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USANews版 - 国防部长:James Mattis
Trump表现的像个傻逼US finalizing arms sales to Israel, Arab nations
是有些沮丧,无良媒体就是要 毁了 trumpIran’s Supreme Leader Praises U.S. ‘Occupy’ Movement
细啦啦不行了,大快人心Obama Rejects 'Best Military Advice' in Fighting ISIS
美国攻打叙利亚只是小规模的空袭新任国防部长 Mad Dog Mattis 威武
如果是木木干的,媒体都气死了,化武这个可不是没证据,别老看CCTV好不 (转载)
Trump fires Comey: McCabe takes over as FBI's acting directorNYT 转向了?
话题: mattis话题: he话题: allies话题: arab话题: us
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8227
Trump twitter
发帖数: 4324
发帖数: 8227
可以看出Trump 的本色

【在 P*O 的大作中提到】
: 国务卿人选一直迟迟不出来,看来罗姆尼有可能哈。
发帖数: 8600
Mattis strongly supports John Kerry on the Middle East peace process,
praising Kerry for being wisely focused like a laser-beam towards a two-
state solution[38]
Mattis praises the friendship of Arab US allies such as Jordan and the
United Arab Emirates.[41] He has criticized Obama and Donald Trump for their
view of seeing allies as 'free-loading', saying: "For a sitting U.S.
president to see our allies as freeloaders is nuts."[42]
发帖数: 21328
Mattis supports a two-state solution model for Israel-Palestinian peace. He
says the current situation in Israel is “unsustainable” and argues that
the settlements harm prospects for peace and are leading to apartheid. In
particular, he believes the lack of a two-state solution is upsetting to the
Arab allies of America, which weakens US esteem amongst its Arab allies.
Mattis strongly supports John Kerry on the Middle East peace process,
praising Kerry for being wisely focused like a laser-beam towards a two-
state solution[38]
Mattis believes that Iran is the principal threat to the stability of the
Middle East, ahead of Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Mattis says: "I consider ISIS
nothing more than an excuse for Iran to continue its mischief. Iran is not
an enemy of ISIS. They have a lot to gain from the turmoil in the region
that ISIS creates." However, although he sees it as a weak agreement, he
believes there is now no way back from the Iran nuclear deal, saying: "We
are just going to have to recognize that we have an imperfect arms control
agreement. Second, that what we achieved is a nuclear pause, not a nuclear
halt".[39] Additionally, he criticizes President Barack Obama for being
naive about Iranian intentions and Congress for being “pretty much absent”
on last year’s nuclear deal.[40]
Mattis praises the friendship of regional US allies such as Jordan and the
United Arab Emirates.[41] He has criticized Obama and Donald Trump for their
view of seeing allies as 'free-loading', saying: "For a sitting U.S.
president to see our allies as freeloaders is nuts."[42] He has cited the
importance of the United Arab Emirates and Jordan as countries that wanted
to help, for example, in filling in the gaps in Afghanistan.[43] He has
criticized current defense strategy as giving “the perception is we’re
pulling back” from US allies.[44] He stresses the need for the US to
bolster its ties with allied intelligence agencies, particularly the
intelligence agencies of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.[45]


【在 t******r 的大作中提到】
: Mattis strongly supports John Kerry on the Middle East peace process,
: praising Kerry for being wisely focused like a laser-beam towards a two-
: state solution[38]
: Mattis praises the friendship of Arab US allies such as Jordan and the
: United Arab Emirates.[41] He has criticized Obama and Donald Trump for their
: view of seeing allies as 'free-loading', saying: "For a sitting U.S.
: president to see our allies as freeloaders is nuts."[42]
: 这个人不是好的选择。

发帖数: 8600


【在 T******g 的大作中提到】
: 转载要转全
: Mattis supports a two-state solution model for Israel-Palestinian peace. He
: says the current situation in Israel is “unsustainable” and argues that
: the settlements harm prospects for peace and are leading to apartheid. In
: particular, he believes the lack of a two-state solution is upsetting to the
: Arab allies of America, which weakens US esteem amongst its Arab allies.
: Mattis strongly supports John Kerry on the Middle East peace process,
: praising Kerry for being wisely focused like a laser-beam towards a two-
: state solution[38]
: Mattis believes that Iran is the principal threat to the stability of the

发帖数: 10416
"It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up there with you. I like
brawling," Mattis said in 2005 at a panel discussion in San Diego,
California. The potential secretary of defense pick was a lieutenant general
at the time and was referring to men in Afghanistan "who slap women around
for five years because they didn't wear a veil."
And, referring to the rules to live by in Iraq, he told a group of soldiers
a 2003 speech, "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill
everybody you meet."
1 (共1页)
NYT 转向了?细啦啦不行了,大快人心
是不是at war都搞不清楚,这个白宫无能的很啊美国攻打叙利亚只是小规模的空袭
John Kerry: Climate Change Causes Islamic Extremism如果是木木干的,媒体都气死了,
埃及都怀疑巴马是不是能对付ISIS了Trump fires Comey: McCabe takes over as FBI's acting director
Trump表现的像个傻逼US finalizing arms sales to Israel, Arab nations
是有些沮丧,无良媒体就是要 毁了 trumpIran’s Supreme Leader Praises U.S. ‘Occupy’ Movement
话题: mattis话题: he话题: allies话题: arab话题: us