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TexasHoldem版 - 台作家变身“美女赌神” 被新加坡赌场列黑名单
新人报到player, 帮俺们设计点活动吧
六四大战LV 预报Vegas 之旅结束
Kelly criterion拿到一本ebay 卖3500$ 的书
昨天在vegas MGM打牌Any Live Game has time limit?
【牌醉金迷】赌记之Raddison Casino (Aruba)WV
今天没有MPT了?loaded 5000 shares of MGM
Vegas 哪个poker room好?bad news, it didn't pass
6月底去vegasgood, good, now catching up!
话题: bj话题: casino话题: count话题: decks话题: counting
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
player, haha, ur soul mate is here!
中新网5月7日电 据香港中通社报道,赌神也有速成班,台湾美女作家唐宏安在48天内
发帖数: 9164
do you have her email address,msn, facebook? :) 10 baozi if you have it ,

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: player, haha, ur soul mate is here!
: ------------------------------
: 中新网5月7日电 据香港中通社报道,赌神也有速成班,台湾美女作家唐宏安在48天内
: ,由不懂扑克牌变成赌神,更因为在三天内狂赢200万元(新台币,下同),名列新加坡
: 赌场的黑名单,但她表示:“我不是出老千,我是真的会算牌!”下一个目标已锁定美
: 国赌城——拉斯韦加斯。
: 现职专栏作家、广播旅游单元主持人的31岁台湾女作家唐宏安日前向媒体透露其“赌徒
: ”生涯,自言喜欢赌博是因为四年前的一套电影《决胜21点》,她自称当年看完该电影
: ,一时兴起在卧室墙上写:“我希望在35岁前成为赌场黑名单。”
: 机会在年初降临,过往因采访认识的职业扑克玩家Dan于年初主动找上她,邀其加入一

发帖数: 9164
this is so misleading though. card counting has a such small edge and such
a big swing. Even the movie 21 ia very misleading from the point of
Blackjack as well.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: player, haha, ur soul mate is here!
: ------------------------------
: 中新网5月7日电 据香港中通社报道,赌神也有速成班,台湾美女作家唐宏安在48天内
: ,由不懂扑克牌变成赌神,更因为在三天内狂赢200万元(新台币,下同),名列新加坡
: 赌场的黑名单,但她表示:“我不是出老千,我是真的会算牌!”下一个目标已锁定美
: 国赌城——拉斯韦加斯。
: 现职专栏作家、广播旅游单元主持人的31岁台湾女作家唐宏安日前向媒体透露其“赌徒
: ”生涯,自言喜欢赌博是因为四年前的一套电影《决胜21点》,她自称当年看完该电影
: ,一时兴起在卧室墙上写:“我希望在35岁前成为赌场黑名单。”
: 机会在年初降临,过往因采访认识的职业扑克玩家Dan于年初主动找上她,邀其加入一

发帖数: 1414


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: do you have her email address,msn, facebook? :) 10 baozi if you have it ,
: hehe

发帖数: 9164
no. she is younger than me. I am ws big uncle....

【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: 她的年紀比你大吧?
: ,

发帖数: 1414

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: no. she is younger than me. I am ws big uncle....
发帖数: 1989
溝通, kow, 一方面就行了. 想那么多...

【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: 哦,那先恭喜你。不過台女比較難溝通,背景+成長經歷都不一樣,搭上後可能長久相
: 處嗎?

发帖数: 1989
not sure she won with 21 or not. Casinos now use 4 decks and shuffle in
middle. Counting, I believe, is not a viable way to gain margin.
发帖数: 9164
dude, are you still living in Chicargo area? heard there are some decent BJ/
poker game in some riverboat casino near Chicargo. I may travel there in
summer. you know anything about the casino there?

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: not sure she won with 21 or not. Casinos now use 4 decks and shuffle in
: middle. Counting, I believe, is not a viable way to gain margin.

发帖数: 9164
I do not think I ever have a chance, so no need to worry that at all, lol.

【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: 哦,那先恭喜你。不過台女比較難溝通,背景+成長經歷都不一樣,搭上後可能長久相
: 處嗎?

