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Stock版 - my watch and/or holding tickers (转载)
AVX FA analysis整个美国股市我最看好Xinyuan
Why am I 70% invested,mos, 想操AVEO,你觉得行吗?
上来说一声sell pick 啦, 一个包子
说说我的三个 Industrial holdingGlobant 暴涨
Three of my holding hit 52 weeks high todayRe: 喊一个ticker GOOS
Two stocks I am thinking about buying大夫摔杯大家赶紧的all in margin自己选3x
明天早盘也许ilmn有dipDIS UP UP UP!
put REE today炒股软件for新手穷人
话题: related话题: ra话题: tickers话题: rail话题: ree
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 89
【 以下文字转载自 Financial_Ratio_Analysis 俱乐部 】
发信人: bip (<<< Beast-In-Pit >>>), 信区: Financial_Ratio_Analysis
标 题: my watch and/or holding tickers
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 9 00:55:47 2011, 美东)
irbt: home and military robots, the way of the future?
mu: everyone knows this one. Information storage, one of Intel's strategic investments. Be careful about the convertible bonds ($~13-14 not sure if I remember correctly?)
tc: American REE (by brookxi), high tech manufacturing applications, depending on China's REE policy.
cldx: bad news recently, but promising pipeline drugs and phase 3 trial
kickoff coming, buy on dip but limit your exposure?
xoma: this one I revealed my position earlier on the Stock board. I have to
say I like this long time loser and I understand what they are doing. But
still very risky play. I am holding currently.
nanx: surface coating nanotech industry, potential for further growth. very
small cap, still negative income though.
mxwl: capacitors for energy storage. Minncai has just posted another three
tickers (AVX, VSH and KEM.) in the same sector on the Stock board.
bwen: components maker/assembler/transporter; I do not quite like companies
trying to do it all, but its price is quite low and wind sector to stage a
tgt: looking for short-term corrections, very good brand recognition and
fostered quite an army of middle class, well-educated consumers with higher
earning powers.
wfc: if I have to pick a financial stock, this is the one.
I will also closely watch the sectors I am fond of
Pets related (PetSmart etc.)
Rail related (UNP,RA): looking for major correction
Full Genome Sequencing related (ilmn, life, pacb, gnom)
I like pets, and I think the sector is profitable.
look at RA's monthly rail goods data and AA's performance (if I remember correctly,
RA bought AA's rail-lines), one possible unverified correlation.
UNP, the only one covering western US left for us after Buffett bought BNSF.
pay attention to Mexico's and Canada's growth?
ilmn, life, pacb, gnom: hot coming concepts on the street. First three devices related, last one service related. currently all about devices I think.
I truly understand why Buffett respects Ben so much because Ben shares his
investment wisdom. It is very hard to give out one's own hard work for free.
Also for aggressive value investors, the probability of wrong
prediction is always there and extremely high sometimes. So YMYD.
发帖数: 89

investments. Be careful about the convertible bonds ($~13-14 not sure if I
remember correctly?)
depending on China's REE policy.

【在 a*****n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Financial_Ratio_Analysis 俱乐部 】
: 发信人: bip (<<< Beast-In-Pit >>>), 信区: Financial_Ratio_Analysis
: 标 题: my watch and/or holding tickers
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 9 00:55:47 2011, 美东)
: irbt: home and military robots, the way of the future?
: mu: everyone knows this one. Information storage, one of Intel's strategic investments. Be careful about the convertible bonds ($~13-14 not sure if I remember correctly?)
: tc: American REE (by brookxi), high tech manufacturing applications, depending on China's REE policy.
: cldx: bad news recently, but promising pipeline drugs and phase 3 trial
: kickoff coming, buy on dip but limit your exposure?
: xoma: this one I revealed my position earlier on the Stock board. I have to

1 (共1页)
炒股软件for新手穷人Three of my holding hit 52 weeks high today
猜顶啦。包子游戏。Two stocks I am thinking about buying
whats happening to VSH?明天早盘也许ilmn有dip
VSH tai4 gei3 jin4 leput REE today
AVX FA analysis整个美国股市我最看好Xinyuan
Why am I 70% invested,mos, 想操AVEO,你觉得行吗?
上来说一声sell pick 啦, 一个包子
说说我的三个 Industrial holdingGlobant 暴涨
话题: related话题: ra话题: tickers话题: rail话题: ree