does start at the beginning and I do feel
: one tubing is warm and the other is (slightly) cold. but it won't last long.
: what do you think the cause?

发帖数: 113
以现在我们要开空调只能用circuit breaker。

【在 g*****9 的大作中提到】
: Do you mean 电源面板 = thermostat?
: On most simple thermostat, there is a fan on and auto setting, make sure
: that is set to auto.
: There should also be a ac , off and heat setting.
: You have the temperature setting.
: I do not fully understand your question, if your AC can stop automatically
: to the set temperature, even if the fan continue to run, it is only moving
: air around, it will not continue to cool.
: 1. You said 空调倒是能够停下来 but 风扇老是不能自动停下来
: 2. You said again 空调一直转又特别冷

1 (共1页)
求助:空调白天不制冷 晚上可以制冷 但是风小 出风口温度高(70度左右)求助,AC不制冷了
Coil leak, 换AC Coil 还是整套系统全换空调不制冷了,风扇还转
空调问题Price for installing AC unit?
可否自己更换Carrier Evaporator Coil?空调的问题,户外的压缩机不工作了,Capacitor looks fine
求教:A/C evaporator coil leakAC problem
话题: leak话题: ac话题: your话题: compressor