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Wisdom版 - Re: nomoney /J星 /greenplant 爱看waichi的文章
问前面的那个问题--WAICHI兄再忍一下吧 给WaiChi和Jstar (greenplant著, Para译)
2010-05-25師父開示我的修行手记(修正版) greenplant著
”佛教“真的是一个“教”吗?Re: 恳切请教WAICHI! --回greenplant
To Lanslord, Patience is a virtue我的故事及评论(转载)
Re: 五 WaiChi警醒2011年7月份小结----Life is so slow but sweet!
多谢greenplant, oops, thomas南加原始佛法禪修课程--meditate lecture in Chinese
话题: waichi话题: nomoney话题: greenplant话题: totally话题: so
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 112

-- Self-image (WO3 XIANG4), is the trap that it's so
hard for us to escape. I have to admit that I am also the
one who is more interested in what people say about me when
I posted something. :(
-- There are people, though only a few, who succeeded in
escaping the trap. So there is a proof for way out, but it
will take sometime if we keep on practice and improvement.
The point, what stands out in Waichi, is, even if someone is
a totally beginner in buddhism, even someone is totally
发帖数: 58

Big Hat and J Star: Yes, living and learning is one...It's nice to help other out...In the past two
months my Buddhist practice have taken an very interesting turn since I made a
decision to keep an totally open mind to hear what Waichi can teach me and try
to see if he was right by actual doing. I counted on my intelligence and past
understanding of Dharma as my guide not to let me stray from Dharma (right
view, thought and action.) My Dharma understanding and experience have increased
in leap

【在 b****t 的大作中提到】
: -- Self-image (WO3 XIANG4), is the trap that it's so
: hard for us to escape. I have to admit that I am also the
: one who is more interested in what people say about me when
: I posted something. :(
: -- There are people, though only a few, who succeeded in
: escaping the trap. So there is a proof for way out, but it
: will take sometime if we keep on practice and improvement.
: The point, what stands out in Waichi, is, even if someone is
: a totally beginner in buddhism, even someone is totally

1 (共1页)
印度教如何回应佛教的挑战Re: 五 WaiChi警醒
南加5 Day Silent Meditation Retreat 4/18-请教WAICHI及众网友.
索达吉堪布9月12号的开示多谢greenplant, oops, thomas
英译南传相应部的菩提比丘(Bhikkhu Bodhi)本周日在湾区开示"Parameters of the True Dharma"六根,六尘,六识?
问前面的那个问题--WAICHI兄再忍一下吧 给WaiChi和Jstar (greenplant著, Para译)
2010-05-25師父開示我的修行手记(修正版) greenplant著
”佛教“真的是一个“教”吗?Re: 恳切请教WAICHI! --回greenplant
To Lanslord, Patience is a virtue我的故事及评论(转载)
话题: waichi话题: nomoney话题: greenplant话题: totally话题: so