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Living版 - 家有地下室的,一定注意Radon
地下室radon 0.24-0.8How do you think house with Radon remediation system
请大家推荐氡气检测设备这个Radon 检查结果是不是不很糟糕
跑步机可以放在unfinished的basement吗?### 家有跳蚤,诚恳求教 ###
装了Radon mitigation system的房会不会以后不好卖屋里常开空调好不好?
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radon 测试 3.7 pci/l 算不算偏高?Benjamin Moore油漆discount或coupon
Radon 3.6,要还是不要这个房子?o voc的油漆是环保还是无味?
话题: radon话题: corentium话题: lung话题: cancer话题: monitor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6
最近,一个朋友得Lung CANCER 走了。后来,发现是RADON 导致
If you have a basement not well ventilated, chances are Radon level could be
harmfully high. Radon is a radioactive, odorless gas and a silent killer.
Studies have shown a clear link between breathing high concentrations of
radon and incidence of lung cancer. Thus, radon is considered a significant
contaminant that affects indoor air quality worldwide. According to the
United States Environmental Protection Agency, radon is the second most
frequent cause of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking, causing 21,000 lung
cancer deaths per year. That's why every homeowner with basement need
constantly monitor the Radon level. If >20pCi , mitigation is recommended.
Here is one popular Radon detector available at Amazon for around $250.
The Corentium QRI is the newest and most advanced electronic radon gas
detector. The Corentium gives you the possibility to read the average radon
level for 1 day, 7 days, and for one year, all at once. Being battery
powered, the monitor can easily be moved to get the full overview of radon
concentration in home, workplace, school or anywhere else. Compared to
traditional technology, Corentium makes it much easier to identify room with
higher radon concentration. With an accuracy of ±5%, the Corentium is the
most accurate electronic radon monitor for domestic use.
发帖数: 3977


【在 c**********2 的大作中提到】
: 最近,一个朋友得Lung CANCER 走了。后来,发现是RADON 导致
: If you have a basement not well ventilated, chances are Radon level could be
: harmfully high. Radon is a radioactive, odorless gas and a silent killer.
: Studies have shown a clear link between breathing high concentrations of
: radon and incidence of lung cancer. Thus, radon is considered a significant
: contaminant that affects indoor air quality worldwide. According to the
: United States Environmental Protection Agency, radon is the second most
: frequent cause of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking, causing 21,000 lung
: cancer deaths per year. That's why every homeowner with basement need
: constantly monitor the Radon level. If >20pCi , mitigation is recommended.

发帖数: 13701


【在 c**********2 的大作中提到】
: 最近,一个朋友得Lung CANCER 走了。后来,发现是RADON 导致
: If you have a basement not well ventilated, chances are Radon level could be
: harmfully high. Radon is a radioactive, odorless gas and a silent killer.
: Studies have shown a clear link between breathing high concentrations of
: radon and incidence of lung cancer. Thus, radon is considered a significant
: contaminant that affects indoor air quality worldwide. According to the
: United States Environmental Protection Agency, radon is the second most
: frequent cause of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking, causing 21,000 lung
: cancer deaths per year. That's why every homeowner with basement need
: constantly monitor the Radon level. If >20pCi , mitigation is recommended.

1 (共1页)
o voc的油漆是环保还是无味?请问大理石做浴室sink 台面好吗?多谢。
推荐一个没有味的油漆home inspection
Re: question about this bugradon 测试 3.7 pci/l 算不算偏高?
Just done home and roof inspectionRadon 3.6,要还是不要这个房子?
地下室radon 0.24-0.8How do you think house with Radon remediation system
请大家推荐氡气检测设备这个Radon 检查结果是不是不很糟糕
跑步机可以放在unfinished的basement吗?### 家有跳蚤,诚恳求教 ###
装了Radon mitigation system的房会不会以后不好卖屋里常开空调好不好?
话题: radon话题: corentium话题: lung话题: cancer话题: monitor