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USANews版 - Hacktastic: Lefties Fall for Politico’s Badly Botched ‘Satire’
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话题: ryan话题: romney话题: satire话题: simon话题: politico
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
When poor attempts at humor go hysterically awry. Some goofball at the
Politico churned out a pitiful attempt at humor under the premise Paul Ryan
is distancing himself from the “stench” of the Romney campaign. Oops.
Needless to say, the political press and blogosphere have jumped on the
Times columnist Paul Krugman:
Can I say that even though I’m not exactly a fan of Mitt Romney’s,
this is just bad behavior? You’re supposed to wait until it’s actually
over before you do this kind of thing. Anyway, I like how Ryan is declaring
independence: by using PowerPoint!
Tommy Christopher of press-gossip site Mediaite:
Simon’s anecdote has the recognizable (to the Beltway crowd) ring
of truth that renders it canonical in political circles … Simon’s anecdote
demonstrates that the Romney campaign’s toxic press is in Ryan’s head. In
this electoral game of chicken, Ryan is already unbuckling his seatbelt and
visualizing his roll onto the shoulder.
Joe Gandelman of the Moderate Voice:
Have we ever heard of a winning Presidential ticket in American
politics that had a Vice Presidential candidate have an attitude like this
about his running mate? Talk about a total lack of deference (or respect).
Liberal radio personality Taylor Marsh:
Ryan is trying to save himself so he can live to run another day.
Roger Simon’s piece has spread like wildfire and is causing a gigantic
Steve Benen at MSNBC host Rachel Maddow’s blog:
In applied terms, Simon’s piece went on to note that Ryan no longer
likes the directions “dictated by his Romney handlers.” It’s quite a
presidential campaign, isn’t it?
David Ferguson of the Raw Story:
According to Simon’s anonymous sources, the Romney “brain trust”
of senior campaign officials in Boston have taken to calling Ryan “Gilligan
.” Campaign headquarters apparently feels that the man brought on to the
ticket for his alleged deftness in navigating complicated snarls of budget
and policy numbers is turning out to be an intellectual flyweight.
Clearly, a disaster for the Romney campaign, right? No, it was
apparently a clumsy attempt at satire gone horribly awry.
As Ben Smith of Buzzfeed, a former Politico blogger, tweeted: “So uh a
lot of people seem not to have picked up that @politicoroger’s column was
satire.” Put more succinctly by conservative blogger JammieWearingFool: “
Satire should actually be funny.”
That last guy mentioned … you should always listen to him. As to the other
deep thinkers mentioned, we’ll note ost are the, ahem, leading voices on
the left. And hopelessly dumb. Go check some of the links to see how they
try to weasel out of their bumbling idiocy. Too funny.
1 (共1页)
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话题: ryan话题: romney话题: satire话题: simon话题: politico