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Living版 - 问问懂风水的,家里挂镜子有什么讲究?
那种能从里面看到外面,而外面看不到里面的玻璃叫什么请问NIGHT STAND一般是一个,还是床头两边各一个?
Re: 再总结一下看房子的技巧吧.有人买过这个Costco的Bedroom Set么?
想买一块unframed的mirror求助:看上一个房子每个房间都装了带镜子的closet door
where do you buy 3 mirror medicine cabinet?How about this Costco furniture?
怎样把镜子挂在门后?关于 living room
借人气寻帮助:Odyssey LX vs Odyssey EX[合集] 请问一个卧室的家具和床买齐了,大概要多少钱?
话题: mirror话题: mirrors话题: do话题: don话题: energy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1093
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发帖数: 1093

【在 l*********t 的大作中提到】
: 除了卫生间,基本都不适合。
: 或者说你放镜子,坏风水的可能性远远大于让风水变好。

发帖数: 3239

【在 M*****2 的大作中提到】
: 哪些地方适合挂哪些地方不适合挂?
: 看到老美杂志里床头挂个大圆镜子,当然位置还算高,但还是觉得怪。

发帖数: 1093
Reflections on Feng Shui – 10 Mirror Do’s and Don’ts
By Kathryn Weber
In feng shui, mirrors can direct the flow of chi. Mirrors can also both push
and pull energy.
Few feng shui activators and cures hold as much interest as the common
mirror. Mirrors are a terrific decorating resource and have the potential to
inspire more prosperity — even double beautiful views and invite the
accompanying chi that goes with them.
Yet, using mirrors in feng shui is often misunderstood. How does one use
mirrors effectively? Are there rules for using mirrors in feng shui? If you
have had questions about using mirrors correctly, the following should help
you understand when, where and where not to use them.
DO reflect beautiful views. If your living room or dining room has a
beautiful view of trees, blue skies, a garden or anything especially
beautiful, a mirror is the perfect accessory. By positioning opposite the
view, you can double the beauty.
DO reflect dining and living areas. Dining rooms are the perfect location
for mirrors. Because the dining represents a family’s wealth, this in
effect, magnifies this energy. Living rooms where families hold parties and
gatherings are also good locations to hang a mirror and can double the
number of people in the room for a more festive chi!
Do use mirrors to hide problems. Although not often thought of as a disguise
, mirrors can make problems areas, like square pillars, “disappear.” Many
homes have pillars, such as in basements, or in offices that stand in the
middle of the room. By mirroring all four sides, the pillar essentially
DO use mirrors to double your cash.  Placing a mirror to reflect a cash
register, your jewelry, or close to the front door of a shop will pull more
money chi, customers and prosperity to you.
DO place mirrors where they can open up space. If you have a really small
room or a long hallway, this is the perfect spot to hang a mirror. Lean a
mirror against a wall to visually open up the room. Place a mirror along the
wall of a hallway to slow down chi and add some interest.
Avoid bedroom mirrors, which are usually bad feng shui.
DON’T place a mirror opposite a front door. This pushes the energy right
back out the door. Time and time again I see businesses that go out of
business and they have a mirror opposite the front door. If you want a
mirror to open up your foyer, adding a mirror is a great idea. Just don’t
put it opposite the front door.
DON’T reflect negative views. Make sure mirrors aren’t placed where they’
ll reflect a toilet door, a fireplace (above a fireplace is fine), a
stovetop, or messy areas. When you can see an ugly view in a mirror, this
magnifies the energy. This is especially true of fire. A little fire keeps
you warm; a lot of fire can quickly become excessive energy.
DON’T place a mirror where it will harm or send cutting energy. This is
true of placing a mirror at the end of the hallway, which symbolically says
“stay away” and draws negative energy. A mirror placed at the bottom of
the stairs will cut off the feet or head; avoid placing here.
DON’T place a mirror in the bedroom where it can be over-stimulating. 
A mirror in the bedroom can create insomnia, especially if it reflects the
bed. If there is a problem in the marriage, a mirror can also bring in
unwanted interference in the relationship. Better to be safe (and well-
rested) than sorry.
DON’T use broken or pakua mirrors. Pakua mirrors are often hung with little
regard, yet they send out the full force of chi toward that which they
reflect. It amounts to sending a really nasty look toward your neighbor. Is
it any wonder these cause problems with relationships with others? These
mirrors contain trigrams that are negative and are harmful to whoever they
point toward and to the house where they hang. Avoid them. Cracked mirrors
are also very negative energy as are small mirror tiles or anything that
distorts or breaks up an image. Remove them.
© 2013 Kathryn Weber

【在 M*****2 的大作中提到】
: 哪些地方适合挂哪些地方不适合挂?
: 看到老美杂志里床头挂个大圆镜子,当然位置还算高,但还是觉得怪。

发帖数: 9013
1 (共1页)
[合集] 请问一个卧室的家具和床买齐了,大概要多少钱?想买一块unframed的mirror
Side Mirror能自己换吗?where do you buy 3 mirror medicine cabinet?
厨房的sliding door怎样把镜子挂在门后?
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那种能从里面看到外面,而外面看不到里面的玻璃叫什么请问NIGHT STAND一般是一个,还是床头两边各一个?
Re: 再总结一下看房子的技巧吧.有人买过这个Costco的Bedroom Set么?
话题: mirror话题: mirrors话题: do话题: don话题: energy