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Stock版 - 事后诸葛亮也挺能学到东西的。。。。。
ZT JP Morgan: Down Turn Will be a Buying OpportunityReason to Rally
CAT showing Bullish, but where?This is a "bad rally,"....lol
推荐个牛股CAT2% upside then 20% downside
刚刚发现Caterpillar 大涨大夫,给看看M吧!
爆乳CATwhat's going on? So green
狗剩喊话了 抱抱抱nmbl怎么办?近49入的,如何处理才能减少损失呢
今天涨的解释nflx ..害我错过了大反弹..RALLY
真是人为瞎恐慌!Caterpillar Inc (CAT)明天就会回来。我来三言两语macro
话题: apple话题: cramer话题: stock话题: quarter
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16594
"Despite the overwhelmingly negative backdrop, it wasn't the time to sell,
it was the time to buy. The toughest move would have been the smartest one
to take," Cramer said.
Cramer was reminded of this lesson when he looked at the stock of
Caterpillar, which was trading at $57 in late January. It reported a loss of
15 cents per share, versus a $1.35 profit the year before. Many sold on
this news, but Cramer found that the company had actually taken a huge
restructuring charge, and would have earned 74 cents a share it if didn't
need to slash costs due to a downturn of clients across its business.
Caterpillar was so easy to sell back then. The end markets appeared to be
bleak, especially in oil, and the dollar was strong because the Fed had just
The stock closed at $76 on Thursday.
Apple was also in pain this quarter when the stock plunged to $93 from $105
before eventually rebounding back to $109. The day in January when Apple hit
$93 was the day that it had just reported a monster quarter.
Instead of focusing on Apple's strength, analysts chose to focus on how they
thought it would be the last good quarter for iPhone sales, so Apple's
earnings would be downhill from there, and analysts began to cut price
It turns out that plunge to $93 was the low for the year. The stock has
rallied ever since as investors realized that the next quarter would most
likely be the low because there is a new iPhone on the horizon, and Apple's
revenue stream is growing rapidly.
In the second week of February,the stock market seemed to think the world
was coming to an end. European banks were struggling, oil was dropping fast,
the dollar was gaining strength and the averages were all down double
These were plenty of reasons to bail on stocks, yet the companies themselves
gave investors a reason to be encouraged. Caterpillar said it was in good
shape for a downturn, and Apple explained it wasn't a one-product company
That was not the time to sell.
"Please remember that even if you hate the market, there is almost always a
better time to ring the register on stocks of great companies than into a
maelstrom of selling, because panic is not a strategy," Cramer said.
发帖数: 1184
发帖数: 629
15年初,我按照Dividend House建仓的时候,CAT之类的都是稳健蓝筹。。。
发帖数: 3785

CAT在中国slow down的情况下不能是稳定蓝筹吧。。。全世界经济都不好,CAT很难好
,15年初中国slow down就已经铺天盖地了吧

【在 s******a 的大作中提到】
: 15年初,我按照Dividend House建仓的时候,CAT之类的都是稳健蓝筹。。。
发帖数: 629

【在 u********3 的大作中提到】
: CAT在中国slow down的情况下不能是稳定蓝筹吧。。。全世界经济都不好,CAT很难好
: ,15年初中国slow down就已经铺天盖地了吧

发帖数: 162
发帖数: 16371

【在 y***r 的大作中提到】
: "Despite the overwhelmingly negative backdrop, it wasn't the time to sell,
: it was the time to buy. The toughest move would have been the smartest one
: to take," Cramer said.
: Cramer was reminded of this lesson when he looked at the stock of
: Caterpillar, which was trading at $57 in late January. It reported a loss of
: 15 cents per share, versus a $1.35 profit the year before. Many sold on
: this news, but Cramer found that the company had actually taken a huge
: restructuring charge, and would have earned 74 cents a share it if didn't
: need to slash costs due to a downturn of clients across its business.
: Caterpillar was so easy to sell back then. The end markets appeared to be

发帖数: 3292
就算CAT 这一季$0.74EPS,假设没有季节性调整,那一年EPS$2.96, stock price: $57
PE:$19.26, 对一个sector outlook negative to stable at most 的,值这个PE吗?(
啥好的hanging on的价格吧,除非是买了吃高股息的,就算吃高股息,88% current
payout ratio,我也不知高股息是不是sustainable, 有跟进的可以分享,但至少不是
Cramer 扯一句蛋就成的。
发帖数: 2599
买 20% TLT镇仓


【在 y***r 的大作中提到】
: "Despite the overwhelmingly negative backdrop, it wasn't the time to sell,
: it was the time to buy. The toughest move would have been the smartest one
: to take," Cramer said.
: Cramer was reminded of this lesson when he looked at the stock of
: Caterpillar, which was trading at $57 in late January. It reported a loss of
: 15 cents per share, versus a $1.35 profit the year before. Many sold on
: this news, but Cramer found that the company had actually taken a huge
: restructuring charge, and would have earned 74 cents a share it if didn't
: need to slash costs due to a downturn of clients across its business.
: Caterpillar was so easy to sell back then. The end markets appeared to be

发帖数: 16594
fear and greed. This is the thing I learn from this articular, not the
fundamental of these two companies.


【在 j*****h 的大作中提到】
: 读CRAMER真是浪费时间,比在股版扯蛋都不如。至少股版的贴内容少,花时间少。
: 今天看这贴又花了一毛钱时间在CRAMER上,主要还是歪勃大牛的面子
: 就算CAT 这一季$0.74EPS,假设没有季节性调整,那一年EPS$2.96, stock price: $57
: PE:$19.26, 对一个sector outlook negative to stable at most 的,值这个PE吗?(
: 再假设它的蓝筹性和高周期性相抵)。我不知它的历史平均PE,没有跟进过,但$57不是
: 啥好的hanging on的价格吧,除非是买了吃高股息的,就算吃高股息,88% current
: payout ratio,我也不知高股息是不是sustainable, 有跟进的可以分享,但至少不是
: Cramer 扯一句蛋就成的。

发帖数: 3292
Daniu,you have not have "get it"?
Fear or greed or not, it is all about holding power. Getting into the stock
at the wrong price without margin of safety only gives you liquidation power
at the unfavorable time.

【在 y***r 的大作中提到】
: fear and greed. This is the thing I learn from this articular, not the
: fundamental of these two companies.
: 57
: ?(

1 (共1页)
My sense today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!狗剩喊话了 抱抱抱
Market will rebound in the next week真是人为瞎恐慌!Caterpillar Inc (CAT)明天就会回来。
ZT JP Morgan: Down Turn Will be a Buying OpportunityReason to Rally
CAT showing Bullish, but where?This is a "bad rally,"....lol
推荐个牛股CAT2% upside then 20% downside
刚刚发现Caterpillar 大涨大夫,给看看M吧!
话题: apple话题: cramer话题: stock话题: quarter