

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
USANews版 - 犬噗刚和cnn撕完逼,又和中国撕逼,不承认一个中国
说说朋友圈中的川粉 (转载)厉害:克林顿基金会被俄国黑客黑了
Trump纸牌屋2季,Trump和俄国妓女淋尿的金尿门事件来龙去脉Full text of Bernie Sanders' DNC speech
犬普智商有限做生意是个笨蛋,我做个实打实数字比较粗大事了。DONNA BRAZILE 叛变了
trump宣誓一线艺人坚拒,能否把妓女请来表演黄尿淋叛变了? (转载)
美新版最恶心之人 . jerrycasper新书披露新证据, 希拉里操控FBI
Your staff,donors,surrogates,and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of wwhy are you voting for Hillary
话题: clinton话题: hillary话题: our话题: vote话题: many
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 774
发帖数: 24733
发信人: classicfree (free), 信区: Rainbow
标 题: 国内约炮用什么软件?或者有什么热门网站 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (
Sun Sep 4 20:26:37 2016, 美东)
发信人: classicfree (free), 信区: Rainbow
标 题: 国内约炮用什么软件?或者有什么热门网站 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (
Sun Sep 4 20:26:37 2016, 美东)
要gay porn, 找老大爷啊
发帖数: 9493

【在 c*********e 的大作中提到】
: 昨天在华尔街日报采访中说的。,这条疯狗已经丧心病狂,每天到处挑衅撕逼。
发帖数: 793

【在 c*********e 的大作中提到】
: 昨天在华尔街日报采访中说的。,这条疯狗已经丧心病狂,每天到处挑衅撕逼。
发帖数: 793
Trump on ‘One China’ policy: ‘Everything is under negotiation’
Trump open to removing Russia sanctions

【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】
: 是吗?他的原话是怎样的?有链接吗?
发帖数: 20761
发帖数: 9493
“Everything is under negotiation including One China,” Trump told the Wall
Street Journal when asked about the policy.
发帖数: 2425


【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】
: “Everything is under negotiation including One China,” Trump told the Wall
: Street Journal when asked about the policy.
: 嗯,看来Trump是真想这么玩了。
: 那土共会不会和Trump总统negotiate一个中国政策呢?

发帖数: 9493

【在 W*****t 的大作中提到】
: 我想听听美新川粉对这个的看法。真觉得自己就是美国人了?。。。
: 不过王二娘不反对台独,他说过:“台湾独立,与我无关。”
: Wall

发帖数: 2425

【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】
: 属实。
美新版最恶心之人 . jerrycasper希拉里已经把最后一天都规划好了
Your staff,donors,surrogates,and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of wFull text of Bernie Sanders' DNC speech
发帖数: 9493

【在 W*****t 的大作中提到】
: 川粉说过:台独都是左逼。台独都投希拉里。
: 结果现在奥巴马坚持一个中国,川普反而不承诺坚持一中原则。

发帖数: 2425
前两天有人发帖,“候任国务卿说:中国人不允许登上人造岛礁。” 。。

【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】
: 值得注意的是,满版的川粉床轮在这个问题上继续保持沉默。
: 难道是说,不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中。。。唉。

发帖数: 4911

【在 W*****t 的大作中提到】
: 我想听听美新川粉对这个的看法。真觉得自己就是美国人了?。。。
: 不过王二娘不反对台独,他说过:“台湾独立,与我无关。”
: Wall

发帖数: 2425
美新哪个常驻建制派川粉是公开反川普台独政策的? 我倒看见几个说“一切美国利益
至上”的,还有几个说“不反台独,台独与我无关的” (老王二娘原话)。 川粉骂台
独其实都是在骂那个EVEREVE 而已. 有哪个人骂过川普的台独政策吗?

【在 r*********t 的大作中提到】
: 川粉对这个不是已经说过很多次了么?大部分川粉,反对trump的台湾政策啊。
发帖数: 4911
策的川粉有么? 有,但是不多。大多数都是反他的台湾政策的。开运没少被川粉骂过
别用poll, 真的别用poll),给出市场指标之类的信息,或至少给点链接吧,来证明你们

【在 W*****t 的大作中提到】
: 不是吧,美新建制派川粉的的共识是:左逼是台独。台独都投希拉里。
: 美新哪个常驻建制派川粉是公开反川普台独政策的? 我倒看见几个说“一切美国利益
: 至上”的,还有几个说“不反台独,台独与我无关的” (老王二娘原话)。 川粉骂台
: 独其实都是在骂那个EVEREVE 而已. 有哪个人骂过川普的台独政策吗?
: 在美新有敢公开反对川普政策的,甭管你是再资深的川粉,都会被骂狗血喷头。

