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USANews版 - 英文版 “一次又一次,以后还得一次又一次?”
客观讲GFZ在无mass shooting年代还是有点积极作用的民主党的血液里流着种族歧视
合法用枪阻止大规模枪击案没有law and order, 美国会失速下滑。
10% mass shooting发生在gun free zoneUse your voice or lose your guns
school shooting是无耻左派制造假的GFZ的结果加州共和国要求嫖娼合法化
这个yahoo comment说的很好 (转载)The Death of the Liberal(ZT)
一次又一次,以后还得一次又一次?Demo Criminal Vote Fraud
话题: gun话题: school话题: shooting话题: shootings话题: gunner
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2013
Again and again, and more again?
– Technique analysis how to prevent mass school shooting
It’s like a regular procedure. Except for an additional questioning of the
FBI’s accountability, everything happening after Stoneman Douglas High
School shooting follows this procedure: mourning ceremony, finding heroes,
experts explaining how the killer has been bullied, abused and persecuted
such that he is actually a heartbroken victim… and finally, the common
path: advocating gun control.
Protest signs, interviews, marches, debates, lying on the ground
representing victims… The point is the same – gun control! No more waiting!
A little bit difference than usual is that, the majority of attendants are
high school students. And one more focus is that, two loving superstars
donated a million dollars… no, not for praising heroes helping others in
shooting, not for condoling victims’ families, but for high school students
rally for gun control. Of course, they own the money. Nobody else is
qualified to argue how they should spend it. But, something seems really
Oops! Two winners are advocating for taking away guns from others, while
they themselves are all-time well protected by guns at hand. Please do not
tell their bodyguards are supermen needing no gun – such I will doubt
either your age or your IQ.
Never mind. Everyone has his/her own belief and points of view. People are
entitled to fight for that, in law.
The problem is, every time we ask for more gun control, and more gun
restrictions, it still happens. Why? No enough gun control, or simply
because it does not work this way? Criminals are immune to, or even benefit
from gun control?
Here’s one question: will gun control prevent our kids from the risks? Yes
or No?
The answer is Yes…. with the prerequisite: you must take away guns from
EVERYBODY in the U.S., good or bad people.
Can you manage to do that? Can you?
Be reasonable, and be practical, can you?
Thank you, I know your answer is NO.
Now you want stricter gun control, how? And to what extend?
Florida is loose of gun regulation among 50 states. Yet, even in New York or
California, this killer was qualified to buy and own guns. Therefore, the
Florida gun laws are not the reason.
On the other hand, another piece of law, is the reason why the killer could
leisurely leave the school for McDonald’s after the massacre.
Intentionally or misled, our march-for-gun-control kids neglect one
important thing.
When the killer was committing the crime, two brave teachers, Mr. Aaron Feis
and Mr. Chris Hixon, tried to stop the killing with their bare hands, and
took bullets while protecting students.
Need to mention that, Mr. Hixon is a veteran who served for 27 years in US
navy; Mr. Feis is a security guard of the school. A fair reasoning is that,
both teachers own guns and are good at shooting. But why they could only
fight the criminal with their bullet-friendly body, besides brave hearts?
The answer is simple, clear, and obvious.
It’s in a school, a law-defined GUN-FREE ZONE.
Maybe we can say it in a more precise way: goodpeople-gun-free-while-
criminal-shooting zone. After all, it was not a “gun-free” zone while
criminals were shooting, including this time, last time, and many many times
In the year of 1990, Gun-Free School Zone Act was passed. Our
congresspeople decided to protect our most important relatives with a big,
colorful, and eye-catching sign, while protect themselves with dangerous and
evil guns.
One may argue that, despite many shootings happened in schools…. Maybe the
law has protected kids from more shootings???
Let data speak.
Frist analysis is from Stanford University Libraries, based on mass
shootings in the United States since the year 2002.
The data set includes 153 mass shootings from 2002 to 2016, omitting 2009
Fort Hood shooting. Maybe the authors considered it not a gun-free zone
because the guards were allowed to carry gun.
The analysis shows that in 54 out of 153 (35%) incidents the shooters
targeted people randomly. In these incidents, 37 (69%) shooters chose GFZ.
While the rest 17 (31%) is half less than the former, and 5 out 17 (29%)
shootings were stopped by lawful gun carriers. In comparison, only 2 out of
37 (5%) shootings in GFZ were stopped by police.
Here’s another data set, including all shootings with at least 10
casualties since 1949.
In 40 years from 1949 to 1989, 4 out of 6 mass shootings happened in areas
allowing carrying gun. 2 out of 6 happened in areas where few people carried
gun, though not forbidden by law.
Since 1990 when Gun-Free Zone Act began to take effect (28 years), total 18
mass shooting happened. Among which, 13 incidents in gun-free zone, 2 in gun
restrict zone, in total 15 (88%). Only 2 (12%) happened in areas where gun
carry was not prohibited by law.
Now can we draw conclusion?
One may ask a new question now: why I don’t hear any news that guns ever
protected kids?
A fact is: when a gunner is disarmed before a potential mass shooting, the
incident would likely qualify a 20 sec appearance in local TV news. How will
you notice that from plenty of dramas and bombshells?
Here I give an instance how a mass shooting was prevented from the beginning
. I promise 99.99% of people never heard of it.
On 1/31/2013, at Atlanta Price Middle School, a gunner started shooting from
the playground. Instantly, a gun-carrying security found that and quickly
disarmed the gunner. Fortunately, only one boy was injured and a teacher was
slightly scratched. Kids were scared but lucky enough. The school use gun,
not a sign, to protect them.
Can we imagine what would have happened to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High
School if Florida did the same reflection and effort to abolish gun-free
zone Act, following the 2012 tragedy?
The first thing I can think of is that, most likely the two brave teachers,
Mr. Feis and Mr. Hixon, would be explaining in a TV interview how they
stopped the gunner, instead, sadly, RIP.
The second thing I can think of, when the killer Cruz began his plan, he
would must have considered there would be some gun waiting for him in school
… and reconsider…
Sadly, Florida is not Arizona. Good wish is just a wish, and sad truth is
still truth.
Comparing the above mentioned data and truth, why should we talk in vain
about gun control? Why shouldn’t we do something practical such as abolish
or reform GFZ Act to protect our kids? Hope there’s no next time, but if
there is a next time, our kids can be effectively protected.
Stop talking in vain about gun control,
Give our kids effective protections.
2018.02.22 没能起飞的飞天猪
Comments by [email protected]
At the time, there was a gun-carrying security.
But this coward just hid outside, not daring confront the killer.
Armed sheriff's deputy stayed outside Florida school while mass killing took
But that’s reasonable. Even a policeman is not obligated by law to fight
against criminals, why should he risk his life? And if future investigation
waives him from any legal responsibility, it will be clear:
Any teacher who wants to survive in school should carry a gun.
There’s a key point to hire a security, who mostly stays in the main
entrance, a very subtle location.
Normally a gunner would not attack from the entrance, but try to hide gun
and cheat the security. Otherwise his plan will likely fail from the
beginning. Without metal detector a security can hardly find the problem
Once a gunner attack from inside, the entrance actually becomes the safest
place. If the security is not professional, not devoted, his first choice is
… run. And the U.S. law actually releases him from legal obligations.
The school teachers are different.
Some may argue that gun-carry teachers can run, too.
Correct. We want to give them right of self-defense, not obligating them to
protect kids, though the truth has proven that there are brave teachers are
willing to protect their young student.
When a gunner attacks, the chances for teachers and students to run are
equal. Teachers’ chance is students’ chance too. If there are students in
trouble, likely there are teachers in trouble too. He has right and
necessity to defense himself.
Now, it’s time to abolish GFZ Act so that teachers can be trained to carry
gun in school, not simply hiring more securities.
发帖数: 2013
发帖数: 8869
哈哈,还regular procedure.
It is the same old same old, except for the failure of FBI...


