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Money版 - got CSR at the branch
CSR前天自己申请被拒,今天发现branch pre-qualified, 现在应该怎么办?Applied Southwest, got rejected by Chase!!!
贡献一个chase 后门电话 888 245 0625申请 AM simplycash business card 悲剧了
[DP] Ink Plus目前还没有实行5/24 (3/10)问个关于priceline visa, 冤啊。。。
怎样要求 reconsideration of Chase Sapphire Prefered?对citi无语了,求教各位
chase dp请教一个关于AA的50K offer的问题
谁最近打过chase reconsideration line for personal card?Chase reconsider会不会又是hard, 并且不承认bonus
Discover more student被拒, 有argue的机会吗?申请chase信用卡,吃苍蝇
有chase freedom的话citi dividend的意义还大么?Chase ink plus telephone number
话题: chase话题: cards话题: csr话题: branch话题: last
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 977
still no pre-approval last time I went to branch in late november. saw one
today, and approved with 30K credit line instantly. 12 new cards last 6
months. Last time got a chase card was in mid july.
In September when I applied and was refused, I called the reconsideration
line. They told that why they refused me was because they did not see this
new card will increase my spending with chase cards. I did not use chase
cards for about 4 months now (I had mainly used chase cards before). Maybe
they decided to give me this card to motivate me to spend with chase cards..
1 (共1页)
Chase ink plus telephone numberchase dp
申请Barclay Arrival Plus没有秒过,是不是就没戏啦?谁最近打过chase reconsideration line for personal card?
请问CSR这个信用卡,这个点数现在是做活动还是常年都有呢Discover more student被拒, 有argue的机会吗?
call chase verification for CSR?有chase freedom的话citi dividend的意义还大么?
CSR前天自己申请被拒,今天发现branch pre-qualified, 现在应该怎么办?Applied Southwest, got rejected by Chase!!!
贡献一个chase 后门电话 888 245 0625申请 AM simplycash business card 悲剧了
[DP] Ink Plus目前还没有实行5/24 (3/10)问个关于priceline visa, 冤啊。。。
怎样要求 reconsideration of Chase Sapphire Prefered?对citi无语了,求教各位
话题: chase话题: cards话题: csr话题: branch话题: last