发帖数: 2425
是反对川普的台湾政策的”。 要多少?要太多了我也没有。
我刚刚说的每一句论断都能找到有代表性的例子的原文出处。。 你要的话,我找给你

【在 r*********t 的大作中提到】
: 你每一句话,都在绝对化,极端化。你的眼里,难道就这么非黑即白?
: 美新林子大了,什么鸟都有,但是上次一次公开讨论过川普的台湾政策,最后的结论就
: 是大部分川粉反对川普的台湾政策。因此我还被几个其他床粉喷过。支持川普的台湾政
: 策的川粉有么? 有,但是不多。大多数都是反他的台湾政策的。开运没少被川粉骂过
: ,至少我自己说过她好多次。
: 你们反对川普政策的人,自己好好想想,你在提出反对他的帖子里面,大部分都是没干
: 货或用假数据的,光在喊口号。你们这么反川普,活该被挨骂。如果谁给出研究数据(
: 别用poll, 真的别用poll),给出市场指标之类的信息,或至少给点链接吧,来证明你们
: 反川普的立场,那你的反对才值得尊重。当然,有时有人给链接了,然而睁着眼睛说瞎
: 话,英文都没看利索,就来曲解链接原意,这如果发生,挨骂是活该。

发帖数: 4911

【在 W*****t 的大作中提到】
: 好吧,我给你伪币。你帮我找找你们讨论的原文吧。我想看看你说的“美新大部分川粉
: 是反对川普的台湾政策的”。 要多少?要太多了我也没有。
: 我刚刚说的每一句论断都能找到有代表性的例子的原文出处。。 你要的话,我找给你
: ,不收伪币。
: 顺路问一句,你真不觉得美新这些川粉很极端么?

发帖数: 2425

【在 r*********t 的大作中提到】
: 有些川粉是过了,我就批评了老王老几次。他说话过于激进了,但是我认同他的政治观
: 点。我去找找原文。

发帖数: 4911

【在 W*****t 的大作中提到】
: 我反对老王并不是反对他的保守政治观点,我主要是反对他的文风和人品。
: 个人政治观点不同,没什么大不了。全国左右一半一半,大家各有道理,即使不能互相
: 理解,也应该互相尊重。
: 认为全国一半的偏左的人精神都有病,这个恰恰是美新极端川粉的代表性观点。对于所
: 有不支持川普的人进行人身攻击,极尽辱骂之能事,也是一直以来美新极端川粉的做法
: 。

发帖数: 2425

【在 r*********t 的大作中提到】
: 找到了,川粉反对川普台湾政策的证据
: http://weiminghome.mitbbs.com/article_t1/USANews/32694077_0_1.html
: 上面的7楼和5楼(5楼是我自己)
: http://weiminghome.mitbbs.com/article_t1/USANews/32687741_0_1.html
: 上面这个算是川普支持者系统地阐述川普的外交政策,里面提到了他所认为的川普的台
: 湾政策(他认为的川普不会实际支持台独)
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/USANews/32698845.html
: 上面这个显示出川粉大部分是反台独的
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/USANews/32689061.html
: 上面这个显示大部分川粉都支持中美共赢

