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Science版 - Postdoc position at NIST (转载)
Re: 最伟大的数学家Re: 本来透明的"玻璃“,通电后不透明了
Postdoctoral Positions in UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE (转载)postdoc in nanocomposite for solar cells
Re: 为什么colonies有大有小呢?Ph.D./Master student positions available
from Wang et. al.Re: 声波的传播
Re: CD的彩色条纹是怎么来的?Re: 什么叫“二次电子”?
Re: [转载] can someone explain the mechanism of CD?Suggesions: Re: 有人熟悉mie scattering?
再问:Gaussian model是什么东东?如何区别水晶和玻璃
有关CNT点阵Research positions
话题: neutron话题: scattering话题: national话题: technology
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34
【 以下文字转载自 Macromolecules 讨论区 】
发信人: olivertree (Life is good), 信区: Macromolecules
标 题: Postdoc position at NIST
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 29 19:39:22 2012, 美东)
We are seeking candidates for a postdoctoral position focused on
understanding and controling the microstructures and dispersion in carbon/
polymer nanocomposites at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
's Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, MD. The aim of the work is
to understand and control the microstructures and dispersion by studying the
self assembly of carbon nanoparticles. The primary tools will be Small
Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) as well as Neutron Refelctometry (NR) and
quasi-elastic neutron scattering techniques. Significant opportunities
exist for a highly motivated candidate to provide new directions.
Candidates must have a PhD in a Physical Science, excellent experimental
skills, and good communication skills. Experience in x-ray or neutron
scattering techniques is desirable but not essential.
Appointment will be for two years with the possibility of extension. Salary
is in the range from $58,000 to $65,000 depending on qualifications and
The deadline for the application is March 21, 2012.
Please send inquiries and your resume (electronic preferred) to:
Paul Butler
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 6102
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8562
Tel: (301) 975-2028
Fax: (301) 921-9847
Email: b****[email protected]
发帖数: 34
【 以下文字转载自 Macromolecules 讨论区 】
发信人: olivertree (Life is good), 信区: Macromolecules
标 题: Postdoc position at NIST
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 29 19:39:22 2012, 美东)
We are seeking candidates for a postdoctoral position focused on
understanding and controling the microstructures and dispersion in carbon/
polymer nanocomposites at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
's Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, MD. The aim of the work is
to understand and control the microstructures and dispersion by studying the
self assembly of carbon nanoparticles. The primary tools will be Small
Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) as well as Neutron Refelctometry (NR) and
quasi-elastic neutron scattering techniques. Significant opportunities
exist for a highly motivated candidate to provide new directions.
Candidates must have a PhD in a Physical Science, excellent experimental
skills, and good communication skills. Experience in x-ray or neutron
scattering techniques is desirable but not essential.
Appointment will be for two years with the possibility of extension. Salary
is in the range from $58,000 to $65,000 depending on qualifications and
The deadline for the application is March 21, 2012.
Please send inquiries and your resume (electronic preferred) to:
Paul Butler
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 6102
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8562
Tel: (301) 975-2028
Fax: (301) 921-9847
Email: b****[email protected]
1 (共1页)
Research positionsRe: CD的彩色条纹是怎么来的?
讨论下太阳早上和傍晚大且红,中午小而且热的问题Re: [转载] can someone explain the mechanism of CD?
Postdoc, Senior Research Position at UMD/NIST (Deadline: Ja (转载)再问:Gaussian model是什么东东?
Re: help on AFM有关CNT点阵
Re: 最伟大的数学家Re: 本来透明的"玻璃“,通电后不透明了
Postdoctoral Positions in UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE (转载)postdoc in nanocomposite for solar cells
Re: 为什么colonies有大有小呢?Ph.D./Master student positions available
from Wang et. al.Re: 声波的传播
话题: neutron话题: scattering话题: national话题: technology