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XML版 - XML parser
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话题: xml话题: parser话题: use话题: xerces话题: convenient
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 220
Do you guys think MS XML parser which is included inside IE is good/convenient
to use? How about its work compared with Xerces? Thanks. //Thank the two
brothers answering the previous question.
发帖数: 438
of course it's convenient. you can use few lines of javascript/vbscript
to do xml/xsl work.
i never heard of xerces (sorry for my ignorance). so no comment.

【在 i*****t 的大作中提到】
: Do you guys think MS XML parser which is included inside IE is good/convenient
: to use? How about its work compared with Xerces? Thanks. //Thank the two
: brothers answering the previous question.

发帖数: 26
It depends on which level you want to use the parser.
If u use javascript and vbscript based on windows or use Visual Basic, you
can easily use the parser because the system hides the complicated
If u want to use it on c++ level, you need to know COM.
If u are familiar with JAVA, xerces is a handy lib. It's easy to understand
and use.


【在 a*****a 的大作中提到】
: of course it's convenient. you can use few lines of javascript/vbscript
: to do xml/xsl work.
: i never heard of xerces (sorry for my ignorance). so no comment.

发帖数: 198
I am using xerces now. Honestly, it is good in that it has everything and it
is free. It is not that good to me since it is too big, not cute at all (want
to compile, take half an hour). This parser coordinates with xml 1.0
standards. It will create a C++ library so that you can use.
I tried it in Linux.
Personally, I don't think an XML parser should be this complex. Even the XML
standard I don't like it: it is not so convinient for programming.


【在 a*****a 的大作中提到】
: of course it's convenient. you can use few lines of javascript/vbscript
: to do xml/xsl work.
: i never heard of xerces (sorry for my ignorance). so no comment.

1 (共1页)
招 SAS programmer波士顿旅游公司
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招聘驻波士顿专职员工买了google 1.99/ month 100G 的网盘
SMILA part time Sales Person for a Chinese Travel Agency Needed
Job opening for a Sunnyvale network company请教一个Axis-Aligned Rectangles的算法
波士顿旅游公司也问个简历 / 找工作 / 转行的问题
招聘:助理一名RIM Dallas招Software Developer, OS
话题: xml话题: parser话题: use话题: xerces话题: convenient