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USANews版 - 当初背叛克老太的民主党人纷纷讨饶
奥巴马的预算在众议院被否决,413 : 2,只有两个民主众议员投了赞成票巴马说不打算在初选里面endorse克太
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Wikileaks 爆料啦国务卿和四星上将用私人电邮收高级机密
国防部长Robert Gates的回忆录摘要希拉里挖了个坑,把自己给埋了
准备迎接Hillary 2016的到来From Foxnews:Sanders' and Clinton's charity giving, shame
CNN: Obama Looked ‘Foolish’ Yesterday While Secretary Clinton Met With World Leaders拉里现在撒谎真是连眼都不眨
Stop Hillary 2016 ZT (转载)FBI: Everything on Clinton is 'evidence' or 'potential evidence'
呵呵:所有的功劳都是巴马的 (转载)FBI Director Comey 国会听证会
话题: clinton话题: secretary话题: obama话题: her话题: hollen
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Democrats on Hillary Hit List: Please Don’t Hurt Us, We Love You
by Jammie
Jesus, do these people have any self-respect? Targeted for political death
and they grovel like abused lovers. Just pathetic.
Let’s start with the stooge who replaced her at State:
“Secretary Kerry and former Secretary Clinton share a long friendship,
” Kerry spokesman Alec Gerlach told The Hill in an email. “Secretary
Clinton’s advice and guidance were both generous and insightful as he
transitioned into his role as Secretary of State, and they’ve continued to
partner together, most recently at Georgetown University promoting the
rights of Afghan women, an effort started by Secretary Clinton and supported
by Secretary Kerry.”
How are those Afghan women doing these days, Lurch?
Rep. Rob Andrews (D-N.J.), another traitor in the Clinton campaign’s
world, dismissed the “hit list” story as an attempt to undermine a future
Clinton 2016 bid. A superdelegate in 2008, Andrews called on Democrats to
unite behind Obama even while remaining nominally in the tank for the former
first lady.
“This sounds to me like another chapter in the campaign to attack
Secretary Clinton in advance of the 2016 campaign,” he told The Hill in a
statement. “I have never had anything but the most positive interactions
with both Secretary Clinton and President Clinton, and I will fully and
enthusiastically support Secretary Clinton if, as I hope, she is a candidate
for President in 2016.”
Translation: I hate your guts but prefer not to visit Fort Marcy Park rolled
up in a carpet.
Likewise, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) said Monday on MSNBC that he
hoped Clinton will run in 2016, and would support her in a bid.
As chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2008,
Van Hollen released a statement congratulating Obama before Clinton had
conceded, but remained neutral through their bitter battle. He expressed
bewilderment on Monday at earning the list’s worst ranking.
“I didn’t get involved in the primary — the Democratic primary that
year. I was focused on supporting all our candidates and trying to make sure
that whoever emerged as the presidential nominee for the Democrats would
support our efforts,” Van Hollen said.
“So if this is true, and again, I have just read the reports, it’s a
mystery to me,” he continued, “and I’d be interested in hearing what the
basis of it is — would be.”
Homina homina. I will do whatever you tell me to. Please back off.
Rep. Lois Capps (D-Calif.), another lawmaker who earned the Clintons’
ire by backing Obama, also rushed to praise her on Monday. Capps had
endorsed Obama at the end of April in 2008, even though Bill Clinton had
eulogized her husband and helped her win his seat in Congress.
“I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for both
Secretary Clinton and President Clinton. Secretary Clinton has been a true
leader both at home and globally. Her work has directly improved countless
lives and her dedication to public service is inspiring,” Capps said in a
statement to The Hill.
She read that hostage note exactly how Hillary wrote it for her.
Can you imagine the things these same people would be saying if a Republican
had been accused of having a hit list? Pitiful stuff.
发帖数: 7463


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Democrats on Hillary Hit List: Please Don’t Hurt Us, We Love You
: by Jammie
: Jesus, do these people have any self-respect? Targeted for political death
: and they grovel like abused lovers. Just pathetic.
: Let’s start with the stooge who replaced her at State:
: “Secretary Kerry and former Secretary Clinton share a long friendship,
: ” Kerry spokesman Alec Gerlach told The Hill in an email. “Secretary
: Clinton’s advice and guidance were both generous and insightful as he
: transitioned into his role as Secretary of State, and they’ve continued to
: partner together, most recently at Georgetown University promoting the

1 (共1页)
FBI Director Comey 国会听证会准备迎接Hillary 2016的到来
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国防部长Robert Gates的回忆录摘要希拉里挖了个坑,把自己给埋了
话题: clinton话题: secretary话题: obama话题: her话题: hollen