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Military版 - “unusual
【NYT】China Moves to Ensure Stability in North Korea(EDWARD WONG)金三威胁使用最后手段。
华尔街日报 把朝鲜的两弹一星和哈工大联系上了【WSJ】Trade Binds North Korea to China
“completeNorth Korea is not a paper tiger, US official said.
这世界只有军事强硬才是硬道理希望是谣言: North Korea’s Secret Coronavirus Crisis is Crazy Scary
朝鲜无疑出了大事,三大巨头齐聚韩城,谁在平壤看家?【Economist】Watching North Korea Mystery theatre
金三胖至今不承认中国驻朝大使North Korea asked for only a partial lifting of sanctions at summit with Trump, its foreign minister
话题: north话题: trump话题: korea话题: korean话题: kim
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5309
President Trump cited an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to U.S.
national security as he acted Friday to maintain long-standing economic
restrictions on North Korea, including the freezing of any assets in the
United States.
The official declaration, contained in a notice to Congress, came despite
Trump’s assertion earlier this month that his historic summit with North
Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended the North’s nuclear weapons threat.
“Sleep well tonight!” Trump tweeted on June 13, the day after he and Kim
met in Singapore.
Harsh economic restrictions will continue for one year under the order Trump
signed Friday. The paperwork keeps in place restrictions first imposed a
decade ago by President George W. Bush. The ban on transfer of any U.S.
assets by North Korea’s leaders or its ruling party has been extended or
expanded several times by both President Barack Obama and Trump himself, in
response to North Korean missile tests and other actions.
[Trump and Kim claim success at summit, but they differ on the details]
“The existence and risk of proliferation of weapons-usable fissile material
on the Korean Peninsula and the actions and policies of the Government of
North Korea continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the
national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States,” Trump
wrote Friday.
The action was pro forma, but notable for the stern tone and list of
accusations against North Korea just 10 days after the warm meeting between
Trump and Kim. Trump said afterward that he believes Kim is serious about
giving up nuclear weapons and transforming his stunted economy.
“Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the
day I took office,” Trump wrote on Twitter on June 13. “There is no longer
a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.”
“Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with
North Korea,” he added. “President Obama said that North Korea was our
biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!”
The confident, optimistic language marked a complete reversal from Trump’s
criticism of Kim as “little Rocket Man” and his threats last year to
deliver “fire and fury” to North Korea if necessary. The insults and
nuclear brinkmanship alarmed other world leaders, who feared war and a new
nuclear arms race.
[White House nuclear expert departs as negotiations with North Korea loom]
Trump’s decision to cancel joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises drew
strong criticism from Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (
R-Ariz), who called it a concession.
“It is North Korea — through its nuclear and missile programs, aggressive
behavior and egregious human rights violations — that poses the greatest
threat to peace,” McCain said in a statement. “And until North Korea takes
concrete steps to change that, no concessions should be made and the
sanctions must continue.”
The national emergency that Trump extended allows the government to forbid
North Korean leaders from selling or otherwise using any assets they may
hold in the United States. It is separate from U.S. sanctions related to
North Korean human rights abuses and a long list of international penalties
imposed over Pyongyang’s nuclear and ballistic missile testing.
Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have said that all U.S. sanctions
will remain in force for now. Some could be lifted as negotiations progress.
North Korean state media have described a step-by-step diplomatic process
and said Trump agreed to “lift sanctions” as relations improve.
发帖数: 33885


【在 s******r 的大作中提到】
: President Trump cited an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to U.S.
: national security as he acted Friday to maintain long-standing economic
: restrictions on North Korea, including the freezing of any assets in the
: United States.
: The official declaration, contained in a notice to Congress, came despite
: Trump’s assertion earlier this month that his historic summit with North
: Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended the North’s nuclear weapons threat.
: “Sleep well tonight!” Trump tweeted on June 13, the day after he and Kim
: met in Singapore.
: Harsh economic restrictions will continue for one year under the order Trump

发帖数: 32610


【在 s******r 的大作中提到】
: President Trump cited an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to U.S.
: national security as he acted Friday to maintain long-standing economic
: restrictions on North Korea, including the freezing of any assets in the
: United States.
: The official declaration, contained in a notice to Congress, came despite
: Trump’s assertion earlier this month that his historic summit with North
: Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended the North’s nuclear weapons threat.
: “Sleep well tonight!” Trump tweeted on June 13, the day after he and Kim
: met in Singapore.
: Harsh economic restrictions will continue for one year under the order Trump

发帖数: 2801

:President Trump cited an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to U.S.
:national security as he acted Friday to maintain long-standing economic
发帖数: 1747
圣祖仁皇帝。然后fake news们就开始开骂,说他傻逼吃大亏了;川普然后就开始恼羞


【在 s******r 的大作中提到】
: President Trump cited an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to U.S.
: national security as he acted Friday to maintain long-standing economic
: restrictions on North Korea, including the freezing of any assets in the
: United States.
: The official declaration, contained in a notice to Congress, came despite
: Trump’s assertion earlier this month that his historic summit with North
: Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended the North’s nuclear weapons threat.
: “Sleep well tonight!” Trump tweeted on June 13, the day after he and Kim
: met in Singapore.
: Harsh economic restrictions will continue for one year under the order Trump

发帖数: 8248
LOL. 看乐了。

【在 n***j 的大作中提到】
: 我算是看明白川普个神经病了
: 基本上就一个套路一直没变.
: 做出任何一点成就,或者取得任何一点协议,立即开吹,吹得天花乱坠,古往今来第一
: 圣祖仁皇帝。然后fake news们就开始开骂,说他傻逼吃大亏了;川普然后就开始恼羞
: 成怒,让你们这些傻逼骂我,我先把前天的翔吃回去反悔,再给你们一滩不一样的,对
: 对方变本加厉,让你看看我是不是软弱。
: 基本上就是美国国内两派神经病打架,全世界遭殃
: Trump

发帖数: 2213
1 (共1页)
【NYT】China Moves to Ensure Stability in North Korea(EDWARD WONG)金三威胁使用最后手段。
华尔街日报 把朝鲜的两弹一星和哈工大联系上了【WSJ】Trade Binds North Korea to China
“completeNorth Korea is not a paper tiger, US official said.
这世界只有军事强硬才是硬道理希望是谣言: North Korea’s Secret Coronavirus Crisis is Crazy Scary
话题: north话题: trump话题: korea话题: korean话题: kim