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发帖数: 254
老盖那个是Cantonglish, yayalala,ahahah的,还造过一个bankruption出来。
发帖数: 21627
来自主题: Military版 - 霉国低廉的医疗费用
To everyone just bashing this guy: I just looked up the price for a
pacemaker (and procedure) from a Danish private hospital Source - Click "
Pris" at the bottom to expand.
The price in DKK is 25000 kr (operation) plus 22500 kr (pacemaker). This
comes out to roughly 4500 USD (operation) and 4000 USD (pacemaker).
And please don't try to justify the 1500% increased price by lower prices in
Denmark, as pretty much everything outside of hospitals is way more
expensive in Denma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4825
Published: August 13, 2013
HONG KONG — In May, a deputy mayor of a midsize city in central China flew
down to see me in Shenzhen, where I sit on a government advisory panel for
financing small and medium-sized businesses. He wanted a favor. “Can you
help arrange financing for our sports center?” he asked. It’s going to be
one of the largest in central China.”
Opi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 有好戏看了
Russia sending warships to the Mediterranean
“As China sits back and concentrates on it's economy and trade from the
rest of the world. We've totally lost it, think maybe Ron Paul was right?
Non-intervention instead of the way the media portrayed him as an
isolationist. We're broke! They're closing schools, towns and major cities
going bankrupt, services being cut and a mountain of debt and we're still
looking for another excuse to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4736
是吗? 那你就看谁比谁早了。 芝加哥大学比加州大学晚了25年呢。
The history of the University of Chicago began in 1890 when the school was
established by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller and the American Baptist
Education Society from the remnants of a bankrupt institution of the same
name. William Rainey Harper became the first President of the University of
Chicago in 1891 and its first classes were held in 1892.
The first campus, UC Berkeley, was founded in 1868. Governor Frederick Low
favored the establishment of a state u... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33885
来自主题: Military版 - 大家从此不要去迪斯尼玩了
让迪斯尼go bankrupt
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 大家从此不要去迪斯尼玩了
Disney 比起日本侵华这事不大, 可是得防微杜渐。 Hitler 不多,可是就是0.
00001%把这种SB笑话当真, 这好了伤疤忘了痛光说风凉话的同志就先上天吧。
All the media network needs to pay attention to build Chinese-American
bridges and increase positive coverage of our communities. Passive
acquiescence of hate speech and violence at Asian-Americans is NOT
Disney should be happy to practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for thi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1006
any company buys commercial time in abc will not be able to do bussiness in
china. if tg does that, abc will declare bankrupt in a month.
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 为包子而投票的人是可耻的!
包子就是一个给志同道合的同学一点激励慰劳而已。 要是真包子就好了。
意思就是: 兄弟们团结起来。 咱们现在overreact at hate speech, 以后也会
overreact at hate crime and discrimination. WE do not want to overreact at
war because we believe in fairness justice and win-win.
Media company that laughs at "Killing all Chinese" is in poor taste and it
will be poor as well. Together let's make that laughter the most expensive
laughter in world history.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bank... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter". Disney should be happy pay up for building and
mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable hate
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidenta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge, the Chinese american community and
protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and ameri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
顶。志同道合,请版主置顶! 欢迎参考以下:
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for
building and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from
unacceptable hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted. we'd rather overreact to
a piece of hate speech, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
顶。志同道合,请版主置顶! 欢迎参考以下:
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for
building and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from
unacceptable hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted. we'd rather overreact to
a piece of hate speech, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
说的对。 Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be
expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate it's ok. Disney should be happy
pay up for building and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children
from unacceptable hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 也问问,为啥不找中国政府出面?
This has nothing to do with US government! Tell Chinese government to put
the squeezer on Disney for airing this unfunny joke (BAN Disney if it wants)
, but you will just look stupid to try to make it an international incident.
US is a democracy. Any one is free to talk and laugh. Just be prepared
to pay if you cross the line into hate speech. If you are a big media
company and air this kind of speech, fine. Our job is to make sure it's
going to be expensive when you air that "laughter"... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 示威的主要目的不是给政府看
Nothing to do with the American government. Telling the media companies,
including Disney/ABC and other big companies.
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for
building and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from
unacceptable hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
对。 大家这次得趁热打铁。
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Big hands to everyone for wonderful solidarity this past week. I want to
express my deep gratitude to the local volunteer organizers and local
elected officials who supported us.
But we are far from done. Disney still need to publicly and resoundingly
reject the racist bias and subtle manipulation that precipitated a little
kid's shocking genocidal suggestion. Disney also need to publicly and
openly take responsibility for creating an environment in which this clip
was allowed to be distr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Kemmel said We owe the Chinese 1.3 trillion dollars. 4 genius 6 year old
immediately launched into a discussion of a solution of this problem.
Amazing American kids, their math is VERY GOOD. Then the kid solved the
problem with "killing all chinese", Disney-Kimmel producers thinks it's
Well, Disney think again. It's gonna be boycotted, sued and bankrupted for
laughing at genocide.
