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Quant版 - SV kalman filter parameter estimation
问个time serieshelp on this problem
GMARCH parameter estimation金融工程程序大收集
matlab fminunc for GARCH model问一个parameters estimation的问题
找实习失败求治愈。。。[合集] 请教怎样估算股票的mu -- 就是mean rate of return?
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问一个calibration 的问题怎样判断两个时间序列的相似度 (转载)
话题: parameter话题: kalman话题: sv话题: estimation话题: filter
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 186
For the state-space linear dynamic system,
y_t+1 = A_t * x_t + R
x_t+1 = B_t * x_t + Q
I read some paper about using EM - maximum likelihood to estimate the
parameter A and B
In simple case assume A_t = A_t-1 = ... A_1, we can maximize \hat{x_t} = E[x
_t | Y_1,,,n]
How do we handle the situaion A_t change over time, like ARMA(1, 1) case,
just use fewer observation Y_t-1, Y_t to estimat the A_t/B_t ???
发帖数: 186
I may not be clear about my question, let me rephrase it.
For time series data, state space model, if the parameter is not static,
change over time
X_t = F_t * X_t-1 + R.
Y_t = H_t * X_t
What's the best way for finding the online parameter?
I found resurve Least Sqaure Error/Gaussian Newton method/Kalman filter all
can be used to do the online parameter estimate, what's the best method?
Anyone has experience?


【在 p********0 的大作中提到】
: For the state-space linear dynamic system,
: y_t+1 = A_t * x_t + R
: x_t+1 = B_t * x_t + Q
: I read some paper about using EM - maximum likelihood to estimate the
: parameter A and B
: In simple case assume A_t = A_t-1 = ... A_1, we can maximize \hat{x_t} = E[x
: _t | Y_1,,,n]
: How do we handle the situaion A_t change over time, like ARMA(1, 1) case,
: just use fewer observation Y_t-1, Y_t to estimat the A_t/B_t ???

发帖数: 31659
例如200个点之内F可看作常数,那你就每200个点作一次least square。


【在 p********0 的大作中提到】
: Ding,
: I may not be clear about my question, let me rephrase it.
: For time series data, state space model, if the parameter is not static,
: change over time
: X_t = F_t * X_t-1 + R.
: Y_t = H_t * X_t
: What's the best way for finding the online parameter?
: I found resurve Least Sqaure Error/Gaussian Newton method/Kalman filter all
: can be used to do the online parameter estimate, what's the best method?
: Anyone has experience?

1 (共1页)
怎样判断两个时间序列的相似度 (转载)[合集] Kalman filter预测参数?
请教Time Series上的几个问题有人用bayesian概率用在投资上么?
有哪些continuous stochastic process具有autocorrelation?如何把 Bayesian 用在预测上??
怎么用historical record来fit任意stochastic process?问一个calibration 的问题
问个time serieshelp on this problem
GMARCH parameter estimation金融工程程序大收集
matlab fminunc for GARCH model问一个parameters estimation的问题
找实习失败求治愈。。。[合集] 请教怎样估算股票的mu -- 就是mean rate of return?
话题: parameter话题: kalman话题: sv话题: estimation话题: filter