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SanFrancisco版 - 小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了 (转载)
赵没心又一次投票反对? (转载)周六 BBQ site 地点在此贴
Vote: Senate 3rd Reading SCA5 Hernandez可以看野花了么?
余胤良、刘云平、刘璿卿将改变支持SCA 5修宪案的立场有谁知道好的fremont的儿童牙医
RP贴, Fremont的摄像头地点弱问:Paseo Padre的正确发音是什么?
[合集] 湾区可吃的中餐馆-(2)沪帮,苏帮,淮扬,杭州5月1日SVTN年度野餐会/BBQ(请置顶)
(通知)八月夏季 新老网友同城联欢 踏青烧烤活动周六 BBQ site 具体地点更新
10月3日SF版09年度BBQ聚会报名了[合集] 南京人集合了!! Re: 三藩版五一BBQ火热报名中
话题: santos话题: reyes话题: narco话题: nayeli话题: who
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4612
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military
标 题: 小墨西哥的毒贩够残忍,把女检察官给剁了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 30 21:26:17 2013, 美东)
Veracruz-Boca del Río - The Federal Judiciary, Nayeli Reyes Santos, 32
years of age, who was abducted last Thursday when she was walking to work,
was found at 7 this morning dead and dismembered in the streets of
Invernadero and Marte in the community of Joyas de Mocambo.
With signs of torture, mutilated and a narco-banner nailed to the back with
a knife, is how the remains of Reyes Santos were found. The narco-poster had
a warning against those who tried to betray the cartel members "Z" or Zetas
. Unofficially it is believed that the message said, "This is what is going
to happen to all those who show no respect or finger the company. Atte Z."
Later authorities were able to confirm that the body found belonged to
Nayeli Reyes Santos, who was intercepted by a van with unidentified men,
when she was walking on the street Habaneras near the corner of Paseo
Jardines de Virginia.
1 (共1页)
[合集] 南京人集合了!! Re: 三藩版五一BBQ火热报名中湾区可吃的中餐馆-(2)沪帮,苏帮,淮扬,杭州
【星期天,8月8日】 双城会踏青烧烤bbq活动召集中[合集] 湾区可吃的中餐馆-(2)沪帮,苏帮,淮扬,杭州
周日(9月12号)下午 Fremont Central Park 打排球(通知)八月夏季 新老网友同城联欢 踏青烧烤活动
赵没心又一次投票反对? (转载)周六 BBQ site 地点在此贴
Vote: Senate 3rd Reading SCA5 Hernandez可以看野花了么?
余胤良、刘云平、刘璿卿将改变支持SCA 5修宪案的立场有谁知道好的fremont的儿童牙医
RP贴, Fremont的摄像头地点弱问:Paseo Padre的正确发音是什么?
话题: santos话题: reyes话题: narco话题: nayeli话题: who