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Working版 - more update: Big fight with my boss/HR
big fight with my boss and HR! Help!怎样能让老板觉得自己很牛呢?
竟然被上司说我rude,说我态度有问题is it impolite to give christmas cards in person?
老板给了Written Warningcommunicating with boss / indirect boss
都是leader惹的祸10 Things Your Boss Never Wants to Hear
Can this make my boss fired?请问谁 E-File过 H1--->F2 ??????
my boss asked me to put new empolyee in resignation letter?这样可以吗?
话题: hr话题: fight话题: boss话题: do话题: documents
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 25
I already showed them the proof of my previous of surgery's documents.
They said they didn't need that, they would need any documents in the future.
It make me felt like not being trusted.
Plus, I was mad that HR people refused to give me the copy.
I do have the right to request it, right?
We are going to have a follow up meeting tomorrow with my boss and that rude
HR's supervisor. That HR's supervisor told me she would have a written report
of her investigation about the fight between us. Plea
发帖数: 1
simply focus your fight on the HR lady who was not polite to you.
Do not go against your boss. Make sure they understand:
1. The reason for the fight is that you wanted to see the company policy,
and the HR lady refused, in a very impolite manner.
2. You do not have any problem with showing medical documents for
sick days. So this is not what you want to discuss with the head of HR and
your boss. Do not let them change the topic.
Anything else is irrelevant. You asked the HR lady a question,

【在 p****y 的大作中提到】
: I already showed them the proof of my previous of surgery's documents.
: They said they didn't need that, they would need any documents in the future.
: It make me felt like not being trusted.
: Plus, I was mad that HR people refused to give me the copy.
: I do have the right to request it, right?
: We are going to have a follow up meeting tomorrow with my boss and that rude
: HR's supervisor. That HR's supervisor told me she would have a written report
: of her investigation about the fight between us. Plea

1 (共1页)
[合集] 对老板的截然相反的认知Can this make my boss fired?
我今天还碰到一个physco 的如何不和讨厌的同事共处
大周末的,很不爽my boss asked me to put new empolyee in resignation letter?
big fight with my boss and HR! Help!怎样能让老板觉得自己很牛呢?
竟然被上司说我rude,说我态度有问题is it impolite to give christmas cards in person?
老板给了Written Warningcommunicating with boss / indirect boss
都是leader惹的祸10 Things Your Boss Never Wants to Hear
话题: hr话题: fight话题: boss话题: do话题: documents