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Military版 - 康州大学两个小白夜里玩游戏校园里自言自语 N Word,被逮捕,美国人说宪法第一条被违反了
放了三个贼,二球他爹翻脸,美国百姓要求把贼送回中国!天朝现在的军事实力有没有二战时德国,日本强 ?
有女的用sticker骂fuck trump及其支持者被捕海东青:最早接受女性的共济会组织——哈巴狗兄弟会
这种丑化中国人的新闻从来不落下(图文)伊丽莎白泰勒全裸照曝光 婀娜多姿 (转载)
“national戈尔巴乔夫: 对俄国现状感到难过
看yahoo上的留言,现在看来民粹已经占上风了美国hate speech一般不违法,必须要“立即导致暴力”才违法
话题: ago话题: minutes话题: word话题: first
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发帖数: 1709
康州大学两个小白夜里玩游戏校园里自言自语 N Word,被逮捕,美国人说宪法第一条
University of Connecticut students Jarred Karal and Ryan Mucaj were arrested
by campus police Monday night and charged with violating a Connecticut hate
crime statute for using a racial slur in an incident captured on video.
One night earlier this month, Karal and Mucaj — both described by police as
white — walked with another individual through the parking lot of a
student apartment complex playing “a game in which they yelled vulgar words
,” according to the incident report. Police allege that the two switched to
saying “n*****” when they reached the parking lot, which was loud enough
for two people inside to hear.
The two were charged under a Connecticut State law that criminalizes
ridiculing “any person or class of people on account of creed, religion,
color, denomination, nationality, or race.” The misdemeanor is punishable
by up to 30 days in jail, a fine of $50, or both. The third individual was
not charged for saying the slur.
It is unclear whether the statute violates First Amendment grounds.
“It is supportive of our core values to pursue accountability, through due
process, for an egregious assault on our community that has caused
considerable harm,” UConn President Thomas C. Katsouleas said in a
statement late Monday.
Some35 minutes ago
"In its letter to the campus newspaper, the NAACP released a list of eight
demands, including new student guidelines and punishments for instances of
racism, a new first-year course on diversity training, and increased hiring
of black administration, faculty, staff, and police officers."
Using racism to fight racism.
ReplyReplies (1) 23
Toby48 minutes ago
In other news, Curren$y, Trademark & Young Roddy release a new album which
you can hear the N word multiple times. Makes lots of money.
ReplyReplies (9) 19110
BobbyBoy2 hours ago
The college should have some provision in their code of conduct to handle
this situation as racial harassment. But I don't think a criminal statute is
going to pass constitutional muster of a true threat or proven intent to
ReplyReplies (25) 28310
akron45 minutes ago
Where does all this stuff that you’ve heard about – the victim feminism,
the gay rights movement, the invented statistics, the rewritten history, the
lies, the demands, all the rest of it – where does it come from? For the
first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of
what they write, and of what they think. They have to be afraid of using
the wrong word, a word denounced as offensive or insensitive, or racist,
sexist, or homophobic.
We have seen other countries, particularly in this century, where this has
been the case. And we have always regarded them with a mixture of pity, and
to be truthful, some amusement, because it has struck us as so strange that
people would allow a situation to develop where they would be afraid of what
words they used. But we now have this situation in this country. We have it
primarily on college campuses, but it is spreading throughout the whole
society. Were does it come from? What is it?
We call it “Political Correctness.” The name originated as something of a
joke, literally in a comic strip, and we tend still to think of it as only
half-serious. In fact, it’s deadly serious. It is the great disease of our
century, the disease that has left tens of millions of people dead in Europe
, in Russia, in China, indeed around the world. It is the disease of
ideology. PC is not funny. PC is deadly serious.
If we look at it analytically, if we look at it historically, we quickly