发帖数: 3813
Why I Can No Longer Support Hillary Clinton
4 days ago
César Vargas Writer, director, advocate, strategist, cultural critic.
Founder of upliftt.com.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them.
Perhaps the saying is true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
Your staff, your donors, your surrogates, and those you surround yourself
with are a reflection of who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any
unacceptable behavior? Silence, indifference, or inaction is as
incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
César Vargas is a writer, director, strategist, and advocate. He founded
UPLIFTT and was named one of 40 under 40: Latinos in American Politics. His
op-eds and quotes can be found on the Huffington Post, Latino Rebels,
Okayafrica, Okayplayer, NBC, Latino Magazine, Fox News, Sky News, NBC, Salon
, The Hill, and the Guardian. Find him on
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
César Vargas is a writer, director, strategist, and advocate. He founded
UPLIFTT and was named one of 40 under 40: Latinos in American Politics. His
op-eds and quotes can be found on the Huffington Post, Latino Rebels,
Okayafrica, Okayplayer, NBC, Latino Magazine, Fox News, Sky News, NBC, Salon
, The Hill, and the Guardian. Find him on
Why I Can No Longer Support Hillary Clinton
4 days ago
César Vargas Writer, director, advocate, strategist, cultural critic.
Founder of upliftt.com.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
César Vargas is a writer, director, strategist, and advocate. He founded
UPLIFTT and was named one of 40 under 40: Latinos in American Politics. His
op-eds and quotes can be found on the Huffington Post, Latino Rebels,
Okayafrica, Okayplayer, NBC, Latino Magazine, Fox News, Sky News, NBC, Salon
, The Hill, and the Guardian. Find him on
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
César Vargas Writer, director, advocate, strategist, cultural critic.
Founder of upliftt.com.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
César Vargas is a writer, director, strategist, and advocate. He founded
UPLIFTT and was named one of 40 under 40: Latinos in American Politics. His
op-eds and quotes can be found on the Huffington Post, Latino Rebels,
Okayafrica, Okayplayer, NBC, Latino Magazine, Fox News, Sky News, NBC, Salon
, The Hill, and the Guardian. Find him on
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for you, for my people, for those that don’t have a
voice. But I refuse to be a pawn, a conduit of their oppression, of their
disenfranchisement, of their brutalization, of their exploitation, of their
lives and deaths. That’s what a Hillary Clinton endorsement means to me.
You may vote for whomever you wish. Or don’t. But please, think of the
repercussions before you cast it and never stop holding elected officials
and their water-bearers accountable for how they’ve treated, treat, and
will continue to treat you and me.
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of
who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior?
Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me.
There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in
those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the
very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales
for Hillary is just
I rebuke with my heart, mind, and soul all the twisted narratives of sexism,
misogyny, racism, and classism lay at our feet. Though some of them are
legitimate, most were used to derail valid grievances from our communities
and completely erase us. Our voices were drowned out by empty accusations,
by a nefarious usage of identity politics recommended by one of our own, no
less. That is a bamboozling of POC and unsuspecting allies. This is why
Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, among many other reasons.
Many of us have been groundlessly accused of being politically illiterate,
of having a conscience, and of being idealistic for expecting fairness. As
if caring about our fellow human beings and we was such a bad thing. Without
our love for others, without empathy, we are nothing but empty vessels,
carcasses without souls, worthy of none of the things we cherish the most.
Fairness is ingrained in our brains. If you don’t really care much for it
then you might just be a psychopath or a made sociopath. There’s no going
around that. Are you one? I hope not.
Bernie Sanders was treated horribly by the DNC, the Clinton crew, and the
Obama administration, and by proxy, many of us were also stung. Without any
apologies. In fact, we received nothing but contempt from the Clinton
campaign and her surrogates. Then they expected us to fall in formation.
Many of us did. I said I would endorse Hillary if she won the primary fair
and square. And I did, but that was before I got a hold of all the highly
unethical things that happened to get her to win.
I’m not telling you not to vote for her. I’m aware of what is at stake.
The Supreme Court and a petulant man-child that might quicken the apocalypse
, I know. I’m telling you that I’m no longer endorsing her. Vote with your
conscience. Vote strategically. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative.
I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have
completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of
morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates
who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around
us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like
they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that
it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the
good Lord takes me.
Yes, I am heartbroken, I am angry, I am defeated, but I will rise and
continue to advocate for y
发帖数: 8600

【在 r*********t 的大作中提到】
: 你每一句话,都在绝对化,极端化。你的眼里,难道就这么非黑即白?
: 美新林子大了,什么鸟都有,但是上次一次公开讨论过川普的台湾政策,最后的结论就
: 是大部分川粉反对川普的台湾政策。因此我还被几个其他床粉喷过。支持川普的台湾政
: 策的川粉有么? 有,但是不多。大多数都是反他的台湾政策的。开运没少被川粉骂过
: ,至少我自己说过她好多次。
: 你们反对川普政策的人,自己好好想想,你在提出反对他的帖子里面,大部分都是没干
: 货或用假数据的,光在喊口号。你们这么反川普,活该被挨骂。如果谁给出研究数据(
: 别用poll, 真的别用poll),给出市场指标之类的信息,或至少给点链接吧,来证明你们
: 反川普的立场,那你的反对才值得尊重。当然,有时有人给链接了,然而睁着眼睛说瞎
: 话,英文都没看利索,就来曲解链接原意,这如果发生,挨骂是活该。

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