今天没有MPT了?player, 帮俺们设计点活动吧
Vegas 哪个poker room好?Vegas 之旅结束
6月底去vegas拿到一本ebay 卖3500$ 的书
发帖数: 327
high low card count is very basic.
i tried it before, not much sucess with 6-8 decks.
you need to min bet every hand and wait till the count reach 15. It could be
a long wait and at that point, you already lose a lot of bets, hehe. Also,
your suddent max bet will be very suspecious to the house. They'll catch you
for sure.
Maybe a team will work out better.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: player, haha, ur soul mate is here!
: ------------------------------
: 中新网5月7日电 据香港中通社报道,赌神也有速成班,台湾美女作家唐宏安在48天内
: ,由不懂扑克牌变成赌神,更因为在三天内狂赢200万元(新台币,下同),名列新加坡
: 赌场的黑名单,但她表示:“我不是出老千,我是真的会算牌!”下一个目标已锁定美
: 国赌城——拉斯韦加斯。
: 现职专栏作家、广播旅游单元主持人的31岁台湾女作家唐宏安日前向媒体透露其“赌徒
: ”生涯,自言喜欢赌博是因为四年前的一套电影《决胜21点》,她自称当年看完该电影
: ,一时兴起在卧室墙上写:“我希望在35岁前成为赌场黑名单。”
: 机会在年初降临,过往因采访认识的职业扑克玩家Dan于年初主动找上她,邀其加入一

发帖数: 9164
lol. where did you learn hi-lo? it is really easy, but you need to convert
the running count to true count when use it. true count is running count/
remaining decks. NO such thing like RC 15 ,hehe.
usually you get a very small edge in TC 1, depends on rule. Most pro
advice a max bet on TC 5+. you can run cvdata to find the frequecy/edge etc
for each true count.
yesh. heat is big factor for playing BJ. I personally got barred by
most Vegas casino from playing BJ, but there are things that you can do to
get longer playing time.


【在 p******e 的大作中提到】
: high low card count is very basic.
: i tried it before, not much sucess with 6-8 decks.
: you need to min bet every hand and wait till the count reach 15. It could be
: a long wait and at that point, you already lose a lot of bets, hehe. Also,
: your suddent max bet will be very suspecious to the house. They'll catch you
: for sure.
: Maybe a team will work out better.

发帖数: 1989
I am not at Chicago. There are three casino by Water. The one you mentioned
mostly likely in in S. Chicago (IND.), 20 min. from Chicago downtown. It is
ok. It is call Horseshoe. More down farther into IND(smaller).
There are two other in SUB(one in South-west Aurora, the other in west Elgin
But tiny).


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: dude, are you still living in Chicargo area? heard there are some decent BJ/
: poker game in some riverboat casino near Chicargo. I may travel there in
: summer. you know anything about the casino there?

发帖数: 6301
发帖数: 9164
yeah. I read that when it was originally posted on MITBBS on prose board.
it is quite fictional, IMO. I think his major problem was risk/br
management, which is one of the biggest thing in BJ. In one of the bible of
BJ-BJ attack, there is lots of discussion about that.
6deck, even 8 deck is highly beatable given good penetration/rules.
Counting 6/8deck takes sometime(20-100 hours most of time)to practice in
real casino setup, but it is not hard at all.
Although the swing is much bigger, under same risk/swing, with same
BR, the hourly winning rate of BJ in good game is much higher than poker,
given the speed of the game. You can find that out by running simulation.
But major problem is that we do not get much playing time before got barred.
Casino only welcome losers...

【在 w***w 的大作中提到】
: 有一本书叫“数学乐旅”。(最初在MITBBS连载)
: 专门讲一个留美中国学生长期在赌场算21点。
: 他的算法和lz文中的相同。
: 算牌中每加+1会增加对赌场优势0.5%.最好的时候能有3%的优势。
: 但是他对剩下牌的张数估计不够准,这个对他的成绩有很大负面影响。
: 最后结局是大输。
: 他的结论是以前赌场用4副牌,算牌也许是可行的。但是现在赌场改为6-8副,(他即使
: 没有那个弱点也)无法打败赌场。

发帖数: 1989
not very sure how much edge someone can gain this way. Say casino is using
100 decks and re-shuffle in middle(50 decks left), that case, the count(say
goes up to 10 or 15) essentially is imaginary drift(no guarantee mean
reversal in near term). That says, when the deck count goes up, the poss.
you gain edge even with high count is marginal.
Casino is using 6/8 decks and re-shuffle in middle, I beieve, it is
enough. They are not silly not to hire an math guy to study this.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: yeah. I read that when it was originally posted on MITBBS on prose board.
: it is quite fictional, IMO. I think his major problem was risk/br
: management, which is one of the biggest thing in BJ. In one of the bible of
: BJ-BJ attack, there is lots of discussion about that.
: 6deck, even 8 deck is highly beatable given good penetration/rules.
: Counting 6/8deck takes sometime(20-100 hours most of time)to practice in
: real casino setup, but it is not hard at all.
: Although the swing is much bigger, under same risk/swing, with same
: BR, the hourly winning rate of BJ in good game is much higher than poker,
: given the speed of the game. You can find that out by running simulation.

发帖数: 9164
penetration(how many decks they deal before shuffle) is the most important
factor when you decide if a game is beatable or what edge you can get. A lot
of Vegas casino still deals 5/6decks now days. Most casino shuffle at 1-2
decks left.


