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_Auto_Fans版 - Bikers: BUY GOOD GEARS
Neutral Gear?!Skid pad 101
打算买摩托了[合集] 友情提醒
最近湾区还有没有 group ride?Top Gear tests the cousin of Pontiac "Cock"
[合集] 2005 9-5 aero wagon youtube movie今天来回一趟休斯顿
DIY月赛: balck 1990 MB560SEL timing chain 更换记(二)贡献个看Top Gear全集的网站
ClarksonTop Gear is back in business.
Good website for Top Gear and Fifth Gear FanFocus RS on Fifth Gear
把remote control贴在脑门上可以增加遥控距离?And Ferrari California on Fifth Gear
话题: gears话题: buy话题: good话题: riding话题: shop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 68
When I attended MSF (highly recommended) the instructor reiterated the
subject line throughout the classroom sessions. Then he brought the students
next door to a gear shop during a break. The shop has good reputation among
locals for they sell only good gears. I was shocked by the price tags. My
natural response this f'ker must be a swindler on the shop's payroll.
Now 5 years later, I couldn't remember anything the guy said, except "BUY
GOOD GEAR. It saves lives." Of course I agreed 100% now. Don't skim on gears
. Buy the best you can afford. Let's be honest we'll go down sooner or later
. The gears will save skins, teeth, bones, egos and most of all lives. The
saying goes "if you have a 10 dollar head, buy a 10 dollar helmet". Get it?
Riding a motorcycle is one of the best experience in life. Riding safely is
the only right way.
Solute fellow rider!
发帖数: 2696


【在 t**l 的大作中提到】
: When I attended MSF (highly recommended) the instructor reiterated the
: subject line throughout the classroom sessions. Then he brought the students
: next door to a gear shop during a break. The shop has good reputation among
: locals for they sell only good gears. I was shocked by the price tags. My
: natural response this f'ker must be a swindler on the shop's payroll.
: Now 5 years later, I couldn't remember anything the guy said, except "BUY
: GOOD GEAR. It saves lives." Of course I agreed 100% now. Don't skim on gears
: . Buy the best you can afford. Let's be honest we'll go down sooner or later
: . The gears will save skins, teeth, bones, egos and most of all lives. The
: saying goes "if you have a 10 dollar head, buy a 10 dollar helmet". Get it?

发帖数: 10103
我这个圣诞节终于完成full gear了。sidi boots + mesh pants。
1 (共1页)
And Ferrari California on Fifth GearDIY月赛: balck 1990 MB560SEL timing chain 更换记(二)
租了个没cruise control的G5Clarkson
[合集] top gear australiaGood website for Top Gear and Fifth Gear Fan
how to you think about that Tesla S把remote control贴在脑门上可以增加遥控距离?
Neutral Gear?!Skid pad 101
打算买摩托了[合集] 友情提醒
最近湾区还有没有 group ride?Top Gear tests the cousin of Pontiac "Cock"
[合集] 2005 9-5 aero wagon youtube movie今天来回一趟休斯顿
话题: gears话题: buy话题: good话题: riding话题: shop