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SanFrancisco版 - 国会议员要求调查指控中国间谍的案件
80-20吴仙标给司法部长的一封信, 关于sherry chen的“间谍“案以斗争求和平-论张浩事件 (转载)
支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在国会争取一个“配额”Ted Liu 好样的! (转载)
加州左逼奴才菊花夹着止血带怒吼:支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在 (转载)斗小三狗血事件:白领互贴英文“大字报”
加州左逼奴才菊花夹着止血带怒吼:支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在 (转载)有人八卦国内版马楠么? 太牛了
领袖“三国"呼吁, 催出亚裔票源, 初选送Ted Lieu到国会推荐个剪头发的地方吧?
多位知名学者联署新请愿,要求司法部调查Sherry Chen/Xiaoxing谁有cupertino village那个叫sherry的hair dresser的电话
这解放区看来还是没解放,连这事儿都出,有照的还是去选官罢 (转载)最近有人买Prius吗?
民主党真的是少数民族和移民的保护人吗? (转载)去LA,求问。
话题: chen话题: chinese话题: lieu话题: american话题: mr
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 158
对华人/华裔的不信任, 严重影响华人/华裔的职业发现!
Members of Congress Ask for Review of Dropped Espionage Case
Twenty-two members of Congress have asked Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch
to determine whether race played a factor in espionage-related charges
brought against a Chinese-American hydrologist and are asking her to
investigate whether there is a practice of targeting federal employees based
on their race or national origin.
Representative Ted W. Lieu, a Democrat of California, said in an interview
Tuesday that he was concerned that the investigation of Sherry Chen, a 59-
year-old National Weather Service employee who was targeted in a high-
profile espionage case that was dropped shortly before a trial was set to
begin, may be indicative of a broader racial profiling campaign against
“There’s been a history of discrimination against Asian Pacific Americans,
and the recurrent theme is one of suspicion,” Mr. Lieu said. “We now have
Sherry Chen’s case, and I want to make sure our federal government does
not discriminate against any Americans, especially federal employees.”
In a letter to Ms. Lynch, Mr. Lieu and 21 members of Congress said they were
responding to a recent article in The New York Times that reported federal
agents investigated Mrs. Chen as a possible Chinese spy, found no evidence,
but still arrested her for lesser charges that could have led to 25 years in
prison and $1 million in fines.
The government dropped its charges, without explanation, in March. Mrs. Chen
was initially suspended without pay, but her benefits and pay have been
restored. She is still awaiting a decision from the Commerce Department,
which oversees the weather service, on whether it plans to reinstate her.
Mrs. Chen has said in interviews that she would like her job back. She has
not been back to her Wilmington, Ohio, office since the day she was escorted
away in handcuffs by six F.B.I. agents.
Representatives from the Commerce Department did not respond to requests for
an update of her employment status.
Mr. Lieu, as well as members of Asian-American rights groups, are asking for
Mrs. Chen’s reinstatement, including five months’ back pay and a public
“We are all in favor of catching the bad guys when the bad guys do
something bad, but we are seriously concerned that the F.B.I. and company
are jumping to conclusions, not based on any evidence, but on racial
profiling,” said George Koo, a member of the Committee of 100, a Chinese-
American advocacy group formed in 1990 to promote relations between the
United States and China.
“Whenever the relationship is poor, Chinese-Americans suddenly become
suspected spies for China,” Mr. Koo said in an interview. “Sherry Chen is
just the latest example.”
In the letter to Ms. Lynch, Mr. Lieu and other members of Congress,
including California Democrats Barbara Lee, Michael M. Honda, Judy Chu and
Mark Takano, said they were particularly concerned that a government insider
-threat program, introduced in response to leaks by Edward J. Snowden in
2013, might have led to spurious investigations.
Mr. Lieu noted that it was a government employee who first reported Mrs.
Chen. “Federal employees are trained that naturalized citizens are more
suspicious and that people who speak a foreign language at home are more
suspicious,” he added. “Well that would also apply to me, and I find it
The Justice Department has been under significant pressure for the last two
years, following reports of Chinese cyberattacks, to investigate and
prosecute cases under the Economic Espionage Act. In 2013, the White House
introduced a five-part strategy to tackle trade secret theft, a cornerstone
of which was more investigations and prosecutions.
