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USANews版 - 怎么肥四,一开放不让带口罩就出这种事?
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 24
Texas Reports Zero COVID Deaths 2 Months After Biden Called its Reopening
Plan as 'Neanderthal Thinking'
Texas blazed its own path and reopened for business, and the Texas Rangers
had a ballpark full of cheering fans for its home opener last month.
On Sunday, just a couple of hours after a major PGA event in Dallas and the
NCAA FCS college football national championship in Frisco, Abbott reported
that the state had no COVID-related deaths the previous 24 hours, and that
the seven-day positivity rate was the lowest it's been since records have
been taken—which was March 2020.
发帖数: 43471


【在 p*******m 的大作中提到】
: Texas Reports Zero COVID Deaths 2 Months After Biden Called its Reopening
: Plan as 'Neanderthal Thinking'
: Texas blazed its own path and reopened for business, and the Texas Rangers
: had a ballpark full of cheering fans for its home opener last month.
: On Sunday, just a couple of hours after a major PGA event in Dallas and the
: NCAA FCS college football national championship in Frisco, Abbott reported
: that the state had no COVID-related deaths the previous 24 hours, and that
: the seven-day positivity rate was the lowest it's been since records have
: been taken—which was March 2020.
: https://www.newsweek.com/texas-reports-zero-deaths-3-months-after-biden-

发帖数: 6095


【在 p*******m 的大作中提到】
: Texas Reports Zero COVID Deaths 2 Months After Biden Called its Reopening
: Plan as 'Neanderthal Thinking'
: Texas blazed its own path and reopened for business, and the Texas Rangers
: had a ballpark full of cheering fans for its home opener last month.
: On Sunday, just a couple of hours after a major PGA event in Dallas and the
: NCAA FCS college football national championship in Frisco, Abbott reported
: that the state had no COVID-related deaths the previous 24 hours, and that
: the seven-day positivity rate was the lowest it's been since records have
: been taken—which was March 2020.
: https://www.newsweek.com/texas-reports-zero-deaths-3-months-after-biden-

1 (共1页)