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USANews版 - Woodward Book Details Obama’s Leadership Failings
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zz: FYIgood answers
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Following the moneyThe Race Game and Obama's Campaign for 2012
话题: woodward话题: obama话题: he话题: book话题: details
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发帖数: 29846
Chief among them is that he’s uninterested in actually striking up
relationships and working with others. He’s so caught up in his own hype
that he’s convinced he doesn’t have to do the hard work of relating to
other politicians. Bob Woodward’s new book “The Price of Politics,”
details last summers debt ceiling negotiations went off track and how
members of Congress in both parties eventually tired of the President’s
royal flair. ABC notes:
Woodward places particular blame for the failure to reach a deal with
Obama, writing that the seeds of discord were planted early in his
administration. He displayed “two sides” of his personality in early
meetings with congressional leaders, Woodward said.
“There’s this divided-man quality to President Obama always. Initially
he meets with the congressional leaders, he says you know, ‘We’re going
to be accommodating, we’re going to listen, we’re going to talk, we’re
going to compromise,” Woodward said.
“But then they — Republicans ask some questions and challenge him a
little bit and he says, ‘Look I won. I’m in charge here,’ ” Woodward
continued. “And the Republicans feel totally isolated and ostracized. And
this was the beginning of a war.”
In a review of the book in The Washington Post, Jeff Shesol sums up some of
the details from the book
…Woodward reserves his most damning indictment for Obama, whom he sees
as well meaning but often stumbling, and cocky and remote — a cold fish
with a high hand who needlessly alienates potential “friends.” Woodward
recounts that in early 2009, after every last House Republican voted against
the administration’s stimulus package, Cantor told Emanuel that “you
really could have gotten some of our support”— if it weren’t for the
president’s “arrogance.”Woodward seems to take this claim at face value,
along with similarly self-serving statements by Rep. Paul Ryan and others.
They inform Woodward’s final, blistering judgment. Yes, he acknowledges,
Obama inherited a “faltering economy and faced a recalcitrant Republican
opposition. But presidents,” he says, “work their will — or should work
their will — on the important matters of national business.” Ronald Reagan
and Bill Clinton largely did, he concludes. “Obama has not.”
Obama believes in his own hype and doesn’t want to do the dirty work
required to actually work with Congress. He couldn’t do it when Democrats
controlled Congress and he certainly can’t do it with Republicans in
control of the House.
发帖数: 596
这是因为奥总统出淤泥而不染,不想和这些Washington Old Politics混在一起。

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Chief among them is that he’s uninterested in actually striking up
: relationships and working with others. He’s so caught up in his own hype
: that he’s convinced he doesn’t have to do the hard work of relating to
: other politicians. Bob Woodward’s new book “The Price of Politics,”
: details last summers debt ceiling negotiations went off track and how
: members of Congress in both parties eventually tired of the President’s
: royal flair. ABC notes:
: Woodward places particular blame for the failure to reach a deal with
: Obama, writing that the seeds of discord were planted early in his
: administration. He displayed “two sides” of his personality in early

发帖数: 5610
这是让Donor开心最容易的做法了;还有在纽约和big Donor吃饭时候,只吃了2个小时
,在每张桌子只呆了10分钟,就要去另一个小donor dinner。所以纽约金融界对他比较
piss off。
1 (共1页)
The Race Game and Obama's Campaign for 2012Obama Back to Claiming GOP Holding People ‘Hostage’
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Republicans in House Reject Deal Extending Payroll Tax Cut奥八的花街演讲现捞40万美元
zz: FYIgood answers
Republicans call for pay cuts, give staff big raisesOnline game Revolution: Obama's Coup Fails
话题: woodward话题: obama话题: he话题: book话题: details