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TexasHoldem版 - 快速认出good aggressive玩家
FTOPS Sat Challenge freeroll咱们msop明年7月组队去参加main event吧
US players are at least 1/2 of all their businesswhy is he calling me fish?
Don't let downswing bother you这几个数据是不是太weak了
得意一下Play against LAGs
打KO的后遗症昨晚又是一个tilt session
finally win a gameMTT高手被 stake
get the token race win. For ftop event 9, HU最近大家战绩如何
TWO FTP 100+K by a same person in one daycaptainkakashi 是版上的吗?
话题: wsf话题: vpip话题: aggressive话题: hu话题: 玩家
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 56
一般玩家分为loose passive, bad aggressive 以及 good aggressive三种
类型。前一种可以通过他的vpip, pfr以及aggression factor容易认出。后两种
w$wsf是看到flop之后的won几率,这个参数越大意味着玩家post flop skill越高
通常来说,vpip越小,w$wsf越大,可以理解为tight aggressive style, 只玩
premium hands。
vpip越高,相应的w$wsf应该越小,因为玩的牌多了,flop hit几率下降。一般
loose passive player喜欢fit or fold, w$wsf自然不会高。
但是一个好的loose aggressive player, 他的vpip虽然高于常人,w$wsf却不会
很低,他会通过对手的举动来判断对方的hand range,采取相应的对策来maximize
发帖数: 2063
if you play high buyin games, almost everyone is LAG.
for example, 100dollar rebuy, everyone has a super deep stack(,50+BB-
100bbstack) and almost every pot is raise, reraise.
And just watch 2500$buyin game, the same, everyone won 200k+ on FTP. and
everyone is LAG, raise, reraise. almost every pot.

【在 t******b 的大作中提到】
: 一般玩家分为loose passive, bad aggressive 以及 good aggressive三种
: 类型。前一种可以通过他的vpip, pfr以及aggression factor容易认出。后两种
: 乍一看不易分别。一种常用的区分方法是看他们的vpip和w$wsf这两个参数的乘积。
: vpip是自愿投入pot的几率,这个参数越小意味着玩家越tight。
: w$wsf是看到flop之后的won几率,这个参数越大意味着玩家post flop skill越高
: 通常来说,vpip越小,w$wsf越大,可以理解为tight aggressive style, 只玩
: premium hands。
: vpip越高,相应的w$wsf应该越小,因为玩的牌多了,flop hit几率下降。一般
: loose passive player喜欢fit or fold, w$wsf自然不会高。
: 但是一个好的loose aggressive player, 他的vpip虽然高于常人,w$wsf却不会

发帖数: 15860
哈哈,你看完今天的FTOP event 22没有?
最后psutennis11大战brian hastings(职业选手),很强悍啊,从1:3.5的落后,
折腾了可能将近1个半钟头,最后Jc8c打死55,pre flop shove,brian剩不到1M,

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: if you play high buyin games, almost everyone is LAG.
: for example, 100dollar rebuy, everyone has a super deep stack(,50+BB-
: 100bbstack) and almost every pot is raise, reraise.
: And just watch 2500$buyin game, the same, everyone won 200k+ on FTP. and
: everyone is LAG, raise, reraise. almost every pot.

发帖数: 2063
Sounds to me, it is strange that they do not chop.(300k+450K)/2=370k*2+(10k for
HU and FTOP avar), when they are close enough. Or chip ratio chop.150K for a HU game is just too much for normal player, or even for professionals.
Maybe brain think he will win in the end, since he is professional and good HU player, and have played 25k buyin HU game before, and won 3rd.
From what I saw today, PSU got very lucky. he has kk, crazyevan has qq, get one double. Another time, PSU get AA, E*T gets KK,

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 哈哈,你看完今天的FTOP event 22没有?
: 最后psutennis11大战brian hastings(职业选手),很强悍啊,从1:3.5的落后,
: 折腾了可能将近1个半钟头,最后Jc8c打死55,pre flop shove,brian剩不到1M,
: psu有4.7M。
: $457000,赞!

1 (共1页)
captainkakashi 是版上的吗?打KO的后遗症
哪位大侠能给个PT的数据参考范围finally win a game
Share my Bad Day in Foxwoodsget the token race win. For ftop event 9, HU
admire fcfTWO FTP 100+K by a same person in one day
FTOPS Sat Challenge freeroll咱们msop明年7月组队去参加main event吧
US players are at least 1/2 of all their businesswhy is he calling me fish?
Don't let downswing bother you这几个数据是不是太weak了
得意一下Play against LAGs
话题: wsf话题: vpip话题: aggressive话题: hu话题: 玩家