【在 m***i 的大作中提到】
: Again and again, and more again?
: – Technique analysis how to prevent mass school shooting
: By, HTO (H2O) @ MITBBS
: It’s like a regular procedure. Except for an additional questioning of the
: FBI’s accountability, everything happening after Stoneman Douglas High
: School shooting follows this procedure: mourning ceremony, finding heroes,
: experts explaining how the killer has been bullied, abused and persecuted
: such that he is actually a heartbroken victim… and finally, the common
: path: advocating gun control.
: Protest signs, interviews, marches, debates, lying on the ground

发帖数: 8869


【在 m***i 的大作中提到】
: Again and again, and more again?
: – Technique analysis how to prevent mass school shooting
: By, HTO (H2O) @ MITBBS
: It’s like a regular procedure. Except for an additional questioning of the
: FBI’s accountability, everything happening after Stoneman Douglas High
: School shooting follows this procedure: mourning ceremony, finding heroes,
: experts explaining how the killer has been bullied, abused and persecuted
: such that he is actually a heartbroken victim… and finally, the common
: path: advocating gun control.
: Protest signs, interviews, marches, debates, lying on the ground

发帖数: 2013

【在 c*******o 的大作中提到】
: 哈哈,还regular procedure.
: 你这个罗罗嗦嗦中式英文,老美看不明白。
: 给你个提示,这样开头:
: It is the same old same old, except for the failure of FBI...
: the

1 (共1页)
Demo Criminal Vote Fraud10% mass shooting发生在gun free zone
作弊是犯罪之友school shooting是无耻左派制造假的GFZ的结果
Public school teacher's salary这个yahoo comment说的很好 (转载)
Aurora Shooting Survivors to Wed Exactly One Year Later一次又一次,以后还得一次又一次?
客观讲GFZ在无mass shooting年代还是有点积极作用的民主党的血液里流着种族歧视
合法用枪阻止大规模枪击案没有law and order, 美国会失速下滑。
话题: gun话题: school话题: shooting话题: shootings话题: gunner