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NewYork版 - The train to the Statue of Liberty(based on the real story (转载)
[转载] 一个人在纽约的日子--12游玩NYC, 请建议!
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is it possible2get ferry2satue of liberty 10amtoday?If you are a new yorker
话题: 160话题: kill话题: liberty话题: statue话题: train
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15794
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: thymeee (节俭灌水种地养娃), 信区: Military
标 题: The train to the Statue of Liberty(based on the real story from cartier2000)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 3 23:05:50 2013, 美东)
The train to the Statue of Liberty
On a peaceful morning, I was walking to the train station on Broadway.  
;Blocks away, swift current flows in the Hudson river.  At the end of
the Hudson River,  stands the Statue of Liberty.
On 125st Station, several teachers with tons of children boarded the train.
During chaotic scene, several words could be heard over and over again, "
kill "and ,"Jimmy Kimmel".
When the racket started to dissipate, A black boy who sat beside a
white passenger told his friend in front of him, " after I grow up, I will
kill all the people! But first, the rich people." 
The white man sat beside him asked fearfully , " will you kill me too?" 
" no. " , the black boy said. "I will not kill you, because we are friends
already." and he looked at the girl beside the white man. " I won't kill her
either, since she is your girlfriend." 
"But I will kill all those who are not my friends." he emphasized. 
 Meanwhile, all of his friends shook their heads behind his back, and
yelled out " I am going to kill all the people."  The leading teachers
said something, no one heard over the din.
The train continued forward past times square, where the ABC studio loomed
in the horizon.  A week ago this broadcasting company broadcasted a
show that has outraged me deeply.
 Three children sat around Jimmy Kimmel.  One said " I will kill
everyone in China." and Jimmy Kimmel replied " that is interesting."
Five days later, our children "learned" and shouted " I will kill all the
people" . 
The train chugged along past the place where the world trade center once
stood. Twelve years before, the terrorists attacked the twin towers, and
targeted only Americans.  But in fact, 2996 casualties from over 90
countries turned into ashes that day,   
As train car sped along, the children's voices still echoed, " I will kill
all the people."
When the train reached it's final destination, I hopped off and gazed at the
Statue of Liberty.  Hundred years before, people from all over the
world waved to the lady in the New York Harbor, and expected to lead safe
and happy life in the United States of America.  
My ears still rung with the voices of those saying " I will kill all the
people",  as I walk towards Gracie Mansion, where the Mayor lives. &#
I want to hand the Mayor a letter, about how the jimmy Kimmel's show
poisoned our children's mind.  And our children, are the future of
America .  
发帖数: 15794


【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: thymeee (节俭灌水种地养娃), 信区: Military
: 标 题: The train to the Statue of Liberty(based on the real story from cartier2000)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 3 23:05:50 2013, 美东)
: The train to the Statue of Liberty
: On a peaceful morning, I was walking to the train station on Broadway.  
: ;Blocks away, swift current flows in the Hudson river.  At the end of
: the Hudson River,  stands the Statue of Liberty.
: On 125st Station, several teachers with tons of children boarded the train.
: During chaotic scene, several words could be heard over and over again, "

1 (共1页)
If you are a new yorker有胆量的明天可以打飞机!
Re: 纽约的ggddjjmm, 再问一次[旅游]The Statue of Liberty on its 124th birthday
new york 中城附近有没有nice Brunch restraurant? either American or Chinese?上liberty statue岛的票需要预定吗?
问:圣诞后在纽约玩的住宿和行程is it possible2get ferry2satue of liberty 10amtoday?
[转载] 一个人在纽约的日子--12游玩NYC, 请建议!
[转载] free woman给大家提个醒: 注意买Statue of Liberty票的官网是statuecruises
请问自由女神像游览哪个是必须去的啊?$25 for 2 tickets: 爸妈NOV-10不能去自由女神像了,所以有2张票空出
从liberty state park坐船去statue of liberty应该在哪里parking啊Are Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island worth going?
话题: 160话题: kill话题: liberty话题: statue话题: train