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Stock版 - 美股 Solar 概要
Future of SOLARTSLA and Electric Hybrid Cadillac
JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. Signs Solar Modules Supply Agreement with European CompanyNatural Gas Shortage Hits California Power Supply
大牛们来讲讲VSLR有基金买Tesla 50块的Put,豪掷70万美元赌930万
高盛:新浪微博社会化媒体盈利存局限从电池成本看特斯拉的未来 2017年实现人手一辆(转载,供参考)
比亚迪公布电动车测试周年结果 (转载)你们说我是建仓scty还是建仓reits?
TSLA 报表有问题 有作假嫌疑Re: 至少短期未来属于混合动力型的汽车。
话题: cost话题: watt话题: module话题: solar话题: kwh
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 572
发帖数: 572
It's not the per watt cost we are talking about.
Their 0.69 YMB in report should be Levelised cost measured by kWh.
The per watt cost we are talking about is module price divided by
its rated power output. For example, if a solar module has rated
power output 200W, and its price is $400. Then the cost per watt is
$2.0. When you buy a solar panel, they will list this cost per watt
number. However, cost per watt can be converted to levelised cost
measured by kWh. And $1.0/Watt usually is considere
发帖数: 114
I just took a quick look on how to convert and summarize into a fomular.
X - module cost/w, one-time purchase price
Y - cost/kwh, ongoing charge on electricity
X = (Y / A) * R / N
A - the ratio module cost as portion of total installation cost
R - yield rate / year
N - kwhs generated / year
A is probably 50% or less, concidering all other cost like installation
R is probably something larger than (interest rate + risk premium), because
the module can not last forever. I assume it is 8-10%

【在 L****a 的大作中提到】
: It's not the per watt cost we are talking about.
: Their 0.69 YMB in report should be Levelised cost measured by kWh.
: The per watt cost we are talking about is module price divided by
: its rated power output. For example, if a solar module has rated
: power output 200W, and its price is $400. Then the cost per watt is
: $2.0. When you buy a solar panel, they will list this cost per watt
: number. However, cost per watt can be converted to levelised cost
: measured by kWh. And $1.0/Watt usually is considere

1 (共1页)
Re: 至少短期未来属于混合动力型的汽车。比亚迪公布电动车测试周年结果 (转载)
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拍脑袋胡咧,以为特斯拉充电方便的看看它的家里充电要求TSLA 报表有问题 有作假嫌疑
Future of SOLARTSLA and Electric Hybrid Cadillac
JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. Signs Solar Modules Supply Agreement with European CompanyNatural Gas Shortage Hits California Power Supply
大牛们来讲讲VSLR有基金买Tesla 50块的Put,豪掷70万美元赌930万
高盛:新浪微博社会化媒体盈利存局限从电池成本看特斯拉的未来 2017年实现人手一辆(转载,供参考)
话题: cost话题: watt话题: module话题: solar话题: kwh