Let the kid be. He needs protection from Disney's so called adult
supervision. concentrate on Disney.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
This is NOT a diplomatic situation, thankfully. China-American
relationship is healthy enough for tolerating little kids' silly ideas.
But the Chinese government could sanction Disney and force massive penalties
for corrupting and traumatizing young children (Killing All Chinese
suggestion is NOT suitable for public airing). China has the moral high
ground in this case and good opportunity to communicate to the media
companies: NO more cheap laughs at China and Chinese and Chinese-Americans... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
This is NOT a diplomatic situation, thankfully. China-American
relationship is healthy enough for tolerating little kids' silly ideas.
But the Chinese government could sanction Disney and force massive penalties
for corrupting and traumatizing young children (Killing All Chinese
suggestion is NOT suitable for public airing). China has the moral high
ground in this case and good opportunity to communicate to the media
companies: NO more cheap laughs at China and Chinese and Chinese-Americans... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 780
若有全国性媒体报道,或人权组织帮我们file class action(群体诉讼),ABC和Jimmy
我整理了一些媒体和人权团体的爆料(news tips, story ideas)/联系方式如下,还附
上了我的爆料模板,大家只需copy and paste.
最后,请大家记住 Martin Luther King, Jr. 在 I have a dream 中说的话: We
refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. (我们拒绝相信正义的
银行破产了) 我们要像黑人在1960年代一样为了权利和尊严斗争! 我们是炎黄世胄,
A. 媒体 (除了ABC News)
* CNN News: http://www.cnn.com/feedback/show/?s=newst... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
可以 自愿到周末人多的 DISNEY shop 组织呀?
There are several reason why Kimmel has to apologize and be fired:
1. Kimmel says "we owe China 1.3 trillion dollars"
All the kids immediately knew that "1.3 trillion" is a big number, and
launched into the bloodiest and stupidest solution possible. That is a very
strong sign of pre-paration and rehearsal of some kind.
Kimmel is clearly guilty of race-baiting and inciting racial hatred.
Remember China is a 1/7 holder of US debts, why Kimmel thinks it's funny to
as... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - Who says Americans Kids' Math aren't good
Kemmel said We owe the Chinese 1.3 trillion dollars. 4 genius 6 year old
immediately launched into a discussion of a solution of this problem.
Amazing American kids, their math is VERY GOOD. Then the kid solved the
problem with "killing all chinese", Disney-Kimmel producers thinks it's
Well, Disney think again. It's gonna be boycotted, sued and bankrupted for
laughing at genocide.
Let the kid be. He needs protection from Disney's so called adult
supervision. concentrate on Disney.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
There are several reason why Kimmel has to apologize and be fired:
1. Kimmel says "we owe China 1.3 trillion dollars"
All the kids immediately knew that "1.3 trillion" is a big number, and
launched into the bloodiest and stupidest solution possible. That is a very
strong sign of pre-paration and rehearsal of some kind.
Remember China is a 1/7 holder of US debts, why Kimmel thinks it's funny to
ask the kids about the Chinese, not the Japanese, American and other debtors?
Kimmel is clearly guilt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403

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发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: Military
标 题: Fire Kimmel for Race-Baiting and Child Abuse
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 27 09:58:59 2013, 美东)
There are several reason why Kimmel has to apologize and be fired:
1. Kimmel says "we owe China 1.3 trillion dollars"
All the kids immediately knew that "1.3 trillion" is a big number, and
launched into the bloodiest and stupidest solution possible. That is a very
strong sign of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
This letter lightly and privately apologizes with an empty promise that it
would never broadcast anything that could hurt our feelings. There are
several reasons why Kimmel has to apologize for race-baiting and child
corruption and be fired:
1. Kimmel says "we owe China 1.3 trillion dollars"
All the kids immediately knew that "1.3 trillion" is a big number, and
launched into the bloodiest and stupidest solution possible. That is a very
strong sign of pre-paration and rehearsal of some kin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
That's ancient history (咱们就不翻旧账啦). Disney is a great company for
children. But if it doesn't stop race-baiting the Chinese for cheap laughs,
it will be sued, boycotted, bankrupted.
Great pity.
发帖数: 18403
学心理学的人大概明白, Jimmy Kimmel 问问题的时候已经带有很强的种族暗示: "We
owe the Chinese a lot of money, 1.3 trillion dollars". Kimmel was doing
his favorite trick: race baiting and race scapegoating. In fact the
Chinese only owns a very small portion of US government obligations, but his
question direct all hatred and blame on this one foreign lender.
Disney's decision to release the little kid's unfortunately genocidal answer
with lots of laughter and in the shape of a joke, and continue to blame it
on the little ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 随手做的关于JK的海报~ (转载)
Actually XXXX is not making lots of money. US owes China 1.3 trillion, a
big drop in the bucket for the total debt, and there are plenty of other
We owe them, they owe us. We have a stake in each other's success. Jimmy
Kimmel singled out the Chinese debt as a special problem worthy of special
concern, that's called race scapegoating.
