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USANews版 - Confirmed: Obama Himself Killed bin Laden
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A year later, questions regarding the Bin Laden raid still remainMark Kelly’s Assault Dog Kills Baby Sea Lion
话题: obama话题: laden话题: himself话题: killed话题: bin
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
This is what the Obama campaign is reduced to. Handing out flyers claiming
it was Obama himself who killed bin Laden. How far he’s come since claiming
that Nobel Peace Prize to now bragging about killing a man.
Even though I have no intention of voting for Obama, I did take the
flyer that was handed to me. I wanted to see what they could possibly say
about the President’s record. Well, here it is:
Years later, they are still going with the “saved or created” nonsense
to defend stimulus. How many jobs were saved? How many jobs were created?
Or should we just assume that if you spend that much money, someone must
have benefited from it?
Anyway, the last bullet point seemed odd for a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
They could have said, “Under his leadership . . .” or “Oversaw . . .”
But no. Barack Obama himself “Killed Osama bin Laden.” Amazing.
Indeed it is considering he was on the back nine when it occurred.
1 (共1页)
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话题: obama话题: laden话题: himself话题: killed话题: bin