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USANews版 - bama当选大大促进了枪支弹药的销售
面对劝退:看看Hillary的支持者怎么说(一)川普前競選總幹事馬納福 遭參院司法委員會發傳票
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话题: hall话题: obama话题: gun话题: sales话题: election
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Gun and ammo sales predicted to skyrocket in wake of Obama’s re-election
OKLAHOMA CITY – The morning after President Barack Obama was re-elected,
business appeared to be pretty normal at the very popular and successful H&H
Shooting Sports, with customers looking at handguns and folks getting
something to eat at H&H’s 4U Cafe.But after talking to H&H owner Miles Hall
(he has operated H&H with his wife Jayne for more than 30 years), that
normal mood will likely change to exceedingly busy as people alarmed by a
second term of Obama look to stock up on firearms and ammunition.But the
straight-talking Hall took the approach that America will weather this storm.
“We will get through this,” Hall said. “We survived Clinton and we sure
as heck will survive Obama.”
As we saw this morning, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted by over
200 points, following word of Obama’s re-election. However, Smith & Wesson
and Ruger both saw their stock prices shoot up, indicating that gun sales
are set to skyrocket due to fears that Obama will seek – along with liberal
members of Congress – to further tighten gun-control regulations.
As Hall explains it, in the months leading up to the 2008 election, H&H
experienced what he calls the “first wave” of gun buyers. These were older
, “panic” buyers who were concerned where a Hillary Clinton – and
ultimately Barack Obama – presidency would do to the 2nd Amendment.
The second wave, appearing in droves at H&H in the months after Obama was
inaugurated, were informed gun buyers and people who stocked up on
ammunition. These were folks in their 40’s and older.
It was the third wave, Hall explained, that really caught his attention.
These buyers, who began showing up at the store in September 2011, were tech
-savvy thirtysomethings who weren’t buying out of a sense of panic but by
being prudent about their safety. Many of these younger people have “liked
” H&H on Facebook (more than 9,000 so far) and are part of the online
community who now see a gun as a “valuable asset.”
Hall handed this reporter a fact sheet noting that the average gun buyer is
in their mid-to-late 30’s and pretty evenly split between men and women.
Additionally, ethnically it is “across the board.” These buyers are also
high school graduates or have some college. They are also married and are “
very focused on learning everything they can” about firearms.
And recently, Hall and his staff saw an uptick in gun and ammo sales soon
after the second presidential debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney
. That was the debate where Obama performed well and addressed a question
about banning assault weapons, as well as getting background checks that
would keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals.
Since then, Hall and his staff have been discussing how they will handle “
what we think is coming,” in terms of sales.
And on the “Shooting Wire” grapevine, rumors are running wild about plans
by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to ban “assault weapons” sometime
during Obama’s second term.
Handing Red Dirt Report a copy of the “Shooting Wire” feature, written by
Jim Shepherd and headlined “Rumors, Acquisitions and Elections,” released
on Nov. 5th, it reads: “(L)ongtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal
staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new ‘
Assault Weapons Ban’ Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through
Congress if President Obama wins re-election.”
It adds that “the items that would lead to a ban would ban pistol grips and
‘high-capacity’ magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of
‘weapons in possession.’”
Hall said the word about this hasn’t “hit the street” yet and when it
does, he expects H&H will see an uptick in sales.
“Yeah, when this Feinstein crap comes out, they’ll come out (and buy guns
and ammo),” Hall said. H&H will handle the surge, while some of the smaller
sellers will sell out with “wall-to-wall” customers.
And while a lot of other states might engage in “panic buying,” Hall said
this state is a little more pragmatic.
“One good thing about Oklahomans is that they don’t overreact. But they
are prudent,” he said.
And one of the problems gun sellers like H&H face is not so much the lack of
produced guns and ammunition, it is the delivery side. It’s slow, he said.
But replacements do eventually show up so they can stock back up.
Right now, Hall said, he and his staff just don’t know how things will play
out over the next few months. Here in Oklahoma, we see a report that says
gun sales have “increased exponentially after the results of last night’s
Just in the past week, Hall has been giving interviews about Oklahoma’s new
Open Carry law. And now, with the re-election of a president who is hostile
towards the 2nd Amendment, in all likelihood, gun and ammo sales will once
again go through the roof.
“I think everyone is trying to get their arms around what we need to do,”
Hall said, adding, “The evidence is that we’ll be incredibly busy.”
For more information go to www.hhshootingsports.com.
发帖数: 12623
stimulating the economy
发帖数: 2324
As a matter of fact, I just bought a springfield in the weekend, in order to
protect myself after the election.


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Gun and ammo sales predicted to skyrocket in wake of Obama’s re-election
: OKLAHOMA CITY – The morning after President Barack Obama was re-elected,
: business appeared to be pretty normal at the very popular and successful H&H
: Shooting Sports, with customers looking at handguns and folks getting
: something to eat at H&H’s 4U Cafe.But after talking to H&H owner Miles Hall
: (he has operated H&H with his wife Jayne for more than 30 years), that
: normal mood will likely change to exceedingly busy as people alarmed by a
: second term of Obama look to stock up on firearms and ammunition.But the
: straight-talking Hall took the approach that America will weather this storm.
: “We will get through this,” Hall said. “We survived Clinton and we sure

1 (共1页)
主党大金主发话了,一定要弹劾trumpNRA: Membership Has Grown by 250,000 in One Month
参院司委会调查通俄 2党合作气氛渐消Senate to Vote on National Internet Sales Tax Tomorrow
人心散了,队伍不好带了两党正激烈博弈Sessions为AG,Ted Cruz正精彩发言
interestingEB-5 移民项目要被砍了?
面对劝退:看看Hillary的支持者怎么说(一)川普前競選總幹事馬納福 遭參院司法委員會發傳票
随便聊一聊Arianna Huffington华裔夫妇9万美元买旧金山一条街 周围都是豪宅
情报委员会民主党领袖Dianne Feinstein:奥巴马政府有人泄露机密情报主党参议员要trump和他们就减难民数量协商
海军陆战队员VS参议员的禁枪之辩(zhuan)这个repeal bill通过了,加州估计又要加税
话题: hall话题: obama话题: gun话题: sales话题: election