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Military2版 - 湖南农民发明摩托化步兵新装备 (转载)
中俄7月联合军演1500人参加 演习将跨越中俄两国 (转载)中国三大军区3万余人今日起举行跨区机动演习(图)
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话题: suitcase话题: motorized话题: chinese话题: he话题: farmer
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发帖数: 22064
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: zhonghangyue (中行说), 信区: Military
标 题: 湖南农民发明摩托化步兵新装备
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 1 23:34:04 2014, 美东)
Chinese farmer turns suitcases into ingenious electric scooter
By Steve Siler May 29, 2014 5:34 PM Motoramic
From the “This is a real thing, we think” file comes the curious case of
the Chinese farmer turned inventor of motorized
He Liang, a farmer from China’s Hunan region, has invented and patented the
ultimate rollaboard, or what he apparently calls
the “multi-functional suitcase.” Photographed this week in Changsha, the
motorized suitcase is said to weigh about 15-16 lbs.
and is able to carry two people (or one well-fed American, maybe). With the
help of a wheel hub electric motor in the single
front wheel, the little three-wheeler can travel 50 to 60 kilometers—or 31
to 37 miles—on a full charge.
Maximum speed is 20 km per hour, which is somewhat faster than we would ever
feel comfortable traveling on a threewheeled
box, and about as fast as a fleet-footed TSA agent could give chase in an
airport concourse until he runs out of
breath, or the rider runs into a stunned tourist who swears he just saw some
loser coming toward him riding a suitcase.
The starter is a rotary switch on the tiny handlebar, and there appears to
be a brake handle as well, and the three wheels are
fixed in place. The farmer, according to local Chinese media, never finished
primary school but spent 10 years building his selfpropelled
carry-on, which supposedly also sports some undetermined amount of cargo
space and a nav system.
There are myriad reasons that riding a motorized suitcase is a terrible idea
, beyond the sheer humiliation factor of riding a
freakin’ motorized suitcase in public. For one thing, with no suspension
and a rather ergonomically, um, flat seating situation,
the motorized suitcase doesn’t look too comfortable, especially from what
we remember about the quality of Chinese roads.
Next, China’s chaotic roadways and sidewalks—sometimes one and the same—
are treacherous enough in an armored military
transport, let alone a rolling suitcase. And safety is, well, not.
If this idea takes off — and apparently He Liang has patented the idea,
just in case — look for this “world’s lightest car” to
make him a rich man. Suitcase racing series? Open a string of drive-through
suitcase washes? Other variants like motorized
guitar cases? If it can happen anywhere, it can happen there.
1 (共1页)
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话题: suitcase话题: motorized话题: chinese话题: he话题: farmer