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NewJersey版 - 100 people stuck on N train for 4 hours in snow (转载)
想看July 4th 烟火的这里来^.^~~~请问大家新泽西靠近纽约有什么地方可以全家老小玩一天的呢?
纽约地铁乘客小心请问从north NJ去Coney island beach两条路线选哪个??
提醒这两天开车进城的 -- 3 passenger minimum rulehurricane这么严重?
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其实Re: 感谢信NJTransit在酝酿涨价并大幅缩减服务的雷人方案:(看来美国经济还在下滑。。。。。。)
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话题: train话题: snow话题: passengers话题: mta话题: stuck
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7397
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: mitaas (涝的涝。。。旱的旱。), 信区: NewYork
标 题: 100 people stuck on N train for 4 hours in snow
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 30 15:31:00 2011, 美东)
While most New Yorkers were comfortably asleep in their beds, about 100
people were stranded for four hours on an N train early this morning in
Coney Island after service was suspended due to the snow.
Eva Mahoney, 56, who works at a law firm, was trying to connect to the D at
2 a.m. when the train stopped at Stillwell Avenue.
Because no trains or buses were running in either direction, passengers had
a choice: Either stay on the train or take their chances in the snow. As MTA
employees tried to evict the straphangers, passengers had to fight to
stay on the train, their only -- although miserable -- option.
MTA employees told passengers to take a car service -- ­a laughable
idea, she said, when snow was pouring down and some had miles to go.。。
1 (共1页)
NJ的自来水用过滤才能喝嘛?其实Re: 感谢信
7月24日【宾州漂流当日往返报名】 (转载)[转载] 一个不错的书店
消防队要钱居然要到门口来了How You Can Help the Earthquake Victims (转载)
想看July 4th 烟火的这里来^.^~~~请问大家新泽西靠近纽约有什么地方可以全家老小玩一天的呢?
纽约地铁乘客小心请问从north NJ去Coney island beach两条路线选哪个??
提醒这两天开车进城的 -- 3 passenger minimum rulehurricane这么严重?
CNN Money, Best place to live (NJ)给家里有小孩子的推荐一个good deal
话题: train话题: snow话题: passengers话题: mta话题: stuck