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USANews版 - 一对叙利亚儿童订婚,男童5岁,女童3岁
Given the Obama doctrine, won't we soon be bombing Syria?叙利亚飞机从被轰炸过的机场又起飞了
巴勒斯坦恐怖组织哈马斯头子Khaled Mashaal携家小逃离叙利亚为什么我的眼中总是饱含泪水?MAGA!
Hartford Seminary's Shameful Ties to Syria's Dictator花5000刀去非洲搬砖,是美国文青最潮的装X大法(组图) (转载)
Violence in Syria spills over into LebanonComparing Romney and Obama on Syria
NYT: 木斯林今天在全球各地机场被拦截了Panetta Exposes Rift With Obama Over Arming Syrian Rebels
现在清楚了,Trump就任以来发疯一样EO,就为了300万Michael Moore:欢迎叙利亚难民来他家住 (转载)
Trump动手了,50战斧攻击叙利亚军事基地ZT (转载)德州政府真有种阿,和巴马政府对着干
话题: khalid话题: he话题: hala话题: said话题: juma
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Dubai: Two Syrians, aged three and five-years-old, could be the youngest
couple in the world to get engaged of their own free will.
The parents of Hala, aged three and her fiancee Khalid, aged five, claim the
children have consented to the match. Their story was highlighted by the
local Syrian website Akes Alser, (meaning Against the Traffic) and has
become the talk of the country with the families of both children being
congratulated by people, both from their home town Homs, 180 kilometres
north of Damascus, and, abroad.
Khalid's father, Juma told Gulf News that his young son is the only child
from his marriage which lasted more than 25 years.
"My wife and I got Khalid after 20 years of marriage, in a complicated
pregnancy. I vowed to have my child engaged at the age of five if he was a
boy and to marry him to a women of his choice at the age of 15," he said.
"Days passed before Khalid fell in love with a three-year-old girl he met
during a family trip to the sea town of Lattakia."
He added that the union is likely to interrupt their schooling. "I will bear
the education expenses of both the children till they graduate," he said.
Khalid had reportedly been missing his young girlfriend after he returned
with his family to Homs. He refused to return to the nursery he was
attending if the little girl did not go with him.
"Khalid told me and his mother that he would like to have stayed with Hala
or bring her home to Homs. The young bride seems very genuine," Juma said.
"We did not know what to do till my wife called Hala's mother and asked her
opinion about the case. She said her daughter had developed similar symptoms
of loneliness and the family would be happy to see them engaged."
"At that moment I remembered the vow I'd made before Khalid's birth, and
decided to buy the couple rings. The family moved back to Lattakia to
celebrate the engagement," he said.
Exchanging rings
Juma said all the arrangements had gone smoothly and that the couple had
exchanged rings like adults.
"We know that Khalid or Hala might change their mind in the future, but what
we do know at this stage is that they are very happy and talk to each other
everyday. Khalid is waiting until he is 15 to marry Hala.
1 (共1页)
德州政府真有种阿,和巴马政府对着干NYT: 木斯林今天在全球各地机场被拦截了
希拉里计划接收8450 potential 恐怖分子进美国Trump和美国右弊疯了,一个接一个的表演落空!
加州明年将接收20000-30000叙利亚难民Trump动手了,50战斧攻击叙利亚军事基地ZT (转载)
Given the Obama doctrine, won't we soon be bombing Syria?叙利亚飞机从被轰炸过的机场又起飞了
巴勒斯坦恐怖组织哈马斯头子Khaled Mashaal携家小逃离叙利亚为什么我的眼中总是饱含泪水?MAGA!
Hartford Seminary's Shameful Ties to Syria's Dictator花5000刀去非洲搬砖,是美国文青最潮的装X大法(组图) (转载)
Violence in Syria spills over into LebanonComparing Romney and Obama on Syria
话题: khalid话题: he话题: hala话题: said话题: juma