find out exactly what it is. Political Correctness is cultural Marxism
promoted by the Medias and the Democrats.
ReplyReplies (13) 13613
George56 minutes ago
If the law is as stated above, it clearly violates the First Amendment.
On the other hand, the two have no protection from administrative actions by
the school.
ReplyReplies (24) 2408
Toby44 minutes ago
I remember a group of people, sat around and wrote a document saying that it
is not right to arrest someone for saying words. Think that was back in
ReplyReplies (18) 2036
Robert R
Robert R35 minutes ago
So should we be good citizens and call the police whenever we hear music
containing THAT "WORD" playing in public or around college campus's? What if
the people playing it are verbally singing to it? Will they be arrested?
According to this article, it is now illegal to use the word in a game; Is
it legal if the word is sung or used in a song? Is it only legal if Black
people say it?
Reply 48
Todd48 minutes ago
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
ReplyReplies (3) 593
lifeisntfair58 minutes ago
SCOTUS, Brandenburg v Ohio, 1969. This is the legal standard for free speech.
ReplyReplies (1) 983
Steven56 minutes ago
Karal and Mucaj — both described by police as white” LOL, don’t want any
odd names confusing the narrative.
ReplyReplies (20) 2986
Disgusted54 minutes ago
This is a good case for supporting first amendment rights. I disagree with
the use of racial slurs but the first amendment needs to be protected.
ReplyReplies (11) 2334
GEORGE2 hours ago
Freedom of speech....offensive speech is NOT a criminal offense.
ReplyReplies (32) 34119
dylan b
dylan b49 minutes ago
How can you support people chanting "its more than just a word" when you
have people in that march supporting comedians and sports figures who
regularly use it.
ReplyReplies (2) 613
James50 minutes ago
so, i assume they will promptly be banning rap being played on the radio...
ya know, since they care so much.
Reply 882
Jonathan49 minutes ago
"It is unclear whether the statute violates First Amendment grounds."
*Spoiler Alert* it does.
Reply 77
Erica1 hour ago
This needs to be taken all the way up to the Supreme Court so it can be
knocked down and set a precedent that no one can be arrested for words. "It'
s unclear whether this violates the First Amendment"? Really? It's pretty
clear. Two people were arrested for saying a rude word. A rude word that is
only arrestable, apparently, if said by a white person.
ReplyReplies (20) 26713
M S48 minutes ago
wait, so they never directed the words toward anyone, they just shouted it..
.sounds like they were playing a version of the peni5 game.....So, will The
college be banning all Hip Hop and Rap music that references this term as
well as disallowing any musical entertainment that does the same?
Reply 25
Michael56 minutes ago
How many times a day in Chicago is that word spewed and not a peep from
ReplyReplies (10) 18911
Adam59 minutes ago
It's been a long time since I've read an article that presented the divide
between my values and the values of leftists so starkly.
This is a clear violation of the first amendment. What blows me away is that
people are supporting it. Is this our future?
ReplyReplies (10) 1474
markus1 hour ago
UConn President Thomas C. Katsouleas should be voted out for representing a
state controlled taxpayer funded institution that is clearly violating the
free speech rights protected in the Bill of Rights .
Reply 553
发帖数: 1709
发帖数: 22772
实在嘴贱N word改成C word啥事没有,那只是一种幽默风趣,小黄人只能笑笑走开,谁
发帖数: 14173

【在 H*********S 的大作中提到】
: 实在嘴贱N word改成C word啥事没有,那只是一种幽默风趣,小黄人只能笑笑走开,谁
: 玻璃心那是自讨没趣

发帖数: 22772
郝思 卿 (THE C word)
这个C word恐怕比陈独秀马克思年代还早

【在 Z**********g 的大作中提到】
: C是Communism?
发帖数: 1
发帖数: 1957
1 (共1页)
默克尔乘车出行遇交通事故 专车被变道车辆剐蹭无标题
放了三个贼,二球他爹翻脸,美国百姓要求把贼送回中国!天朝现在的军事实力有没有二战时德国,日本强 ?
有女的用sticker骂fuck trump及其支持者被捕海东青:最早接受女性的共济会组织——哈巴狗兄弟会
这种丑化中国人的新闻从来不落下(图文)伊丽莎白泰勒全裸照曝光 婀娜多姿 (转载)
话题: ago话题: minutes话题: word话题: first