【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: not very sure how much edge someone can gain this way. Say casino is using
: 100 decks and re-shuffle in middle(50 decks left), that case, the count(say
: goes up to 10 or 15) essentially is imaginary drift(no guarantee mean
: reversal in near term). That says, when the deck count goes up, the poss.
: you gain edge even with high count is marginal.
: Casino is using 6/8 decks and re-shuffle in middle, I beieve, it is
: enough. They are not silly not to hire an math guy to study this.
: board.
: of

发帖数: 528
His conclusion is wrong. Also you can still find good double deck games in
Vegas all over the place, the minimum is just higher.
Player said bankroll management is probably the issue. That's probably
right, if you give him the benefit of the doubt.
I don't - the fact that he uses hi-low split as his counting strategy of
choice indicates he's probably a beginner at card counting. Can't say for
sure since I didn't read his book.
hi-low split does a decent enough job with the count itself, but isn't fine-
tuned for deviation plays and also requires a separate tracking for Tens
ratio (for insurance) and Ace-count. Deviation plays from normal strategy
is the bulk of the player-controlled advantage since realistically a big
spread is too obvious.
Most likely he's just like many other people who learned card counting
basics and confuse a few good runs with mastery of card counting. Then luck
evened out and he lost due to both bad bankroll management and his edge was
too small, if it's even positive.
If you master card counting and play ABC you are kicked out in less than 15
minutes. Playing a +EV Blackjack game is a science, being able to actually
win money from the casino is an art.

【在 w***w 的大作中提到】
: 有一本书叫“数学乐旅”。(最初在MITBBS连载)
: 专门讲一个留美中国学生长期在赌场算21点。
: 他的算法和lz文中的相同。
: 算牌中每加+1会增加对赌场优势0.5%.最好的时候能有3%的优势。
: 但是他对剩下牌的张数估计不够准,这个对他的成绩有很大负面影响。
: 最后结局是大输。
: 他的结论是以前赌场用4副牌,算牌也许是可行的。但是现在赌场改为6-8副,(他即使
: 没有那个弱点也)无法打败赌场。

发帖数: 528
This is why there is a difference between "running count" and "true count"
True count = Running Count / # of Decks Remain
So in your example the Running Count may be 15 but because there are 50
counts remaining we're not even at +1 true yet. It takes a lot longer to
wait for a better shoe the more decks are used, but conversely the deck
stays good longer once it gets good.
With all that said though less decks is still better and it's not for ease
of counting - another discussion for another day.


【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: not very sure how much edge someone can gain this way. Say casino is using
: 100 decks and re-shuffle in middle(50 decks left), that case, the count(say
: goes up to 10 or 15) essentially is imaginary drift(no guarantee mean
: reversal in near term). That says, when the deck count goes up, the poss.
: you gain edge even with high count is marginal.
: Casino is using 6/8 decks and re-shuffle in middle, I beieve, it is
: enough. They are not silly not to hire an math guy to study this.
: board.
: of

发帖数: 528
Oops, didn't realize Player already pointed out all this, hehe.
Yeah heat sucks. And if you can avoid heat, eventually long term results
still catch up. I put up so much smoke screens at the Venetian and lasted ~
5 years there, and got a letter last year that said to the effect of "Sir,
you are either a winning card counter or the luckiest person alive, either
way we no longer welcome your action at our Blackjack tables. Feel free to
play any game other than Blackjack" 555.... Venetian was my preferred
vacation spot too. Free comps through blackjack and control win rate so
nothing outrageous happened but eventually it added up... ; (


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: lol. where did you learn hi-lo? it is really easy, but you need to convert
: the running count to true count when use it. true count is running count/
: remaining decks. NO such thing like RC 15 ,hehe.
: usually you get a very small edge in TC 1, depends on rule. Most pro
: advice a max bet on TC 5+. you can run cvdata to find the frequecy/edge etc
: for each true count.
: yesh. heat is big factor for playing BJ. I personally got barred by
: most Vegas casino from playing BJ, but there are things that you can do to
: get longer playing time.

Any Live Game has time limit?bad news, it didn't pass
WVgood, good, now catching up!
loaded 5000 shares of MGMLive 的确是比以前忙多了。
发帖数: 9164
lol." hi-low split" you use poker term for BJ. For 6 deck game , side
count ace is not necessary though. You can run simuation in CVDada to find
out. Actually for 6 deck game, level 3 counting systems pretty much have
same EV/SCORE with hi-low/KO etc. It is stated in Don Schlesinger 's
classical book BJ attack as well. It is typical beginner's mistake to pay a
lot of attention on counting system itself.
For deviation play, usually illustrate 18 is pretty much enough, although
I use more index when I play myself when no heat. But use index like stay
hard 16 vs 7 (TC 9) is not necessary. For these cover play, like always
double down 11 vs Ace, stay on s18 against T etc, does not cost much all.
You can run cvdata to find out as well. BJ is about betting, not about play.
发帖数: 9164
what the hell did you want to play BJ at Venetion though? :) their BJ game
really sucks! 2 deck/8deck pen, mediocre rule. But there is some good table
game in Venetion that you can get higher edge than BJ if you find the right
time. I can only tell you that in person though. :)
In vegas, MGM and station casino have the best BJ game, especially
casino like Bellagio can tolerate some action with very good rule. Their 6
deck game in high limit area is pretty much even money off the top.(S17,
surreder, DAS etc). You can get decent edge by small betting spread.