Mr. Koo of the Committee of 100 said Asian-American groups hoped to help Mrs
. Chen get her job back.
发帖数: 158
AAPI leaders call on AG to investigate Sherry Chen case
MAY, 2015
U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu (CA-33)
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 20, 2015) — Leaders of the Asian Pacific American
communities will join Members of Congress to call for Attorney General Lynch
to investigate and determine whether race and national origin were factors
in the case of Sherry Chen, a Federal employee with the National Weather
According to a press announcement from the office of U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu (CA-
33). The statement added that community leaders and Members of Congress are
seeking to understand whether there is any written or unwritten policy,
program, pattern or practice of additional civil rights classifications such
as religion and gender being used by Federal agencies in targeting Federal
employees and contractors – or any American – for surveillance, arrest,
security clearance denials or other adverse actions in the implementation of
national security policies.
In addition to Lieu, the other leaders to appear at a Thursday press
conference in Cannon Building Room 402, include U.S. Reps’ Judy Chu (CA-32)
, Mike Honda (CA-15), and Grace Meng (NY-6), and representatives from the
Committee of 100, Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ), OCA-Asian
American Advocates, Chinese American Citizens Alliance (CACA), Asian Pacific
Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA), National Council of
Chinese Americans (NCCA) and Peter Zeidenberg on behalf of Sherry Chen.
In October 2014, Sherry Chen, was publicly arrested at her workplace and
charged with four felony charges, largely built on the suspicion that she
had been working on behalf of the Chinese government to threaten U.S.
infrastructure. Two months ago, less than one week before trial, the
government dismissed all charges against Ms. Chen.
According to the press release, U.S. authorities increased their scrutiny of
and cast an ever widening net over Chinese nationals in the U.S. and
Chinese Americans, more innocent people like Sherry Chen have been caught in
the middle of it, often without assurance of judicious and proper due
process. There is good and credible evidence that our government, in many
instances, has rushed to judgment conceivably in an atmosphere of paranoia
and speculation. The Asian Pacific American community fully supports the
prosecution of espionage and other illegal activities that threaten our
national security, but the xenophobic profiling must stop.
发帖数: 18403
zan! 转了USNews, Faculty, Boston, Newyork
发帖数: 18403
right now, it's anti-Chinese news every day.
They are trying to scare people into a hysteria
so as to fast track TPP, which is an anti-China
economic containment policy masterminded
by Abe.
传统MEDIA 写文,写评。 礼貌温和,多提老中的
发帖数: 1955
发帖数: 26623
可能会有人跳出来说Ted W. Lieu是中国特务
发帖数: 158
TED Lieu, 自己做过法律方面的工作, 知道“避嫌”, 应该身正不怕影斜。
发帖数: 307
FBI wants another Chinese exclusion act in the high tech .
发帖数: 18403
发帖数: 7549

【在 o**********e 的大作中提到】
: 我的预测:只要TPP需要,FBI没几天又回抓老中:
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/SanFrancisco/34359023.html

1 (共1页)
去LA,求问。领袖“三国"呼吁, 催出亚裔票源, 初选送Ted Lieu到国会
89岁老人三藩闹市区摔倒,无人扶窒息身亡多位知名学者联署新请愿,要求司法部调查Sherry Chen/Xiaoxing
谁了解IRS关于做空高分红股票的规定? (转载)这解放区看来还是没解放,连这事儿都出,有照的还是去选官罢 (转载)
推荐一个milpitas的famliy daycare民主党真的是少数民族和移民的保护人吗? (转载)
80-20吴仙标给司法部长的一封信, 关于sherry chen的“间谍“案以斗争求和平-论张浩事件 (转载)
支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在国会争取一个“配额”Ted Liu 好样的! (转载)
加州左逼奴才菊花夹着止血带怒吼:支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在 (转载)斗小三狗血事件:白领互贴英文“大字报”
加州左逼奴才菊花夹着止血带怒吼:支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在 (转载)有人八卦国内版马楠么? 太牛了
话题: chen话题: chinese话题: lieu话题: american话题: mr