He subtly manipulated the kids by blaming China for US debt problems,
blaming China for government shutdown (the show was supposed to be about
gover... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Jimmy Kimmel is the one who asked the racist question, scapegoating Chinese
debt (1.3 trillion) for 30 trillion US obligations. The show was supposed
to be about government shutdown. He's manipulating the kids to say
something outrageous about China, and he got it. Then he aired it, hoping
to get a good laugh.
It started with his decision to race-scapegoat the Chinese, blame Chinese
for everything (government shutdown, debt, trade, jobs, immigration, tea-
party, no-tea-party, occupy, no-occ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Jimmy Kimmel is the one who asked the racist question, scapegoating Chinese
debt (1.3 trillion) for 30 trillion US obligations. The show was supposed
to be about government shutdown. He's manipulating the kids to say
something outrageous about China, and he got it. Then he aired it, hoping
to get a good laugh.
It started with his decision to race-scapegoat the Chinese, blame Chinese
for everything (government shutdown, debt, trade, jobs, immigration, tea-
party, no-tea-party, occupy, no-occ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9235
Tom 4 hours ago
Spain genocidal plunder of the New World is well known. Some 90 million were
wiped out during a century and half of wars, deliberate spread of deadly
deceases, and wholesale plunder of riches - in lands spreading from today's
southern USA all the way to the tip of Chile. This greatest genocide of
mankind was conducted in the name of, yes, God. The Catholic God. Fully
authorized by the Pope - who signed the order "convert them or terminate
them". An amount of gold... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8227
Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Upon hearing the report on the enlarged
meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea, the service personnel and people throughout the country
broke into angry shouts that a stern judgment of the revolution should be
meted out to the anti-party, counter-revolutionary factional elements.
Against the backdrop of these shouts rocking the country, a special military
tribunal of the DPRK Ministry of State Security was held o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10195
来自主题: Military版 - 一个物理问题
how could you get anything that close or into the sun? How much will it cost
?will it bankrupt anyone trying to do that?
发帖数: 5175
how much money? no money no matter.
博讯 should bankrupt. 5mao will not happy.
发帖数: 929
Companies ruined or almost ruined by India, Inc:
Adaptec - Indian CEO Subramanian Sundaresh fired.
Adaptec公司:印度人CEO Subramanian Sundaresh被解雇了。
【Adaptec 公司是全球顶级的数据存储公司,我查了一下,印度人Sundi
Candera在2004年12月耗尽6000万美元资金后倒闭;然后Sundi Sundaresh出任Adaptec
的CEO,然后到2009年的时候投资人Steel Partners声称在Sundaresh的任期内:公司的
元的资金,但是营收却从2006财年的3.44亿美元猛降至2009财年的1.15亿美元,降... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1735
£34bn wiped off shares listed in Moscow as investors respond to Russia's
intervention in Crimea
Share 416
Russia's financial system punished Vladimir Putin far more swiftly than
western diplomacy on Monday, as the Moscow stock market suffered one of its
biggest one-day falls in recent years and the rouble tumbled sharply in a
first nervous reaction to the Kremlin's gambit in Crimea.
Some £34bn was wiped off the value of companies on the Moscow stock
exchange on Monday and the central bank burned... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1710
Mala airlines will be bankrupt within a year.
look at what happened to Pan-American Airlines
发帖数: 22064
built to bankrupt millions of Americans
A decade in the works, this unique weapon will disrupt nearly every aspect
of normal
American life, with potentially devastating results. Learn what you
absolutely must do now to prepare and protect your family...
发帖数: 5056
Only after coming to China, did I get to know that there is food so much
more tastier than burgers and pizzas;
Only after coming to China, did I get to know that their cops don't carry
guns, not only that, they could get the bejeezus beaten out of them by mobs
from time to time;
Only after coming to China, did I get to know that buses can be available
every 15 minutes, and reach every corner of the city;
Only after coming to China, did I get to know that the metro cars don't have
to smell like p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 374
发帖数: 38600
"Most Senators and Congressmen would sodomize their own mothers if AIPAC
told them to."
发帖数: 38600
"Never Again" once meant "We will be the last people against whom the
atrocity was ever committed." Now it means "We get to commit the very
atrocity that was committed against us because it was committed against us."
发帖数: 2653
来自主题: Military版 - 为何中国失去香港
【 以下文字转载自 HongKong 讨论区 】
发信人: Davo (Dove), 信区: HongKong
标 题: 为何中国失去香港
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 6 01:33:23 2014, 美东)
社論作者一直在問:「我們是怎樣失去中國的」(How we lost China)?
受惠者(beneficiary)的關係也談不上... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30882
China wants to build high−speed railway to US through Siberia and
Bering Strait
译工:discopy 发布日期:2014-06-23 浏览:0
The idea of traveling between the United States and China without flying
might seem ridiculous to virtually everyone, but if Beijing ge... 阅读全帖
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