When I attended Stanford Wong's BJ21 party, I met a guy who played 2
years in Vegas casino, but never use his real name and real face. He used a
lot of wigs etc. He played pink chips and made over half million. He
retired from BJ now though.


【在 T********n 的大作中提到】
: Oops, didn't realize Player already pointed out all this, hehe.
: Yeah heat sucks. And if you can avoid heat, eventually long term results
: still catch up. I put up so much smoke screens at the Venetian and lasted ~
: 5 years there, and got a letter last year that said to the effect of "Sir,
: you are either a winning card counter or the luckiest person alive, either
: way we no longer welcome your action at our Blackjack tables. Feel free to
: play any game other than Blackjack" 555.... Venetian was my preferred
: vacation spot too. Free comps through blackjack and control win rate so
: nothing outrageous happened but eventually it added up... ; (

发帖数: 528
Yeah of course betting is the most important part but since betting is at
its core similar in all systems the ability to fine tune becomes more
important in all else equal system.
I remember reading about KO years after I stopped playing and was impressed
at it's simplicity yet effectiveness but it's not the hi-low described.
I play at Venetian because it's one of the last places I haven't gotten
banned from and I have a good relationship with the Chinese hostesses there
and they always include me for the good drawings / CNY parties. Wanted
somewhere to still be able to play but that's cut too. I like MGM the most
and most MGM properties but unfortunately can't play at any of their
properties even when Aria was desperate for business I got put on notice
after 2nd visit sniff.
Retired from BJ now but my team did hit a lot of places hard when we were
发帖数: 9164
i c. i started my counting with KO, but switchted to hi-low later on since
it is industry standard. not much difference though,both performancewise and
if Venetion only ban you from playing BJ, you may try spanish 21.
Venetion is only major strip casino offering spansih 21. A lot of casino
stuff still do not know that the game is highly beatable. Just need
different play and counting approach. Actually with certain rule(re double ,
or s17), spanish 21 has higher edge than BJ, with bigger swing though. For
each true cout, the edge in BJ goes up by 0.5%, but in spansih 21, it goes
up about 0.65.


【在 T********n 的大作中提到】
: Yeah of course betting is the most important part but since betting is at
: its core similar in all systems the ability to fine tune becomes more
: important in all else equal system.
: I remember reading about KO years after I stopped playing and was impressed
: at it's simplicity yet effectiveness but it's not the hi-low described.
: I play at Venetian because it's one of the last places I haven't gotten
: banned from and I have a good relationship with the Chinese hostesses there
: and they always include me for the good drawings / CNY parties. Wanted
: somewhere to still be able to play but that's cut too. I like MGM the most
: and most MGM properties but unfortunately can't play at any of their

发帖数: 114

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: player, haha, ur soul mate is here!
: ------------------------------
: 中新网5月7日电 据香港中通社报道,赌神也有速成班,台湾美女作家唐宏安在48天内
: ,由不懂扑克牌变成赌神,更因为在三天内狂赢200万元(新台币,下同),名列新加坡
: 赌场的黑名单,但她表示:“我不是出老千,我是真的会算牌!”下一个目标已锁定美
: 国赌城——拉斯韦加斯。
: 现职专栏作家、广播旅游单元主持人的31岁台湾女作家唐宏安日前向媒体透露其“赌徒
: ”生涯,自言喜欢赌博是因为四年前的一套电影《决胜21点》,她自称当年看完该电影
: ,一时兴起在卧室墙上写:“我希望在35岁前成为赌场黑名单。”
: 机会在年初降临,过往因采访认识的职业扑克玩家Dan于年初主动找上她,邀其加入一

1 (共1页)
good, good, now catching up!【牌醉金迷】赌记之Raddison Casino (Aruba)
Live 的确是比以前忙多了。今天没有MPT了?
1/2NL,30个小时$1K?Vegas 哪个poker room好?
which one is more profit for you?6月底去vegas
新人报到player, 帮俺们设计点活动吧
六四大战LV 预报Vegas 之旅结束
Kelly criterion拿到一本ebay 卖3500$ 的书
昨天在vegas MGM打牌Any Live Game has time limit?
话题: bj话题: casino话题: count话题: decks话题: counting